module Euston module AggregateRoot extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Euston::AggregateRootPrivateMethodNames include Euston::AggregateRootDslMethods include Euston::EventHandler module ClassMethods def hydrate stream, snapshot = nil, log = nil instance = instance.log = log unless log.nil? instance.send :apply_snapshot, snapshot unless snapshot.nil? instance.send :apply_stream, stream instance end end module InstanceMethods def initialize aggregate_id = nil @aggregate_id = aggregate_id @log = Euston::NullLogger.instance end attr_accessor :log attr_reader :aggregate_id, :stream def initial_version @initial_version ||= 0 end def has_uncommitted_changes? !uncommitted_events.empty? end def committed_messages @committed_messages ||= end def uncommitted_commands @uncommitted_commands ||= [] end def uncommitted_events @uncommitted_events ||= [] end def consume_command headers, command consume_message headers, command, :command, Euston::CommandHeaders, :send_command_to_method end def consume_event_subscription headers, event consume_message headers, event, :event_subscription, Euston::EventHeaders, :send_event_subscription_to_method end def replay_event headers, event headers = Euston::EventHeaders.from_hash(headers) if headers.is_a?(Hash) source_message = headers.source_message committed_messages << source_message[:headers][:id] unless source_message.nil? send_event_to_method headers, event @initial_version = initial_version + 1 end def take_snapshot methods = self.class.instance_methods regex = self.class.take_snapshot_regexp methods = { |m| regex.match m }.compact raise "You tried to take a snapshot of #{} but no snapshot method was found." if methods.empty? version = { |m| m[1].to_i }.sort.last name = self.class.take_snapshot_method_name version { :version => version, :payload => send(name) } end def version initial_version + uncommitted_events.length end protected def apply_event(type, version, body = {}) event = ? body.marshal_dump : body) event.headers.merge! :id => Euston.uuid.generate, :type => type, :version => version, :timestamp => unless @current_message_headers.nil? event.headers[@current_message_type] = { :headers => @current_message_headers.to_hash, :body => @current_message_body } end send_event_to_method Euston::EventHeaders.from_hash(event.headers), event.body uncommitted_events << event end def apply_snapshot snapshot if !snapshot.nil? version = snapshot.headers[:version] raise "Trying to load a snapshot of aggregate #{} but it does not have a load_snapshot method for version #{version}!" unless respond_to? self.class.load_snapshot_method_name(version) name = self.class.load_snapshot_method_name version @log.debug "Applying snapshot: #{snapshot.inspect}" self.send name, snapshot.payload end end def apply_stream stream @aggregate_id = stream.stream_id @stream = stream events = stream.committed_events return if events.empty? raise "This aggregate cannot apply a historical event stream because it is not empty." unless uncommitted_events.empty? && initial_version == 0 events.each_with_index do |event, i| replay_event event.headers, event.body end end def publish_command command raise ArgumentError, 'Commands must subclass Euston::Command' unless command.is_a? Euston::Command raise Euston::Errors::InvalidCommandError, "An attempt was made to publish an invalid command from an aggregate root.\n\nAggregate id: #{@aggregate_id}\nAggregate type: #{}\nCommand: #{command.to_hash}\nErrors: #{command.errors}" unless command.valid? uncommitted_commands << command end def send_command_to_method headers, command deliver_message headers, command, :consumes_method_name, 'a command', "a 'consumes' block" end def send_event_to_method headers, event deliver_message headers, event, :applies_method_name, 'an event', "an 'applies' block" end def send_event_subscription_to_method headers, event deliver_message headers, event, :event_handler_method_name, 'an event', "a 'subscribes' block" end private def consume_message headers, body, message_type, headers_type, send_method headers = headers_type.from_hash(headers) if headers.is_a?(Hash) unless committed_messages.include? @current_message_type = message_type @current_message_headers = headers @current_message_body = body self.send send_method, headers, body end self end def deliver_message headers, message, name_method, message_kind, expected_block_kind name = self.class.send(name_method, headers.type, headers.version).to_sym if respond_to? name @log.debug "Calling #{name} with: #{message.inspect}" m = method(name) case m.arity when 2, -2, when 1, -1 else end else raise "Couldn't deliver #{message_kind} (#{headers.type} v#{headers.version}) to #{self.class}. Did you forget #{expected_block_kind}?" end end end end end