require "digest" require "fileutils" require "json" require "nokogiri" require "httparty" module Jekyll module ShieldsIO # Factory for generating Shields.IO's shield class ShieldFactory # @param [Liquid::Context] context def initialize(context) # @type [Jekyll::Site] @site = context.registers[:site] # @type [String] @source_dir = File.absolute_path context.registers[:site].config["source"], Dir.pwd end # @param [Hash] config def get_shield(config) href = config[:href] alt = config[:alt] cls = config[:class] query = hash_to_query(config, [:href, :alt, :class]) unless File.exist? cache_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir log "Cache directory #{cache_dir} was made for Shields.IO tags." end cache_file = "#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest query}.svg" cache_path = File.join cache_dir, cache_file # Consult the cache first if File.exist? cache_path log "Cache hit for query: #{query} => #{cache_path}" # Good news: Shields.IO outputs SVG, which is just XML, and it makes our job very easy! image_xml = Nokogiri::XML( else log "Cache missed for query: #{query}" # If the cache does not exist, we need to get the file. response = HTTParty.get "{query}" unless response.code == 200 warn " refused our request with Response Code #{response.code}." return nil end img = response.body File.write cache_path, img image_xml = Nokogiri::XML(img) log "Cached shield for #{query} => #{cache_path}" end width = image_xml.root["width"].to_i height = image_xml.root["height"].to_i, height, cache_path, href, alt, cls) end # Queue given Shield for this Jekyll site's static files # # shield - Shield to queue for this Jekyll site's Jekyll::StaticFile. def queue_shield(shield) unless File.exist? shield.path warn "Cached shield image file was not found, maybe we failed to fetch it?" return end if { |f| f.is_a? StaticShieldFile }.select { |s| == shield.basename }.any? log "#{shield.basename} already queued for static files" return end # Polyglot compatibility if @site.respond_to?(:active_lang) log "Detected Polyglot" unless @site.active_lang == @site.default_lang log "Skipping copy because of non-default lang site is being built (active lang = #{@site.active_lang})" return end end @site.static_files <<, @site.source, File.join("_cache", "shields_io"), shield.basename, target_dir(true)) log "Cached shield queued for copying" end def target_dir(for_local = false) if for_local File.join "assets", "img", "shields" end "assets/img/shields" end private def cache_dir File.join(@source_dir, "_cache", "shields_io") end def hash_to_query(config, ignored_symbols) c = config.clone # Keys must be taken out from the clone because Jekyll seems to cache exact same calls to tags? ignored_symbols.each { |s| c.delete(s) } { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join "&" end def log(mes) unless @site.config["verbose"] != true warn mes end end end # Object to represent the Shields.IO shield (plus some extra stuff) class Shield # To be used for img tag. # @return [Integer] attr_reader :width # To be used for img tag. # @return [Integer] attr_reader :height # If not nil, make the shield image a link. # @return [String] attr_reader :href # Alternative string for this shield, should the browser fails to load the image # @return [String] attr_reader :alt # HTML class for this shield image. # @return [String] attr_reader :cls # Path to the cache file. *Not* to be used for HTML - use :basename instead. # @return [String] attr_reader :path # Basename of the shield. # Specifying "assets/img/shields/" + :basename to src attribute should display this shield. # @return [String] attr_reader :basename def initialize(width, height, path, href, alt, cls) @width = width @height = height @path = path @basename = File.basename path @href = href @alt = alt @cls = cls end end # Jekyll representation for the cached shield SVG files. class StaticShieldFile < Jekyll::StaticFile attr_reader :name # Initialize a new CachedShield. # site - The Site. # base - The String path to the . # dir - The String path between and the file. # name - The String filename of the file. # dest - The String destination path override. def initialize(site, base, dir, name, dest) super site, base, dir, name @name = name @dest = dest end def destination(dest) File.join dest, @dest, @name end end class ShieldError < StandardError def initialize(msg = "Failed to fetch the shield.") super end end # Jekyll Liquid Tag for # # Usage: {% shields_io %} class ShieldsIOTag < Liquid::Tag def initialize(tag_name, input, parse_context) super # @type [Hash] @payload = JSON.parse(input.strip, {symbolize_names: true}) end def render(context) fct = context shield = fct.get_shield @payload if shield.nil? raise end fct.queue_shield shield shield_tag = <" else " class=\"#{shield.cls}\"/>" end if !shield.href.nil? <<~HTML #{shield_tag} HTML else shield_tag end end end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag("shields_io", Jekyll::ShieldsIO::ShieldsIOTag)