module Vanity module Adapters class << self # Creates new ActiveRecord connection and returns ActiveRecordAdapter. def active_record_connection(spec) require "active_record" end end # ActiveRecord adapter class ActiveRecordAdapter < AbstractAdapter # Base model, stores connection and defines schema class VanityRecord < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true end # Schema model class VanitySchema < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_schema end # Metric model class VanityMetric < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_metrics has_many :vanity_metric_values def self.retrieve(metric) find_or_create_by_metric_id(metric.to_s) end end # Metric value class VanityMetricValue < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_metric_values attr_accessible :date, :index, :value belongs_to :vanity_metric end # Experiment model class VanityExperiment < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_experiments attr_accessible :completed_at, :outcome has_many :vanity_conversions, :dependent => :destroy # Finds or creates the experiment def self.retrieve(experiment) find_or_create_by_experiment_id(experiment.to_s) end def increment_conversion(alternative, count = 1) record = vanity_conversions.find_or_create_by_alternative(alternative) record.increment!(:conversions, count) end end # Conversion model class VanityConversion < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_conversions belongs_to :vanity_experiment end # Participant model class VanityParticipant < VanityRecord self.table_name = :vanity_participants attr_accessible :converted, :experiment_id, :identity, :seen, :shown # Finds the participant by experiment and identity. If # create is true then it will create the participant # if not found. If a hash is passed then this will be # passed to create if creating, or will be used to # update the found participant. def self.retrieve(experiment, identity, create = true, update_with = nil) if record = VanityParticipant.first(:conditions=>{ :experiment_id=>experiment.to_s, :identity=>identity.to_s }) record.update_attributes(update_with) if update_with elsif create record = VanityParticipant.create({ :experiment_id=>experiment.to_s, :identity=>identity }.merge(update_with || {})) end record end end def initialize(options) @options = options.inject({}) { |h,kv| h[kv.first.to_s] = kv.last ; h } if @options["active_record_adapter"] && (@options["active_record_adapter"] != "default") @options["adapter"] = @options["active_record_adapter"] VanityRecord.establish_connection(@options) end end def active? VanityRecord.connected? end def disconnect! VanityRecord.connection.disconnect! if active? end def reconnect! VanityRecord.connection.reconnect! end def flushdb [VanityExperiment, VanityMetric, VanityParticipant, VanityMetricValue, VanityConversion].each do |klass| klass.delete_all end end def get_metric_last_update_at(metric) record = VanityMetric.find_by_metric_id(metric.to_s) record && record.updated_at end def metric_track(metric, timestamp, identity, values) record = VanityMetric.retrieve(metric) values.each_with_index do |value, index| record.vanity_metric_values.create(:date => timestamp.to_date.to_s, :index => index, :value => value) end record.updated_at = end def metric_values(metric, from, to) connection = VanityMetric.connection record = VanityMetric.retrieve(metric) dates = ( conditions = [connection.quote_column_name('date') + ' IN (?)', dates] order = "#{connection.quote_column_name('date')}" select = "sum(#{connection.quote_column_name('value')}) AS value, #{connection.quote_column_name('date')}" group_by = "#{connection.quote_column_name('date')}" values = record.vanity_metric_values.all( :select => select, :conditions => conditions, :order => order, :group => group_by ) do |date| value = values.detect{|v| == date } [(value && value.value) || 0] end end def destroy_metric(metric) record = VanityMetric.find_by_metric_id(metric.to_s) record && record.destroy end # Store when experiment was created (do not write over existing value). def set_experiment_created_at(experiment, time) record = VanityExperiment.find_by_experiment_id(experiment.to_s) || => experiment.to_s) record.created_at ||= time end # Return when experiment was created. def get_experiment_created_at(experiment) record = VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment) record && record.created_at end def set_experiment_completed_at(experiment, time) VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).update_attribute(:completed_at, time) end def get_experiment_completed_at(experiment) VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).completed_at end # Returns true if experiment completed. def is_experiment_completed?(experiment) !!VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).completed_at end # Returns counts for given A/B experiment and alternative (by index). # Returns hash with values for the keys :participants, :converted and # :conversions. def ab_counts(experiment, alternative) record = VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment) participants = VanityParticipant.count(:conditions => {:experiment_id => experiment.to_s, :seen => alternative}) converted = VanityParticipant.count(:conditions => {:experiment_id => experiment.to_s, :converted => alternative}) conversions = record.vanity_conversions.sum(:conversions, :conditions => {:alternative => alternative}) { :participants => participants, :converted => converted, :conversions => conversions } end # Pick particular alternative (by index) to show to this particular # participant (by identity). def ab_show(experiment, identity, alternative) VanityParticipant.retrieve(experiment, identity, true, :shown => alternative) end # Indicates which alternative to show to this participant. See #ab_show. def ab_showing(experiment, identity) participant = VanityParticipant.retrieve(experiment, identity, false) participant && participant.shown end # Cancels previously set association between identity and alternative. See # #ab_show. def ab_not_showing(experiment, identity) VanityParticipant.retrieve(experiment, identity, true, :shown => nil) end # Records a participant in this experiment for the given alternative. def ab_add_participant(experiment, alternative, identity) VanityParticipant.retrieve(experiment, identity, true, :seen => alternative) end # Records a conversion in this experiment for the given alternative. # Associates a value with the conversion (default to 1). If implicit is # true, add particpant if not already recorded for this experiment. If # implicit is false (default), only add conversion is participant # previously recorded as participating in this experiment. def ab_add_conversion(experiment, alternative, identity, count = 1, implicit = false) VanityParticipant.retrieve(experiment, identity, implicit, :converted => alternative) VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).increment_conversion(alternative, count) end # Returns the outcome of this experiment (if set), the index of a # particular alternative. def ab_get_outcome(experiment) VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).outcome end # Sets the outcome of this experiment to a particular alternative. def ab_set_outcome(experiment, alternative = 0) VanityExperiment.retrieve(experiment).update_attribute(:outcome, alternative) end # Deletes all information about this experiment. def destroy_experiment(experiment) VanityParticipant.delete_all(:experiment_id => experiment.to_s) record = VanityExperiment.find_by_experiment_id(experiment.to_s) record && record.destroy end def to_s @options.to_s end end end end