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One of the goals of this plugin was to allow the programmer to define the contents of the cell on their own, just like one does when rendering a collection via a simple table (and this is what differentiates WiceGrid from various scaffolding solutions), but automate implementation of filters, ordering, paginations, CSV export, and so on. Ruby blocks provide an elegant means for this. WiceGrid builds the call to the ActiveRecord layer for you and creates a table view with the results of the call including: * Pagination * Sortable columns * Filtering by multiple columns * Export to CSV * Saved queries Filters are added automatically according to the type of the underlying DB column. Filtering by more than one column at the same time is possible. More than one such grid can appear on a page, and manipulations with one grid do not have any impact on others. WiceGrid does not take a collection as an input, it works directly with ActiveRecord. WiceGrid does not use XHR calls to reload itself, instead simple GET requests are used for this, nevertheless, all other page parameters are respected and preserved. WiceGrid works well with Turbolinks. WiceGrid views do not contain forms so you can include it in your own forms. WiceGrid is known to work with MySQL, Postgres, and Oracle. Continue reading for more information or check out our [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/leikind/wice_grid/blob/rails7/CHANGELOG.md) to find out whats been going on. ## Requirements and Rails versions ``` # Rails 7 with importmap, HotWire, and dartsass-rails gem 'wice_grid', '~> 7.1' # Rails 5, 6, and 7.0 without importmap (see below) gem 'wice_grid', '~> 6.1' # Rails 4 gem 'wice_grid', '3.6.2' ``` WiceGrid relies on jQuery and coffeescript and the dependencies are added to the gem specification. If you need a JS Datepicker, WiceGrid supports jQuery Datepicker or Bootstrap Datepicker, so you might need one of those. See the section "Installation" for details on how to use datepickers. ## Installation Here is described the case when the gems `importmap` and `dartsass-rails` are in use. For the case of `sass-rails` and other JavaScript approach see the branch [rails6](https://github.com/leikind/wice_grid/tree/rails6). Add the following lines to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem "wice_grid" gem 'font-awesome-sass', github: 'dima4p/font-awesome-sass' ``` The current version of the gem `font-awesome-sass` has a [bug](https://github.com/FortAwesome/font-awesome-sass/issues/222). As soon as it is fixed, you can use the standard version. If the application uses Date and DateTime filters, you have to use jQuery Datepicker from the gem `jquery-ui-rails`. ```ruby gem 'jquery-ui-rails', github: 'dima4p/jquery-ui-rails' ``` The regular version of the gem also have an [incompatibility](https://github.com/jquery-ui-rails/jquery-ui-rails/pull/153) with `dartsass-rails` that is fixed in the custom version. I hope it will be fixed too. Alternatively you can also use Bootstrap Datepicker. ```ruby gem 'bootstrap' ``` Note: `font-awesome-sass` is not a dependency of WiceGrid in case you decide to style WiceGrid icons differently. But if you use it it must be the version that is compatible with `dartsass-rails`. As well as the gem `jquery-ui-rails`. Then run `bundle install`. Run the generator: ``` rails g wice_grid:install ``` This adds the following file: * `config/initializers/wice_grid_config.rb` You have to edit it if required in order to define which kind of the Datepicker to use changing the value for `DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATE` and `DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATETIME`. In the file `config/importmap.rb` add the following lines: ```ruby pin "jquery", to: "jquery3.min.js", preload: true pin "wice_grid", to: "wice_grid.js", preload: true pin "jquery-ui", to: "jquery-ui.js", preload: true ``` You do not need the last line if you do not use jQuery Datepicker. If you are going to use `bootstrap` add also the lines: ```ruby pin "bootstrap", to: "bootstrap.min.js", preload: true pin "@popperjs/core", to: "popper.js", preload: true ``` In the file `app/assets/config/manifest.js` add the following lines: ``` //= link wice_grid.js //= link jquery3.min.js //= link jquery-ui.js //= link bootstrap.min.js //= link popper.js ``` The last two lines are required if you use `bootstrap`. And the middle is not needed if you do not use jQuery Datepicker. If the application uses Date and DateTime filters, you have to use one of jQuery Datepicker, Bootstrap Datepicker or the standard Rails date helper. Here is an example of `app/javascript/application.js` if jQuery Datepicker is used: ```javascript import "jquery" // this import first import "jquery-ui" import "wice_grid" ``` Here is `app/javascript/application.js` if Bootstrap Datepicker is used: ```javascript import "jquery" // this import first import "bootstrap" import "wice_grid" ``` Require WiceGrid and Font Awesome CSS in your `app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss`: ```scss @import "wice_grid"; @import "font-awesome"; @import "bootstrap"; ``` This will provide very basic styles, not specifying exactly how the table should look like. WiceGrid uses icons from Font Awesome. Should you decide to write you own styles for WiceGrid, you can just remove these imports and write your own styles. If the application does not use Bootstrap you do not need the last line. But the markup generated by WiceGrid will have correct classes and will fit nicely if you include Bootstrap. ## Basics The simplest example of a WiceGrid for one simple DB table is the following: Controller: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task) ``` It is also possible to use an `ActiveRecord::Relation` instance as the first argument: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task.where(active: true)) ``` View: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid) do |g| g.column do |task| task.id end g.column do |task| task.title end g.column do |task| task.description end g.column do |task| task.archived? ? 'Yes' : 'No' end g.column do |task| link_to('Edit', edit_task_path(task)) end end -%> ``` Code `g.column do |task| ... end` defines everything related to a column in the resulting view table including column names, sorting, filtering, the content of the column cells, etc. The return value of the block is the table cell content. Column names are defined with parameter `:name`: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid) do |g| g.column name: 'ID' do |task| task.id end g.column name: 'Title' do |task| task.title end g.column name: 'Description' do |task| task.description end g.column name: 'Archived' do |task| task.archived? ? 'Yes' : 'No' end g.column do |task| link_to('Edit', edit_task_path(task)) end end -%> ``` To add filtering and ordering, declare to which column in the underlying database table(s) the view column corresponds using parameter `:attribute`: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid) do |g| g.column name: 'ID', attribute: 'id' do |task| task.id end g.column name: 'Title', attribute: 'title' do |task| task.title end g.column name: 'Description', attribute: 'description' do |task| task.description end g.column name: 'Archived', attribute: 'archived' do |task| task.archived? ? 'Yes' : 'No' end g.column do |task| link_to('Edit', edit_task_path(task)) end end -%> ``` This will add sorting links and filters for columns `Username` and `Active`. The plugin automatically creates filters according to the type of the database column. In the above example a text field will be created for column Title (title is a string), for column `Archived` a dropdown filter will be created with options 'Yes', 'No', and '--', and for the integer ID two short text fields are added which can contain the numeric range (more than, less than). It is important to remember that `:attribute` is the name of the database column, not a model attribute. Of course, all database columns have corresponding model attributes, but not all model attributes map to columns in the same table with the same name. Read more about available filters in the documentation for the column method. Read the section about custom dropdown filters for more advanced filters. For columns like ```ruby g.column name: 'Title', attribute: 'title' do |task| task.title end ``` where the block contains just a call to the same attribute declared by :attribute, the block can be omitted: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid) do |g| g.column name: 'ID', attribute: 'id' g.column name: 'Title', attribute: 'title' g.column name: 'Description', attribute: 'description' g.column name: 'Archived', attribute: 'archived' do |task| task.archived? ? 'Yes' : 'No' end g.column do |task| link_to('Edit', edit_task_path(task)) end end -%> ``` In this case `name` will be used as the method name to send to the ActiveRecord instance. If only ordering is needed, and no filter, we can turn off filters using `:filter` : ```ruby g.column name: 'ID', attribute: 'id', filter: false ``` If no ordering links are needed, use `ordering: false`: ```ruby g.column name: 'Added', attribute: 'created_at', ordering: false ``` It is important to understand that it is up to the developer to make sure that the value returned by a column block (the content of a cell) corresponds to the underlying database column specified by `:attribute` (and `:assoc` discussed below). ### Rendering filter panel The filter panel can be shown and hidden clicking the icon with binoculars. The way the filter panel is shown after the page is loaded is controlled via parameter `:show_filters` of the `grid` helper. Possible values are: * `:when_filtered` - the filter is shown when the current table is the result of filtering * `:always` - always show the filter * `:no` - never show the filter Example: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid, show_filters: :always) do |g| ...... end -%> ``` Filter related icons (filter icon, reset icon, show/hide icon) are placed in the header of the last column if it doesn't have any filter or a column name, otherwise an additional table column is added. To always place the icons in the additional column, set `Wice::Defaults::REUSE_LAST_COLUMN_FOR_FILTER_ICONS` to `false` in the configuration file. ### Initial ordering Initializing the grid we can also define the column by which the record will be ordered on the first rendering of the grid, when the user has not set their ordering setting by clicking the column label, and the order direction: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, order: 'tasks.title', order_direction: 'desc' ) ``` ### Records per page The number of rows per page is set with `:per_page`: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, per_page: 40) ``` ### Conditions The `initialize_grid` method supports a `:conditions` parameter which is passed on to the underlying ActiveRecord, so it can be in any format processable by ActiveRecord: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, conditions: ["archived = false and estimated_time > ?", 100] ) @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, include: :project, conditions: {archived: false, project: {active: true}} ) ``` A good example is substituting a common pattern like ```ruby @user_groups = @portal_application.user_groups ``` with WiceGrid code: ```ruby @user_groups_grid = initialize_grid( UserGroup, conditions: ['portal_application_id = ?', @portal_application] ) ``` Alternatively, instead of a Class object as the first parameter, you can use ActiveRecord::Relation: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid( Task.where(archived: false, projects: {active: true}).joins(:project) ) ``` Please note that though all queries inside of WiceGrid are run without the default scope, if you use an ActiveRecord::Relation instance to initialize grid, it will already include the default scope. Thus you might consider using `unscoped`: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid( Task.unscoped.where(archived: false, projects: {active: true}).joins(:project) ) ``` ### Queries with join tables To join other tables, use `:include`: ```ruby @products_grid = initialize_grid(Product, include: :category, order: 'products.name', per_page: 20 ) ``` The value of `:include` can be an array of association names: ```ruby include: [:category, :users, :status] ``` If you need to join tables to joined tables, use hashes: ```ruby include: [:category, {users: :group}, :status] ``` Note that if we want to order initially by a column from a joined table we have to specify the table and the column name with the sql dot notation, that is, `products.name`. To show columns of joined tables in the view table, specify the corresponding association with `:assoc`: ```erb <%= grid(@products_grid) do |g| g.column name: 'Product Name', attribute: 'name' do |product| # primary table link_to(product.name, product_path(product)) end g.column name: 'Category', attribute: 'name', assoc: :category do |product| # joined table product.category.name end %> ``` Please note that the blockless definition of the column can also be used with joined tables: ``` g.column name: 'Category', attribute: 'name', assoc: :category ``` If an association is mentioned in the column definition, it can be omitted from `:include` in `initialize_grid`. Thus, the above example can be rewritten without `:category` in `:include`: ```ruby @products_grid = initialize_grid(Product, order: 'products.name', per_page: 20 ) ``` ```erb <%= grid(@products_grid) do |g| g.column name: 'Product Name', attribute: 'name' do |product| # primary table link_to(product.name, product_path(product)) end g.column name: 'Category', attribute: 'name', assoc: :category %> ``` ### Joined associations referring to the same table In case there are two joined associations both referring to the same table, ActiveRecord constructs a query where the second join provides an alias for the joined table. To enable WiceGrid to order and filter by columns belonging to different associations but originating from the same table, set `:table_alias` to this alias: Model: ```ruby class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer, class_name: 'Company' belongs_to :supplier, class_name: 'Company' end ``` Controller: ```ruby @projects_grid = initialize_grid(Project) ``` View: ```erb <%= grid(@projects_grid, show_filters: :always) do |g| g.column name: 'Project Name', attribute: 'name' g.column name: 'Customer company', assoc: :customer, attribute: 'name' g.column name: 'Supplier company', assoc: :supplier, attribute: 'name', table_alias: 'suppliers_projects' end -%> ``` ### More than one grid on a page It is possible to use more that one grid on a page, each with its own state. To do so, you must specify the name of the grid in `initialize_grid` using parameter `:name`. The name serves as the base name for HTTP parameters, DOM IDs, etc, so it is important that all grids on a page have different names. The default name is 'grid'. The name can only contain alphanumeric characters. ```ruby @projects_grid = initialize_grid(Project, name: 'g1') @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, name: 'g2') ``` ### Custom Ordering It is possible to change the way results are ordered injecting a chunk of SQL code, for example, use `ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address)` instead of `ORDER BY ip_address`. To do so, provide parameter `:custom_order` in the initialization of the grid with a `Hash` where keys are fully qualified names of database columns, and values are anything that can be passed to ActiveRecord's `order` method (without specifying `ASC` or `DESC`.) #### String Starting in Rails 5.2, you may need to whitelist `String` values with `Arel.sql` to avoid a warning or error. ```ruby @hosts_grid = initialize_grid(Host, custom_order: { 'hosts.ip_address' => Arel.sql('INET_ATON(hosts.ip_address)') }) ``` It is possible to use `?` instead of the name of the column in the `Hash` value: ```ruby @hosts_grid = initialize_grid(Host, custom_order: { 'hosts.ip_address' => Arel.sql('INET_ATON( ? )') }) ``` #### Arel::Attributes::Attribute Assuming you wish to display `hosts.ip_address` but sort by another column named `hosts.ip_address_number`: ```ruby @hosts_grid = initialize_grid(Host, custom_order: { 'hosts.ip_address' => Arel::Table.new(:hosts)[:ip_address_number] }) ``` #### Proc You can use a `Proc` to return a `String` or `Arel::Attributes::Attribute` as above. ```ruby @hosts_grid = initialize_grid(Host, custom_order: { 'hosts.ip_address' => lambda{|f| Arel.sql(request[:numeric_sorting] ? "INET_ATON( #{f} )" : f) } }) ``` ### Custom Sorting While `:custom_order` lets you define SQL that determines the results order, you may want to sort the result by arbritrary Ruby code. The `:sort_by` option on columns lets you define a `Proc` that determines the sorting on that column. This `Proc` is passed to Ruby's `Enumerable#sort_by`. ```ruby grid.column name: 'Status Name', attribute: 'name', sort_by: ->(status) { [status.number_of_vowels, status] } ``` You can also use `:sort_by` to add sorting on values that are not columns in the database. In this case, you must also define an arbitrary `:attribute` option that serves as the request's sort key parameter. ```ruby grid.column name: 'Task Count', attribute: 'task_count', sort_by: ->(status) { status.tasks.count } do |status| status.tasks.count end ``` Note that `sort_by` will load all records into memory to sort them (even the ones not on the current page), so it may not be appropriate for use with a large number of results. ## Filters Each column filter type is supported by a `column processor`. Each `column processor` is responsible for * generating HTML and supporting Javascript for the filter, input fields, dropdowns, javascript calendars, etc * converting HTTP parameters from those input fields into ActiveRelation instances By default column filters depend on the type of the underlying database column. You can override these defaults in two ways: * defining a custom filter with `:custom_filter`. Read more about it section "Custom dropdown filters". * overriding the `column processor` type with `:filter_type`. Which Column Processor is instantiated for which data types is defined in file `lib/wice/columns/column_processor_index.rb`: ```ruby module Wice module Columns COLUMN_PROCESSOR_INDEX = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[ #:nodoc: :action, 'column_action', # Special processor for action column, columns with checkboxes :text, 'column_string', :string, 'column_string', :rails_datetime_helper, 'column_rails_datetime_helper', # standard Rails datepicker helper :rails_date_helper, 'column_rails_date_helper', # standard Rails date helper :jquery_datepicker, 'column_jquery_datepicker', :bootstrap_datepicker, 'column_bootstrap_datepicker', :html5_datepicker, 'column_html5_datepicker', # not ready :integer, 'column_integer', :range, 'column_range', :float, 'column_float', :decimal, 'column_float', :custom, 'column_custom_dropdown', # Special processor for custom filter columns :boolean, 'column_boolean' ] end end ``` A good example for using `:filter_type` to change th default is numeric columns. By default `'column_integer'` is instantiated for `integer` columns, and it renders one input field. But it is also possible to use another Column Processor called `'column_range'` which renders two input fields and searches for values in the given the range instead of searching for values which equal the given search term. It also possible to define and use your own column processors outside of the plugin, in you application. Read more about this in section "Defining your own external filter processors". ### Custom dropdown filters It is possible to construct custom dropdown filters. A custom dropdown filter is essentially a dropdown list. Depending on the value of `column` parameter`:custom_filter` different modes are available: #### Array of two-element arrays or a hash An array of two-element arrays or a hash are semantically identical ways of creating a custom filter. Every first item of the two-element array is used for the label of the select option while the second element is the value of the select option. In case of a hash the keys become the labels of the generated dropdown list, while the values will be values of options of the dropdown list: ```ruby g.column name: 'Status', attribute: 'status', custom_filter: {'Development' => 'development', 'Testing' => 'testing', 'Production' => 'production'} g.column name: 'Status', attribute: 'status', custom_filter: [['Development', 'development'], ['Testing', 'testing'], ['Production', 'production']] ``` It is also possible to submit a array of strings or numbers, in this case every item will be used both as the value of the select option and as its label: ```ruby g.column name: 'Status', attribute: 'status', custom_filter: ['development', 'testing', 'production'] ``` #### :auto `:auto` - a powerful option which populates the dropdown list with all unique values of the column specified by `:attribute` and `:assoc`, if present. ```ruby g.column name: 'Status', attribute: 'status', custom_filter: :auto ``` In the above example all statuses will appear in the dropdown even if they don't appear in the current resultset. #### Custom filters and associations (joined tables) In most cases custom fields are needed for one-to-many and many-to-many associations. To correctly build a filter condition foreign keys have to be used, not the actual values rendered in the column. For example, if there is a column: ```ruby g.column name: 'Project Name', attribute: 'name', assoc: :project do |task| task.project.name if task.project end ``` adding `:custom_filter` like this: ```ruby g.column name: 'Project Name', attribute: 'name', assoc: :project, custom_filter: Project.find(:all).map{|pr| [pr.name, pr.name]} do |task| task.project.name if task.project end ``` is bad style and can fail, because the resulting condition will compare the name of the project, `projects.name` to a string, and in some databases it is possible that different records (projects in our example) have the same name. To use filter with foreign keys, it is advised to change the declaration of the column from `projects.name`, to `tasks.project_id`, and build the dropdown with foreign keys as values: ```ruby g.column name: 'Project Name', attribute: 'tasks.project_id', custom_filter: Project.find(:all).map{|pr| [pr.id, pr.name]} do |task| task.project.name if task.project end ``` However, this will break the ordering of the column - the column will be ordered by the integer foreign key. To fix this, we can override the ordering using `:custom_order`: ```ruby @tasks_grid = initialize_grid(Task, include: :project, custom_order: { 'tasks.project_id' => 'projects.name' } ) ``` #### Any other symbol (method name) or an array of symbols (method names) For one symbol (different from `:auto`) the dropdown list is populated by all unique values returned by the method with this name sent to all ActiveRecord objects throughout all pages. The conditions set up by the user are ignored, that is, the records used are all those found on all pages without any filters active. For an array of symbols, the first method name is sent to the ActiveRecord object if it responds to this method, the second method name is sent to the returned value unless it is `nil`, and so on. In other words, a single symbol mode is the same as an array of symbols where the array contains just one element. ```ruby g.column name: 'Version', attribute: 'expected_version_id', custom_filter: [:expected_version, :to_option] do |task| task.expected_version.name if task.expected_version end ``` There are two important differences from `:auto`: 1. The method does not have to be a field in the result set, it is just some value computed in the method after the database call and ActiveRecord instantiation. 2. Filtering by any option of such a custom filter will bring a non-empty list, unlike with `:auto`. This mode has one major drawback - this mode requires an additional query without `offset` and `limit` clauses to instantiate _all_ ActiveRecord objects, and performance-wise it brings all the advantages of pagination to nothing. Thus, memory- and performance-wise this can be really bad for some queries and tables and should be used with care. If the final method returns a atomic value like a string or an integer, it is used for both the value and the label of the select option element: ```html ``` However, if the retuned value is a two element array, the first element is used for the option label and the second - for the value. Typically, a model method like the following: ```ruby def to_option [name, id] end ``` together with ```ruby custom_filter: :to_option ``` would do the trick: ```html ``` Alternatively, a hash with the single key-value pair can be used, where the key will be used for the label, and the key - for the value: ```ruby def to_option {name => id} end ``` #### Special treatment of values 'null' and 'not null' Values `null` and `not null` in a generated custom filter are treated specially, as SQL `null` statement and not as strings. Value `null` is transformed into SQL condition `IS NULL`, and `not null` into `IS NOT NULL`. Thus, if in a filter defined by ```ruby custom_filter: {'No' => 'null', 'Yes' => 'not null', '1' => 1, '2' => '2', '3' => '3'} ``` values '1', '2' and 'No' are selected (in a multi-select mode), this will result in the following SQL: ```sql ( table.field IN ( '1', '2' ) OR table.field IS NULL ) ``` #### Multiple selection By default it is possible for any dropdown list to switch between single and multiple selection modes. To only allow single selection use `:allow_multiple_selection`: ```ruby g.column name: 'Expected in version', attribute: 'expected_version_id', custom_filter: [:expected_version, :to_option], allow_multiple_selection: false do |task| ... end ``` ### Numeric Filters Before version 3.2.1 the filter used for numeric columns was a range filter with two limits. Beginning with version 3.2.1 the default is a direct comparison filter with one input field. The old range filter can still be loaded using parameter `:filter_type` with value `:range`: ```ruby g.column filter_type: :range do |task| ... end ``` ### Date and DateTime Filters WiceGrid provides four filters for selecting dates and time: * ```:jquery_datepicker``` - Jquery datepicker (works for datetime, too) * ```:bootstrap_datepicker``` - Bootstrap datepicker (works for datetime, too) * ```:rails_date_helper``` - standard Rails date helper * ```:rails_datetime_helper``` - standard Rails datetime helper Specify a date/datetime filter just like you specify any other filter: ``` g.column name: 'Updated', attribute: 'updated_at', filter_type: :rails_datetime_helper do |task| task.updated_at.to_fs(:db) end ``` Default filters are defined in configuration constants Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATE and Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATETIME. #### jQuery UI DatePicker `(HELPER_STYLE = :calendar)` By default WiceGrid uses jQuery UI datepicker[http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/] for Date and DateTime filters. Because this is part of the standard jQuery UI codebase, it is not bundled together with the plugin, and it is the responsibility of the programmer to include all necessary assets including localization files if the application is multilingual. jQuery UI datepicker does not have any time related controls, and when dealing with DateTime filters, the time value is ignored. Constants `DATE_FORMAT` and `DATETIME_FORMAT` in the configuration file define the format of dates the user will see, as well as the format of the string sent in a HTTP parameter. If you change the formats, make sure that lamdbas defined in `DATETIME_PARSER` and `DATE_PARSER` return valid DateTime and Date objects. jQuery `datepicker` uses a different format flavor, therefore there is an additional constant `DATE_FORMAT_JQUERY`. While `DATE_FORMAT_JQUERY` is fed to `datepicker`, `DATE_FORMAT` is still used for presenting initial date values in filters, so make sure that `DATE_FORMAT_JQUERY` and `DATE_FORMAT` result in an identical date representation. Constant `DATEPICKER_YEAR_RANGE` defines the range of years in the Datepicker year dropdown. Alternatively, you can always change this range dynamically with the following javascript: ```js $( ".hasDatepicker" ).datepicker( "option", "yearRange", "2000:2042" ); ``` #### jQuery UI DatePicker `(HELPER_STYLE = :bootstrap)` WiceGrid also supports [Bootstrap Datepicker](https://github.com/Nerian/bootstrap-datepicker-rails). #### Rails standard input fields `(HELPER_STYLE = :standard)` Another option is standard Rails helpers for date fields, these are separate select fields for years, months and days (also for hour and minute if it is a datetime field). ### Detached Filters Filters can also be detached from the grid table and placed anywhere on page. This is a 3-step process. First, define the grid with helper `define_grid` instead of `grid`. Everything should be done the same way as with `grid`, but every column which will have an external filter, add `detach_with_id: :some_filter_name`` in the column definition. The value of `:detach_with_id` is an arbitrary string or a symbol value which will be used later to identify the filter. ```erb <%= define_grid(@tasks_grid, show_filters: :always) do |g| g.column name: 'Title', attribute: 'title', detach_with_id: :title_filter do |task| link_to('Edit', edit_task_path(task.title)) end g.column name: 'Archived', attribute: 'archived', detach_with_id: :archived_filter do |task| task.archived? ? 'Yes' : 'No' end g.column name: 'Added', attribute: 'created_at', detach_with_id: :created_at_filter do |task| task.created_at.to_fs(:short) end end -%> ``` Then, use `grid_filter(grid, :some_filter_name)` to render filters: ```erb <% # rendering filter with key :title_filter %> <%= grid_filter @tasks_grid, :title_filter %> <% # rendering filter with key :archived_filter %> <%= grid_filter @tasks_grid, :archived_filter %> <% # rendering filter with key :created_at_filter %> <%= grid_filter @tasks_grid, :created_at_filter %> <% # Rendering the grid body %> <%= grid(@tasks_grid) %> ``` Finally, use `render_grid(@grid)` to actually output the grid table. Using custom submit and reset buttons together with `hide_submit_button: true` and `hide_reset_button: true` allows to completely get rid of the default filter row and the default icons (see section 'Submit/Reset Buttons'). If a column was declared with `:detach_with_id`, but never output with `grid_filter`, filtering the grid in development mode will result in an warning javascript message and the missing filter will be ignored. There is no such message in production. ### Defining your own external filter processors It possible to define and use your own column processors outside of the plugin, in you application. The first step is to edit `Wice::Defaults::ADDITIONAL_COLUMN_PROCESSORS` in `wice_grid_config.rb`: ```ruby Wice::Defaults::ADDITIONAL_COLUMN_PROCESSORS = { my_own_filter: ['ViewColumnMyOwnFilter', 'ConditionsGeneratorMyOwnFilter'], another_filter: ['ViewColumnAnotherFilter', 'ConditionsGeneratorAnotherFilter'] } ``` The first element in the two-item array is the name of a class responsible for rendering the filter view. The second element is the name of a class responsible for processing filter parameters. For examples of these two classes look at the existing column processors in `lib/wice/columns/` The structure of these two classes is as follows: ```ruby class ViewColumnMyOwnFilter < Wice::Columns::ViewColumn def render_filter_internal(params) ... end def yield_declaration_of_column_filter { templates: [...], ids: [...] } end end class ConditionsGeneratorMyOwnFilter < Wice::Columns::ConditionsGeneratorColumn def generate_conditions(table_name, opts) ... end end ``` To use an external column processor use `:filter_type` in a column definition: ```ruby column name: 'name', attribute: 'attribute', filter_type: :my_own_filter do |rec| ... end ``` ## Defaults Default values like can be changed in `config/initializers/wice_grid_config.rb`. ## Submit/Reset buttons Instead of using default Submit and Reset icons you can use external HTML elements to trigger these actions. Add a button or any other clickable HTML element with class `wg-external-submit-button` or `wg-external-reset-button`, and attribute `data-grid-name` whose value is the name of the grid: ```html ``` To hide the default icons use `hide_submit_button: true` and `hide_reset_button: true` in the `grid` helper. ## Auto-reloading filters It is possible to configure a grid to reload itself once a filter has been changed. It works with all filter types including the JS calendar, the only exception is the standard Rails date/datetime filters. Use option `:auto_reload` in the column definiton: ```erb <%= grid(@tasks_grid, show_filters: :always, hide_submit_button: true) do |g| # String g.column name: 'Title', attribute: 'title', auto_reload: true # Boolean g.column name: 'Archived', attribute: 'archived', auto_reload: true # Custom (dropdown) g.column name: 'Status', attribute: 'status_id', custom_filter: Status.to_dropdown, auto_reload: true do |task| task.status.name if task.status end # Datetime g.column name: 'Added', attribute: 'created_at', auto_reload: true, helper_style: :calendar do |task| task.created_at.to_fs(:short) end end -%> ``` To make this behavior default change constant `AUTO_RELOAD` in the configuration file. ## Styling the grid ### Adding classes and styles The `grid` helper accepts parameter `:html` which is a hash of HTML attributes for the table tag. Another `grid` parameter is `header_tr_html` which is a hash of HTML attributes to be added to the first `tr` tag (or two first `tr`'s if the filter row is present). `:html` is a parameter for the `column` method setting HTML attributes of `td` tags for a certain column. ### Adding classes and styles dynamically WiceGrid offers ways to dynamically add classes and styles to `TR` and `TD` based on the current ActiveRecord instance. For `