Tom was not a social person. For as long as he could remember, he just didn't like being around other people. He never got the point of small talk, and he always felt like he was wasting his time. Because of this, he didn't have many friends. But that didn't bother him. He was perfectly content with his own company, and he never regretted not making more effort to socialize. Despite his indifference towards socializing, Tom had a near-obsessive focus on his work. He was a programmer by trade and spent his days hunched over his computer, writing code. Most people would consider this kind of lifestyle sad or limiting, but Tom didn't see it that way. He was content with his isolated lifestyle, and he never gave much thought to what others thought of him. But even his work wasn't enough to keep him from feeling lonely at times. Occasionally, he would try to reach out to others, but it never seemed to work. He just didn't know how to connect with people. Despite his social shortcomings, Tom managed to accomplish something major. He developed a new AI system that could revolutionize the way people live their lives. The invention was a huge success, and Tom became something of a celebrity overnight. People clamored to interview him, to get a glimpse into his life and how he managed to develop such a groundbreaking invention. But Tom remained as indifferent to the attention as he did to socializing. He was pleased by the success of his invention, but he didn't care about fame or the opinions of others. He remained fiercely independent and continued to live his life on his own terms. The world might not understand Tom, but that didn't matter to him. He had accomplished something major, and that was all that mattered.