## master - None; ## v0.7.0 #### News - Prints pipe info into a table on the console; - The previous result is keeped alive for further checks; - Adds final report show actual, added and removed; ## v0.6.0 #### Break Change - Drops `RSPEED_RESULT_KEY` key in favor of `RSPEED_NAME`; - Renames env `RSPEED_NAME` to `RSPEED_APP`; #### News - Adds env `RSPEED_SPEC_PATH` to indicate the spec folders path; - Saves pipes and profiles with a zero at the beginning; - Makes sure examples is unique; ## v0.5.2 #### Fix - Avoid duplicate entries in the consolidated result; #### Update - CSV dependency dropped; - Drops tmp key in favor of profile keys fetch; ## v0.5.1 #### Fix - Only pipe number 1 will warm up avoiding duplicated spec entries; ## v0.5.0 #### Fix - Add env `RSPEED_NAME` to specify the application name and avoid result conflicts between multiple runs; - No more depends on pipe sequence to generate ou aggregate the resul; - rake `rspeed:install`; #### Update - The result of the pipes are no more saved on Redis. It's now calculated based on result key `rspeed`; ## v0.4.0 - Now we make diff to discover removed and added examples; ## v0.3.0 - Removed and added files now is considered on run; ## v0.2.0 - Splits specs by examples over files; ## v0.1.0 - First release; ## v0.0.1 - RubyGems namespace reservation.