# @title Ruby AMQP gem: Using vendor-specific AMQP extensions h1. Vendor-specific AMQP extensions support in amqp gem h2. This Documentation Has Moved to rubyamqp.info amqp gem documentation guides are now hosted on "rubyamqp.info":http://rubyamqp.info. h2. RabbitMQ extensions h2. Supported extensions AMQP gem supports many RabbitMQ extensions to AMQP 0.9.1: * "Publisher confirmations":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#confirms (confirm.* class) * "Negative acknowledgements":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#negative-acknowledgements (basic.nack) * "Alternate Exchanges":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#alternate-exchange * "Per-queue Message Time-to-Live":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#queue-ttl * "Queue Leases":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#queue-leases * "Sender-selected Distribution":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#sender-selected-distribution * "Validated user_id":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#validated-user-id h2. Enabling RabbitMQ extensions If you are using RabbitMQ as AMQP broker and want to use these extensions, simply replace
require "amqp"with
require "amqp" require "amqp/extensions/rabbitmq"h2. Per-queue Message Time-to-Live Per-queue Message Time-to-Live (TTL) is a RabbitMQ extension to AMQP 0.9.1 that lets developers control for how long a message published to a queue can live before it is discarded. A message that has been in the queue for longer than the configured TTL is said to be dead. Dead messages will not be delivered to consumers and cannot be fetched using *basic.get* operation ({AMQP::Queue#pop}). Message TTL is specified using *x-message-ttl* argument on declaration. With amqp gem, you pass it to {AMQP::Queue#initialize} or {AMQP::Channel#queue}:
# 1000 milliseconds
channel.queue("", :arguments => { "x-message-ttl" => 1000 })
When a published messages is routed to multiple queues, each of the queues gets a _copy of the message_. If then the message dies in
one of the queues, it has no effect on copies of the message in other queues.
h3. Example
The example below sets message TTL for a new server-named queue to be 1000 milliseconds. It then publishes several messages that
are routed to the queue and tries to fetch messages using *basic.get* AMQP method ({AMQP::Queue#pop} after 0.7 and 1.5 seconds:
h3. Learn More
See also rabbitmq.com section on "Per-queue Message TTL":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#queue-ttl
h2. Publisher Confirms (Publisher Acknowledgements)
In some situations not a single message can be lost. The only reliable way of doing so is using confirmations.
"Publisher Confirms AMQP extension":http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2011/02/10/introducing-publisher-confirms/ was designed to solve the reliable publishing problem.
Publisher confirms are similar to message acknowledgements documented in the {file:docs/Queues.textile Working With Queues} guide but involve publisher and AMQP broker
instead of consumer and AMQP broker.
h3. Public API
To use publisher confirmations, first put channel into confirmation mode using {AMQP::Channel#confirm_select}:
From this moment on, every message published on this channel will cause channel's _publisher index_ (message counter) to be incremented. It is possible to access
using {AMQP::Channel#publisher_index} method. To check whether channel is in the confirmation mode, use {AMQP::Channel#uses_publisher_confirmations?} predicate.
To handle AMQP broker acknowledgements, define a handler using {AMQP::Channel#on_ack}, for example:
channel.on_ack do |basic_ack|
puts "Received basic_ack: multiple = #{basic_ack.multiple}, delivery_tag = #{basic_ack.delivery_tag}"
Delivery tag will indicate number of confirmed messages. If *multiple* attribute is true, the confirmation is for all messages up to the number
delivery tag indicates. In other words, AMQP broker may confirm just one message or a batch of them.
h3. Example
h3. Learn More
See also rabbitmq.com section on "Confirms aka Publisher Acknowledgements":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#confirms
h2. basic.nack
The AMQP specification defines the basic.reject method that allows clients to reject individual, delivered messages, instructing the broker
to either discard them or requeue them. Unfortunately, basic.reject provides no support for negatively acknowledging messages in bulk.
To solve this, RabbitMQ supports the basic.nack method that provides all the functionality of basic.reject whilst also
allowing for bulk processing of messages.
h3. Public API
When RabbitMQ extensions are loaded, {AMQP::Channel#reject} method is overriden via mixin to take one additional argument: multi (defaults to false).
When it is given and is true, amqp gem will use basic.nack AMQP method instead of basic.reject, to reject multiple messages at once.
Otherwise, basic.reject is used as usual.
h3. Learn More
See also rabbitmq.com section on "Confirms aka Publisher Acknowledgements":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#negative-acknowledgements
h2. Alternate Exchanges
Alternate Exchanges is a RabbitMQ extension to AMQP 0.9.1 that lets developers define "fallback" exchanges where unroutable messages will be sent.
h3. Public API
To specify exchange A as alternate exchange to exchange B, specify 'alternate-exchange' argument on declaration of B:
exchange1 = channel.fanout("ops.fallback", :auto_delete => true)
exchange2 = channel.fanout("events.collector", :auto_delete => true, :arguments => { "alternate-exchange" => "ops.fallback" })
h3. Example
h3. Learn More
See also rabbitmq.com section on "Alternate Exchanges":http://www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#alternate-exchange
h2. Authors
This guide was written by "Michael Klishin":http://twitter.com/michaelklishin and edited by "Chris Duncan":https://twitter.com/celldee.
h2. Tell us what you think!
Please take a moment and tell us what you think about this guide "on Twitter":http://twitter.com/rubyamqp or "Ruby AMQP mailing list":http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-amqp:
what was unclear? what wasn't covered? maybe you don't like guide style or grammar and spelling are incorrect? Readers feedback is
key to making documentation better.
If mailing list communication is not an option for you for some reason, you can "contact guides author directly":mailto:michael@novemberain.com?subject=amqp%20gem%20documentation