# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Mixin for connection events module OnStomp::Interfaces::ConnectionEvents include OnStomp::Interfaces::EventManager # @group Connection State Events # @api gem:1 STOMP:1.0,1.1 # Binds a callback to be invoked when a connection has been fully # established between broker and client. # @yield [client, connection] callback invoked when event is triggered # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Client] client # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Connections::Base] connection that triggered # the event (in general the same as `client.connection`) create_event_methods :established, :on # @api gem:1 STOMP:1.1 # Binds a callback to be invoked when a connection has been died due to # insufficient data transfer. # @note Only applies to STOMP 1.1 connections with heartbeating enabled. # @yield [client, connection] callback invoked when event is triggered # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Client] client # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Connections::Base] connection that triggered # the event (in general the same as `client.connection`) create_event_methods :died, :on # @api gem:1 STOMP:1.0,1.1 # Binds a callback to be invoked when a connection has been terminated # (eg: closed unexpectedly due to an exception) # @yield [client, connection] callback invoked when event is triggered # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Client] client # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Connections::Base] connection that triggered # the event (in general the same as `client.connection`) create_event_methods :terminated, :on # @api gem:1 STOMP:1.0,1.1 # Binds a callback to be invoked when a connection has been closed, either # through a graceful disconnect or unexpectedly. # @note If connection is closed unexpectedly, {#on_died} is triggered first, # followed by this event. # @yield [client, connection] callback invoked when event is triggered # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Client] client # @yieldparam [OnStomp::Connections::Base] connection that triggered # the event (in general the same as `client.connection`) create_event_methods :closed, :on # @endgroup # Triggers a connection specific event. # @param [Symbol] event name def trigger_connection_event event, msg='' trigger_event :"on_#{event}", self.client, self, msg end # Takes a hash of event bindings a {OnStomp::Client client} has stored # and binds them to this connection, then triggers `on_established`. # This allows users to add callbacks for # connection events before the connection exist and have said callbacks # installed once the connection is created. # @param [{Symbol => Array}] callbacks to install, keyed by event name # @see OnStomp::Interfaces::ClientEvents#pending_connection_events def install_bindings_from_client ev_hash ev_hash.each do |ev, cbs| cbs.each { |cb| bind_event(ev, cb) } end trigger_connection_event :established, "STOMP #{self.version} connection negotiated" end end