module Bugsnag class MiddlewareStack def initialize @middlewares = [] end def use(new_middleware) @middlewares << new_middleware end def delete(middleware) @middlewares.delete(middleware) end def insert_after(after, new_middleware) index = @middlewares.rindex(after) if index.nil? @middlewares << new_middleware else @middlewares.insert index + 1, new_middleware end end def insert_before(before, new_middleware) index = @middlewares.index(before) || @middlewares.length @middlewares.insert index, new_middleware end # This allows people to proxy methods to the array if they want to do more complex stuff def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @middlewares.send(method, *args, &block) end # Runs the middleware stack and calls def run(notification) # The final lambda is the termination of the middleware stack. It calls deliver on the notification lambda_has_run = false notify_lambda = lambda do |notification| lambda_has_run = true yield end begin # We reverse them, so we can call "call" on the first middleware middleware_procs.reverse.inject(notify_lambda) { |n,e| e[n] }.call(notification) rescue StandardError => e # KLUDGE: Since we don't re-raise middleware exceptions, this breaks rspec raise if e.class.to_s == "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError" # We dont notify, as we dont want to loop forever in the case of really broken middleware, we will # still send this notify Bugsnag.warn "Bugsnag middleware error: #{e}" Bugsnag.log "Middleware error stacktrace: #{e.backtrace.inspect}" end # Ensure that the deliver has been performed, and no middleware has botched it unless lambda_has_run end private # Generates a list of middleware procs that are ready to be run # Pass each one a reference to the next in the queue def middleware_procs{|middleware| proc { |next_middleware| } } end end end