command 'parse' do |c| c.syntax = 'brief parse PATH [OPTIONS]' c.description = 'parse the briefcase path' c.option '--output-type TYPE', String, 'Valid options: hash, array; Output as a hash keyed by path, or an array. Defaults to array.' c.option '--config-path FILE', String, 'Path to the config file for the briefcase' c.action do |args, options| options.default(root: Pathname(Brief.pwd), output_type: "array") o = { root: options.root } o[:config_path] = options.config_path if options.config_path briefcase = parsed = if args.empty? do |model| model.as_json(content:true, rendered: true) end else do |a| Dir[briefcase.root.join(a)].map do |f| doc = doc.to_model.as_json(content: true, rendered: true) end end.flatten end if options.output_type == "hash" parsed = parsed.inject({}) do |memo, obj| path = obj[:path] memo[path] = obj memo end end parsed end end