# encoding: utf-8
# This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms.
# See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details.
require 'new_relic/control'
module NewRelic
module Agent
# This module contains class methods added to support installing custom
# metric tracers and executing for individual metrics.
# == Examples
# When the agent initializes, it extends Module with these methods.
# However if you want to use the API in code that might get loaded
# before the agent is initialized you will need to require
# this file:
# require 'new_relic/agent/method_tracer'
# class A
# include NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer
# def process
# ...
# end
# add_method_tracer :process
# end
# To instrument a class method:
# require 'new_relic/agent/method_tracer'
# class An
# def self.process
# ...
# end
# class << self
# include NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer
# add_method_tracer :process
# end
# end
# @api public
module MethodTracer
def self.included clazz
clazz.extend ClassMethods
def self.extended clazz
clazz.extend ClassMethods
# Deprecated: original method preserved for API backward compatibility.
# Use either #trace_execution_scoped or #trace_execution_unscoped
# @api public
# @deprecated
def trace_method_execution(metric_names, push_scope, produce_metric, deduct_call_time_from_parent, &block) #:nodoc:
if push_scope
trace_execution_scoped(metric_names, :metric => produce_metric,
:deduct_call_time_from_parent => deduct_call_time_from_parent, &block)
trace_execution_unscoped(metric_names, &block)
# Trace a given block with stats assigned to the given metric_name. It does not
# provide scoped measurements, meaning whatever is being traced will not 'blame the
# Controller'--that is to say appear in the breakdown chart.
# This is code is inlined in #add_method_tracer.
# * metric_names is a single name or an array of names of metrics
# * :force => true will force the metric to be captured even when
# tracing is disabled with NewRelic::Agent#disable_all_tracing
# @api public
def trace_execution_unscoped(metric_names, options={})
return yield unless NewRelic::Agent.is_execution_traced?
t0 = Time.now
NewRelic::Agent.instance.push_trace_execution_flag(true) if options[:force]
NewRelic::Agent.instance.pop_trace_execution_flag if options[:force]
duration = (Time.now - t0).to_f # for some reason this is 3 usec faster than Time - Time
stat_engine.record_metrics(metric_names, duration)
# Deprecated. Use #trace_execution_scoped, a version with an options hash.
# @deprecated
def trace_method_execution_with_scope(metric_names, produce_metric, deduct_call_time_from_parent, scoped_metric_only=false, &block) #:nodoc:
:metric => produce_metric,
:deduct_call_time_from_parent => deduct_call_time_from_parent,
:scoped_metric_only => scoped_metric_only, &block)
alias trace_method_execution_no_scope trace_execution_unscoped #:nodoc:
# Refactored out of the previous trace_execution_scoped
# method, most methods in this module relate to code used in
# the #trace_execution_scoped method in this module
module TraceExecutionScoped
extend self
# Shorthand to return the NewRelic::Agent.instance
def agent_instance
# Shorthand to return the status of tracing
def traced?
# Tracing is disabled if we are not in a traced context and
# no force option is supplied
def trace_disabled?(options)
!(traced? || options[:force])
# Shorthand to return the current statistics engine
def stat_engine
# returns a scoped metric stat for the specified name
def get_stats_scoped(first_name, scoped_metric_only)
stat_engine.get_stats(first_name, true, scoped_metric_only)
# Shorthand method to get stats from the stat engine
def get_stats_unscoped(name)
# Helper for setting a hash key if the hash key is nil,
# instead of the default ||= behavior which sets if it is
# false as well
def set_if_nil(hash, key)
hash[key] = true if hash[key].nil?
# delegates to #agent_instance to push a trace execution
# flag, only if execution of this metric is forced.
# This causes everything scoped inside this metric to be
# recorded, even if the parent transaction is generally not.
def push_flag!(forced)
agent_instance.push_trace_execution_flag(true) if forced
# delegates to #agent_instance to pop the trace execution
# flag, only if execution of this metric is
# forced. otherwise this is taken care of for us
# automatically.
# This ends the forced recording of metrics within the
# #trace_execution_scoped block
def pop_flag!(forced)
agent_instance.pop_trace_execution_flag if forced
# helper for logging errors to the newrelic_agent.log
# properly. Logs the error at error level
def log_errors(code_area)
rescue => e
::NewRelic::Agent.logger.error("Caught exception in #{code_area}.", e)
# provides the header for our traced execution scoped
# method - gets the initial time, sets the tracing flag if
# needed, and pushes the scope onto the metric stack
# logs any errors that occur and returns the start time and
# the scope so that we can check for it later, to maintain
# sanity. If the scope stack becomes unbalanced, this
# transaction loses meaning.
def trace_execution_scoped_header(options, t0=Time.now.to_f)
scope = log_errors("trace_execution_scoped header") do
scope = stat_engine.push_scope(:method_tracer, t0, options[:deduct_call_time_from_parent])
# needed in case we have an error, above, to always return
# the start time.
[t0, scope]
def metrics_for_current_transaction(first_name, other_names, options)
metrics = []
if !options[:scoped_metric_only]
metrics += other_names.map { |n| NewRelic::MetricSpec.new(n) }
if options[:metric]
if !options[:scoped_metric_only]
metrics << NewRelic::MetricSpec.new(first_name)
if NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.in_transaction? && !options[:transaction]
metrics << NewRelic::MetricSpec.new(first_name, StatsEngine::MetricStats::SCOPE_PLACEHOLDER)
def has_parent?
def metrics_for_parent_transaction(first_name, options)
if has_parent? && options[:metric] && options[:transaction]
[NewRelic::MetricSpec.new(first_name, StatsEngine::MetricStats::SCOPE_PLACEHOLDER)]
def record_metrics(first_name, other_names, duration, exclusive, options)
metrics = metrics_for_current_transaction(first_name, other_names, options)
stat_engine.record_metrics_internal(metrics, duration, exclusive)
parent_metrics = metrics_for_parent_transaction(first_name, options)
parent_metrics.each do |metric|
parent_txn = NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.parent
parent_txn.stats_hash.record(metric, duration, exclusive)
# Handles the end of the #trace_execution_scoped method -
# calculating the time taken, popping the tracing flag if
# needed, deducting time taken by children, and tracing the
# subsidiary unscoped metrics if any
# this method fails safely if the header does not manage to
# push the scope onto the stack - it simply does not trace
# any metrics.
def trace_execution_scoped_footer(t0, first_name, metric_names, expected_scope, options, t1=Time.now.to_f)
log_errors("trace_method_execution footer") do
if expected_scope
scope = stat_engine.pop_scope(expected_scope, first_name, t1)
duration = t1 - t0
exclusive = duration - scope.children_time
record_metrics(first_name, metric_names, duration, exclusive, options)
include TraceExecutionScoped
# Trace a given block with stats and keep track of the caller.
# See NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::ClassMethods#add_method_tracer for a description of the arguments.
# +metric_names+ is either a single name or an array of metric names.
# If more than one metric is passed, the +produce_metric+ option only applies to the first. The
# others are always recorded. Only the first metric is pushed onto the scope stack.
# Generally you pass an array of metric names if you want to record the metric under additional
# categories, but generally this *should never ever be done*. Most of the time you can aggregate
# on the server.
# @api public
def trace_execution_scoped(metric_names, options={})
return yield if trace_disabled?(options)
set_if_nil(options, :metric)
set_if_nil(options, :deduct_call_time_from_parent)
metric_names = Array(metric_names)
first_name = metric_names.shift
start_time, expected_scope = trace_execution_scoped_header(options)
trace_execution_scoped_footer(start_time, first_name, metric_names, expected_scope, options)
# Defines methods used at the class level, for adding instrumentation
# @api public
module ClassMethods
# contains methods refactored out of the #add_method_tracer method
module AddMethodTracer
ALLOWED_KEYS = [:force, :metric, :push_scope, :deduct_call_time_from_parent, :code_header, :code_footer, :scoped_metric_only].freeze
# used to verify that the keys passed to
# NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::ClassMethods#add_method_tracer
# are valid. Returns a list of keys that were unexpected
def unrecognized_keys(expected, given)
given.keys - expected
# used to verify that the keys passed to
# NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::ClassMethods#add_method_tracer
# are valid. checks the expected list against the list
# actually provided
def any_unrecognized_keys?(expected, given)
unrecognized_keys(expected, given).any?
# raises an error when the
# NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::ClassMethods#add_method_tracer
# method is called with improper keys. This aids in
# debugging new instrumentation by failing fast
def check_for_illegal_keys!(options)
if any_unrecognized_keys?(ALLOWED_KEYS, options)
raise "Unrecognized options in add_method_tracer_call: #{unrecognized_keys(ALLOWED_KEYS, options).join(', ')}"
# Sets the options for deducting call time from
# parents. This defaults to true if we are recording a metric, but
# can be overridden by the user if desired.
# has the effect of not allowing overlapping times, and
# should generally be true
def set_deduct_call_time_based_on_metric(options)
{:deduct_call_time_from_parent => !!options[:metric]}.merge(options)
# validity checking - add_method_tracer must receive either
# push scope or metric, or else it would record no
# data. Raises an error if this is the case
def check_for_push_scope_and_metric(options)
unless options[:push_scope] || options[:metric]
raise "Can't add a tracer where push_scope is false and metric is false"
DEFAULT_SETTINGS = {:push_scope => true, :metric => true, :force => false, :code_header => "", :code_footer => "", :scoped_metric_only => false}.freeze
# Checks the provided options to make sure that they make
# sense. Raises an error if the options are incorrect to
# assist with debugging, so that errors occur at class
# construction time rather than instrumentation run time
def validate_options(options)
raise TypeError.new("provided options must be a Hash") unless options.is_a?(Hash)
options = set_deduct_call_time_based_on_metric(DEFAULT_SETTINGS.merge(options))
# Default to the class where the method is defined.
# Example:
# Foo.default_metric_name_code('bar') #=> "Custom/#{Foo.name}/bar"
def default_metric_name_code(method_name)
# Checks to see if the method we are attempting to trace
# actually exists or not. #add_method_tracer can't do
# anything if the method doesn't exist.
def newrelic_method_exists?(method_name)
exists = method_defined?(method_name) || private_method_defined?(method_name)
::NewRelic::Agent.logger.error("Did not trace #{self.name}##{method_name} because that method does not exist") unless exists
# Checks to see if we have already traced a method with a
# given metric by checking to see if the traced method
# exists. Warns the user if methods are being double-traced
# to help with debugging custom instrumentation.
def traced_method_exists?(method_name, metric_name_code)
exists = method_defined?(_traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code))
::NewRelic::Agent.logger.error("Attempt to trace a method twice with the same metric: Method = #{method_name}, Metric Name = #{metric_name_code}") if exists
# Returns a code snippet to be eval'd that skips tracing
# when the agent is not tracing execution. turns
# instrumentation into effectively one method call overhead
# when the agent is disabled
def assemble_code_header(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
unless options[:force]
"return #{_untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}(*args, &block) unless NewRelic::Agent.is_execution_traced?\n"
end.to_s + options[:code_header].to_s
# returns an eval-able string that contains the traced
# method code used if the agent is not creating a scope for
# use in scoped metrics.
def method_without_push_scope(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
"def #{_traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}(*args, &block)
#{assemble_code_header(method_name, metric_name_code, options)}
t0 = Time.now
#{"NewRelic::Agent.instance.push_trace_execution_flag(true)\n" if options[:force]}
#{_untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}(*args, &block)\n
#{"NewRelic::Agent.instance.pop_trace_execution_flag\n" if options[:force] }
duration = (Time.now - t0).to_f
NewRelic::Agent.record_metric(\"#{metric_name_code}\", duration)
# returns an eval-able string that contains the tracing code
# for a fully traced metric including scoping
def method_with_push_scope(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
# At this point, we expect 'self' to point to a Class or Module that
# has included the NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer module, which means
# it should have an instance method defined called
# 'trace_execution_scoped'.
# If this is not the case, assume that
# we're relying on the fact that MethodTracer is included into the
# Module class by init_plugin, and try to call
# trace_execution_scoped as a class rather than instance method.
# The inclusion of MethodTracer into Module will be going away in
# the future, so if we detect people relying on that behavior, warn
# and record a supportability metric.
if self.method_defined?(:trace_execution_scoped)
klass = 'self'
NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Called add_method_tracer from #{self} without including the NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer module. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Please see http://docs.newrelic.com/docs/ruby/ruby-custom-metric-collection for examples of correct add_method_tracer usage.")
klass = 'self.class'
"def #{_traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}(*args, &block)
result = #{klass}.trace_execution_scoped(\"#{metric_name_code}\",
:metric => #{options[:metric]},
:forced => #{options[:force]},
:deduct_call_time_from_parent => #{options[:deduct_call_time_from_parent]},
:scoped_metric_only => #{options[:scoped_metric_only]}) do
#{_untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}(*args, &block)
# Decides which code snippet we should be eval'ing in this
# context, based on the options.
def code_to_eval(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
options = validate_options(options)
if options[:push_scope]
method_with_push_scope(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
method_without_push_scope(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
include AddMethodTracer
# Add a method tracer to the specified method.
# === Common Options
# * :push_scope => false specifies this method tracer should not
# keep track of the caller; it will not show up in controller breakdown
# pie charts.
# * :metric => false specifies that no metric will be recorded.
# Instead the call will show up in transaction traces as well as traces
# shown in Developer Mode.
# === Uncommon Options
# * :scoped_metric_only => true indicates that the unscoped metric
# should not be recorded. Normally two metrics are potentially created
# on every invocation: the aggregate method where statistics for all calls
# of that metric are stored, and the "scoped metric" which records the
# statistics for invocations in a particular scope--generally a controller
# action. This option indicates that only the second type should be recorded.
# The effect is similar to :metric => false but in addition you
# will also see the invocation in breakdown pie charts.
# * :deduct_call_time_from_parent => false indicates that the method invocation
# time should never be deducted from the time reported as 'exclusive' in the
# caller. You would want to use this if you are tracing a recursive method
# or a method that might be called inside another traced method.
# * :code_header and :code_footer specify ruby code that
# is inserted into the tracer before and after the call.
# * :force = true will ensure the metric is captured even if called inside
# an untraced execution call. (See NewRelic::Agent#disable_all_tracing)
# === Overriding the metric name
# +metric_name_code+ is a string that is eval'd to get the
# name of the metric associated with the call, so if you want to
# use interpolaion evaluated at call time, then single quote
# the value like this:
# add_method_tracer :foo, 'Custom/#{self.class.name}/foo'
# This would name the metric according to the class of the runtime
# intance, as opposed to the class where +foo+ is defined.
# If not provided, the metric name will be Custom/ClassName/method_name.
# === Examples
# Instrument +foo+ only for custom views--will not show up in transaction traces or caller breakdown graphs:
# add_method_tracer :foo, :push_scope => false
# Instrument +foo+ just for transaction traces only:
# add_method_tracer :foo, :metric => false
# Instrument +foo+ so it shows up in transaction traces and caller breakdown graphs
# for actions:
# add_method_tracer :foo
# which is equivalent to:
# add_method_tracer :foo, 'Custom/#{self.class.name}/foo', :push_scope => true, :metric => true
# Instrument the class method +foo+ with the metric name 'Custom/People/fetch':
# class << self
# add_method_tracer :foo, 'Custom/People/fetch'
# end
# @api public
def add_method_tracer(method_name, metric_name_code=nil, options = {})
return unless newrelic_method_exists?(method_name)
metric_name_code ||= default_metric_name_code(method_name)
return if traced_method_exists?(method_name, metric_name_code)
traced_method = code_to_eval(method_name, metric_name_code, options)
visibility = NewRelic::Helper.instance_method_visibility self, method_name
class_eval traced_method, __FILE__, __LINE__
alias_method _untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code), method_name
alias_method method_name, _traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)
send visibility, method_name
send visibility, _traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)
::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Traced method: class = #{self.name},"+
"method = #{method_name}, "+
"metric = '#{metric_name_code}'")
# For tests only because tracers must be removed in reverse-order
# from when they were added, or else other tracers that were added to the same method
# may get removed as well.
def remove_method_tracer(method_name, metric_name_code) # :nodoc:
return unless Agent.config[:agent_enabled]
if method_defined? "#{_traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}"
alias_method method_name, "#{_untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}"
undef_method "#{_traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name_code)}"
::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("removed method tracer #{method_name} #{metric_name_code}\n")
raise "No tracer for '#{metric_name_code}' on method '#{method_name}'"
# given a method and a metric, this method returns the
# untraced alias of the method name
def _untraced_method_name(method_name, metric_name)
# given a method and a metric, this method returns the traced
# alias of the method name
def _traced_method_name(method_name, metric_name)
# makes sure that method names do not contain characters that
# might break the interpreter, for example ! or ? characters
# that are not allowed in the middle of method names
def _sanitize_name(name)
name.to_s.tr_s('^a-zA-Z0-9', '_')
# @!parse extend ClassMethods