Camellia Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
CamArithmParamsThis is the parameter structure for the arithmetic computation kernel
CamBasinThe structure defining a basin
CamBitmapFontThe bitmap font structure
CamBlobInfoThe Blob (block of bits) Information Structure. This is the most important result of Labeling + Blob analysis
CamBlobsThe result of any blob analysis. Essentially an array of CamBlobInfo
CamImageThe famous IplImage/CamImage structure, today's standard structure for image processing
CamLabelingResultsData structure containing the result of pixel-based labeling
CamLinearFilterKernelThe parameters structure for linear filtering
CamMeasuresResultsThe structure containing the result of measuring
CamMorphoMathsKernelThis is the parameter structure for the morpho maths kernel
CamPointThe structure used by warping to identify a point in 2D
CamRLEImageThe CamRLEImage structure : the RLE (Run Length Encoded) image structure
CamROIThe IPL Region Of Interest structure
CamRunThe CamRun structure, basic element of a Run-Length Encoding (RLE) of an image
CamSepFilterKernelThe parameters structure for linear filtering
CamTablePixel table (LUT (Look-Up Table) and histogram) structure
CamTableOfBasinsThe table of basins structure. Simply a dynamic size array of CamBasin
CamVolbergFwdParamsThe structure to provide to the Volberg's algorithm : two functions
CamWarpingParamsThe parameters structure used by camWarping()

Generated on Wed Aug 2 14:00:17 2006 for Camellia by  doxygen 1.4.6