# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the devdns gem. Copyright (C) 2012 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" require "tempfile" describe DevDNSd::Configuration do class DevDNSd::Application def logger DevDNSd::Logger.new("/dev/null") end end let(:log_file) { "/tmp/devdnsd-test-log-#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S")}" } let(:new_application) { app = DevDNSd::Application.new({:log_file => log_file}) app.logger = DevDNSd::Logger.create("/dev/null", DevDNSd::Logger::DEBUG) app } describe "#initialize" do it "sets default arguments and rules" do config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new config.address.should == "" config.port.should == 7771 config.tld.should == "dev" config.log_file.should == "/var/log/devdnsd.log" config.log_level.should == ::Logger::INFO config.rules.count.should == 1 config.foreground.should == false end it "reads a valid configuration file" do file = ::Tempfile.new('devdnsd-test') file.write("config.port = 7772") file.close config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new(file.path, new_application) config.port.should == 7772 file.unlink end it "reject an invalid configuration" do file = ::Tempfile.new('devdnsd-test') file.write("config.port = ") file.close expect { config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new(file.path, new_application)}.to raise_error(DevDNSd::Errors::InvalidConfiguration) file.unlink end it "allows overrides" do file = ::Tempfile.new('devdnsd-test') file.write("config.port = 7772") file.close config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new(file.path, new_application, {:foreground => true, :port => 7773}) config.port.should == 7773 config.foreground = true file.unlink end end describe "#add_rule" do it "should add a good rule" do config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new config.add_rule("RULE", "") config.rules.count.should == 2 end it "should reject a bad rule" do config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new expect { config.add_rule("RULE") }.to raise_error(DevDNSd::Errors::InvalidRule) end end end