# frozen_string_literal: true # Flow specific methods for Spree::Variant # Spree save all the prices inside Variant object. We choose to have a cache jsonb field named flow_data that will # hold all important Flow sync data for specific experiences. module Spree module FlowIoVariantDecorator def self.prepended(base) base.serialize :meta, ActiveRecord::Coders::JSON.new(symbolize_keys: true) base.store_accessor :meta, :flow_data # after every save we sync product we generate sh1 checksums to update only when change happend base.after_save :sync_product_to_flow end def experiences flow_data&.[]('exp') end def add_flow_io_experience_data(exp, value) raise ArgumentError, 'Value should be a hash' unless value.is_a?(Hash) self.flow_data = flow_data || {} self.flow_data['exp'] ||= {} self.flow_data['exp'][exp] = value end # clears flow_data from the records def truncate_flow_data flow_data&.[]('exp')&.keys&.each do |exp_key| break unless (product = self.product) remove_experience_from_product(exp_key, product) end meta.delete(:flow_data) update_column(:meta, meta.to_json) end def remove_experience_from_product(exp_key, product) return unless (zone = Spree::Zones::Product.find_by(name: exp_key.titleize)) zone_ids = product.zone_ids || [] zone_id_string = zone.id.to_s return unless zone_ids.include?(zone_id_string) product.zone_ids = zone_ids - [zone_id_string] product.update_columns(meta: product.meta.to_json) end # upload product variant to Flow's Product Catalog def sync_product_to_flow # initial Spree seed will fail, so skip unless we have Flow data field return unless respond_to?(:flow_data) return if FlowcommerceSpree::API_KEY.blank? || FlowcommerceSpree::API_KEY == 'test_key' return { error: 'Price is 0' } if price == 0 additional_attrs = {} attr_name = nil export_required = false FlowcommerceSpree::Config.additional_attributes[self.class.name.tableize.tr('/', '_').to_sym]&.each do |attr_item| attr_name = attr_item[0] # Flow.io could require a different attribute name, as in case of Fulfil's :customs_description - it has the # export_name `:materials` for flow.io. That's why 1st we're checking if an export_name is defined for the # attribute. attr_flowcommerce_name = attr_item[1][:export_name] || attr_name export_required = attr_item[1][:export] == :required attr_value = __send__(attr_name) break if export_required && attr_value.blank? additional_attrs[attr_flowcommerce_name] = attr_value if attr_value end if export_required && additional_attrs[attr_value].blank? return { error: "Variant with sku = #{sku} has no #{attr_name}" } end flow_item = to_flowcommerce_item(additional_attrs) flow_item_sh1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(flow_item.to_json) # skip if sync not needed return nil if flow_data&.[](:last_sync_sh1) == flow_item_sh1 response = FlowcommerceSpree.client.items.put_by_number(FlowcommerceSpree::ORGANIZATION, sku, flow_item) self.flow_data ||= {} self.flow_data[:last_sync_sh1] = flow_item_sh1 # after successful put, write cache update_column(:meta, meta.to_json) response rescue Net::OpenTimeout => e { error: e.message } end def flow_prices(flow_exp) flow_data&.dig(:exp, flow_exp, :prices) || [] end # returns price bound to local experience def flow_local_price(flow_exp) price_object = flow_prices(flow_exp)&.first amount = price_object&.[](:amount) || price currency = price_object&.[](:currency) || cost_currency Spree::Price.new(variant_id: id, currency: currency, amount: amount) end def price_in_zone(currency, product_zone) flow_experience_key = product_zone&.flow_data&.[]('key') return flow_local_price(flow_experience_key) if flow_experience_key.present? price_in(currency) end def all_prices_in_zone(product_zone) all_prices = prices.map { |price| { currency: price.currency, amount: (price.amount&.round || 0).to_s } } flow_experience_key = product_zone&.flow_data&.[]('key') return all_prices if flow_experience_key.blank? flow_price = flow_local_price(flow_experience_key) all_prices << { currency: flow_price.currency, amount: (flow_price.amount&.round || 0).to_s } all_prices end # creates object for flow api def to_flowcommerce_item(additional_attrs) # add product categories categories = [] taxon = product.taxons.first current_taxon = taxon while current_taxon categories.unshift current_taxon.name current_taxon = current_taxon.parent end images = if (image = product.images.first || product.variant_images.first) asset_host_scheme = ENV.fetch('ASSET_HOST_PROTOCOL', 'https') asset_host = ENV.fetch('ASSET_HOST', 'staging.mejuri.com') large_image_uri = URI(image.attachment(:large)) product_image_uri = URI(image.attachment.url(:product)) large_image_uri.scheme ||= asset_host_scheme product_image_uri.scheme ||= asset_host_scheme large_image_uri.host ||= asset_host product_image_uri.host ||= asset_host [{ url: large_image_uri.to_s, tags: ['checkout'] }, { url: product_image_uri.to_s, tags: ['thumbnail'] }] else [] end Io::Flow::V0::Models::ItemForm.new( number: sku, locale: 'en_US', language: 'en', name: product.name, description: product.description, currency: cost_currency, price: price.to_f, images: images, categories: categories, attributes: common_attrs(taxon).merge!(additional_attrs) ) end def common_attrs(taxon) { weight: weight.to_s, height: height.to_s, width: width.to_s, depth: depth.to_s, is_master: is_master ? 'true' : 'false', product_id: product_id.to_s, tax_category: product.tax_category_id.to_s, product_description: product.description, product_shipping_category: product.shipping_category_id ? shipping_category.name : nil, product_meta_title: taxon&.meta_title.to_s, product_meta_description: taxon&.meta_description.to_s, product_meta_keywords: taxon&.meta_keywords.to_s, product_slug: product.slug }.select { |_k, v| v.present? } end # gets flow catalog item, and imports it # called from flow:sync_localized_items rake task def flow_import_item(item_hash, experience_key: nil) # If experience not specified, get it from the local hash of imported variant experience_key ||= item_hash.dig(:local, :experience, :key) current_experience_meta = item_hash.delete(:local) # Do not repeatedly store Experience data - this is stored in Spree::Zones::Product current_experience_meta.delete(:experience) add_flow_io_experience_data(experience_key, current_experience_meta) self.flow_data.merge!(item_hash) update_column(:meta, meta.to_json) end Spree::Variant.prepend(self) if Spree::Variant.included_modules.exclude?(self) end end