# plan = Forklift::Plan.new # Or, you can pass configs plan = Forklift::Plan.new ({ # :logger => {:debug => true} }) plan.do! { # do! is a wrapper around common setup methods (pidfile locking, setting up the logger, etc) # you don't need to use do! if you want finer control # cleanup from a previous run plan.step('Cleanup'){ destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] destination.exec("./transformations/cleanup.sql"); end # mySQL -> mySQL plan.step('Mysql Import'){ source = plan.connections[:mysql][:source] destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] source.tables.each do |table| Forklift::Patterns::Mysql.optimistic_pipe(source, table, destination, table) # will attempt to do an incremental pipe, will fall back to a full table copy # by default, incremental updates happen off of the `created_at` column, but you can modify this with "matcher" end } # Elasticsearch -> mySQL plan.step('Elasticsearch Import'){ source = plan.connections[:elasticsearch][:source] destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] table = 'es_import' index = 'aaa' query = { :query => { :match_all => {} } } # pagination will happen automatically destination.truncate!(table) if destination.tables.include? table source.read(index, query) {|data| destination.write(data, table) } } # mySQL -> Elasticsearch plan.step('Elasticsearch Load'){ source = plan.connections[:mysql][:source] destination = plan.connections[:elasticsearch][:source] table = 'users' index = 'users' query = "select * from users" # pagination will happen automatically source.read(query) {|data| destination.write(data, table, true, 'user') } } # ... and you can write your own connections [LINK GOES HERE] # Do some SQL transformations plan.step('Transformations'){ # SQL transformations are done exactly as they are written destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] destination.exec!("./transformations/combined_name.sql") # Do some Ruby transformations # Ruby transformations expect `do!(connection, forklift)` to be defined destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] destination.exec!("./transformations/email_suffix.rb") } # mySQL Dump the destination plan.step('Mysql Dump'){ destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] destination.dump('/tmp/destination.sql.gz') } # email the logs and a summary plan.step('Email'){ destination = plan.connections[:mysql][:destination] email_args = { :to => "YOU@FAKE.com", :from => "Forklift", :subject => "Forklift has moved your database @ #{Time.new}", } email_variables = { :total_users_count => destination.read('select count(1) as "count" from users')[0][:count], :new_users_count => destination.read('select count(1) as "count" from users where date(created_at) = date(NOW())')[0][:count], } email_template = "./template/email.erb" plan.mailer.send_template(email_args, email_template, email_variables, plan.logger.messages) unless ENV['EMAIL'] == 'false' } }