module OVIRT # NOTE: Injected file will be available in floppy drive inside # the instance. (Be sure you 'modprobe floppy' on Linux) FILEINJECT_PATH = "user-data.txt" class VM < BaseObject attr_reader :description, :status, :memory, :profile, :display, :host, :cluster, :template attr_reader :storage, :cores, :creation_time, :os, :ips, :vnc, :quota attr_accessor :interfaces, :volumes def initialize(client, xml) super(client, xml[:id], xml[:href], (xml/'name').first.text) parse_xml_attributes!(xml) end def running? !(@status =~ /down/i) && !(@status =~ /wait_for_launch/i) end # In oVirt 3.1 a vm can be marked down and not locked while its volumes are locked. # This method indicates if it is safe to launch the vm. def ready? return false unless @status =~ /down/i volumes.each do |volume| return false if volume.status =~ /locked/i end if @client.api_version?("3","1") || @client.api_version?("3","2") true end def interfaces @interfaces ||= @client.vm_interfaces(id) end def quota @quota ||= @client.quota(id) end def volumes @volumes ||= @client.vm_volumes(id) end def self.ticket options={} builder = do action_{ ticket_{ expiry_(options[:expiry] || 120) } } end Nokogiri::XML(builder.to_xml).root.to_s end def self.to_xml(opts={}) builder = do vm{ name_ opts[:name] || "i-#{}" if opts[:template] template_ :id => (opts[:template]) elsif opts[:template_name] template_{ name_(opts[:template_name])} else template_{name_('Blank')} end if opts[:quota] quota_( :id => opts[:quota]) end if opts[:cluster] cluster_( :id => opts[:cluster]) elsif opts[:cluster_name] cluster_{ name_(opts[:cluster_name])} end type_ opts[:hwp_id] || 'Server' if opts[:memory] memory opts[:memory] end if opts[:cores] cpu { topology( :cores => (opts[:cores] || '1'), :sockets => '1' ) } end if(opts[:first_boot_dev] && opts[:first_boot_dev] == 'network') os{ boot(:dev=> opts[:boot_dev1] || 'network') boot(:dev=> opts[:boot_dev2] || 'hd') } else os{ boot(:dev=> opts[:boot_dev2] || 'hd') boot(:dev=> opts[:boot_dev1] || 'network') } end display_{ type_(opts[:display]) } if opts[:display] custom_properties { custom_property({ :name => "floppyinject", :value => "#{opts[:fileinject_path] || OVIRT::FILEINJECT_PATH}:#{opts[:user_data]}", :regexp => "^([^:]+):(.*)$"}) } if(opts[:user_data_method] && opts[:user_data_method] == :custom_property) payloads { payload(:type => 'floppy') { file(:name => "#{opts[:fileinject_path] || OVIRT::FILEINJECT_PATH}") { content(Base64::decode64(opts[:user_data])) } } } if(opts[:user_data_method] && opts[:user_data_method] == :payload) } end Nokogiri::XML(builder.to_xml).root.to_s end private def parse_xml_attributes!(xml) @description = ((xml/'description').first.text rescue '') @status = ((xml/'status').first.text rescue 'unknown') @memory = (xml/'memory').first.text @profile = (xml/'type').first.text @template = Link::new(@client, (xml/'template').first[:id], (xml/'template').first[:href]) @host = Link::new(@client, (xml/'host').first[:id], (xml/'host').first[:href]) rescue nil @cluster = Link::new(@client, (xml/'cluster').first[:id], (xml/'cluster').first[:href]) @display = { :type => (xml/'display/type').first.text, :address => ((xml/'display/address').first.text rescue nil), :port => ((xml/'display/port').first.text rescue nil), :secure_port => ((xml/'display/secure_port').first.text rescue nil), :monitors => (xml/'display/monitors').first.text } @cores = ((xml/'cpu/topology').first[:cores].to_i * (xml/'cpu/topology').first[:sockets].to_i rescue nil) @storage = ((xml/'disks/disk/size').first.text rescue nil) @creation_time = (xml/'creation_time').text @ips = (xml/'guest_info/ips/ip').map { |ip| ip[:address] } @vnc = { :address => ((xml/'display/address').first.text rescue ""), :port => ((xml/'display/port').first.text rescue "5890") } unless @ip @os = { :type => (xml/'os').first[:type], :boot => (xml/'os/boot').collect {|boot| boot[:dev] } } end end end