#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/monkey_patches' describe Symbol do after :all do $unique_warnings.delete('symbol_comparison') if $unique_warnings end it 'should have an equal? that is not true for a string with same letters' do symbol = :undef expect(symbol).to_not equal('undef') end it "should have an eql? that is not true for a string with same letters" do symbol = :undef expect(symbol).to_not eql('undef') end it "should have an == that is not true for a string with same letters" do symbol = :undef expect(symbol == 'undef').to_not be(true) end it "should return self from #intern" do symbol = :foo expect(symbol).to equal symbol.intern end end describe OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext do it 'disables SSLv2 via the SSLContext#options bitmask' do expect(subject.options & OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2).to eq(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2) end it 'disables SSLv3 via the SSLContext#options bitmask' do expect(subject.options & OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv3).to eq(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv3) end it 'explicitly disable SSLv2 ciphers using the ! prefix so they cannot be re-added' do cipher_str = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers] if cipher_str expect(cipher_str.split(':')).to include('!SSLv2') end end it 'does not exclude SSLv3 ciphers shared with TLSv1' do cipher_str = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ciphers] if cipher_str expect(cipher_str.split(':')).not_to include('!SSLv3') end end it 'sets parameters on initialization' do described_class.any_instance.expects(:set_params) subject end it 'has no ciphers with version SSLv2 enabled' do ciphers = subject.ciphers.select do |name, version, bits, alg_bits| /SSLv2/.match(version) end expect(ciphers).to be_empty end end describe OpenSSL::X509::Store, :if => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do let(:store) { described_class.new } let(:cert) { OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(my_fixture('x509.pem'))) } let(:samecert) { cert.dup() } def with_root_certs(certs) Puppet::Util::Windows::RootCerts.expects(:instance).returns(certs) end it "adds a root cert to the store" do with_root_certs([cert]) store.set_default_paths end it "doesn't warn when calling set_default_paths multiple times" do with_root_certs([cert]) store.expects(:warn).never store.set_default_paths store.set_default_paths end it "ignores duplicate root certs" do # prove that even though certs have identical contents, their hashes differ expect(cert.hash).to_not eq(samecert.hash) with_root_certs([cert, samecert]) store.expects(:add_cert).with(cert).once store.expects(:add_cert).with(samecert).never store.set_default_paths end # openssl 1.1.1 ignores duplicate certs # https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/c0452248ea1a59a41023a4765ef7d9825e80a62b if OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10101000 it "warns when adding a certificate that already exists" do with_root_certs([cert]) store.add_cert(cert) store.expects(:warn).with('Failed to add /DC=com/DC=microsoft/CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority') store.set_default_paths end else it "doesn't warn when adding a duplicate cert" do with_root_certs([cert]) store.add_cert(cert) store.expects(:warn).never store.set_default_paths end end it "raises when adding an invalid certificate" do with_root_certs(['notacert']) expect { store.set_default_paths }.to raise_error(TypeError) end end describe SecureRandom do it 'generates a properly formatted uuid' do expect(SecureRandom.uuid).to match(/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/i) end end describe 'Enumerable' do it 'expects uniq to work on an Enumerable' do expect(['c', 'c', 'C'].reverse_each.uniq).to eql(['C', 'c']) end end