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option = {
    title : {
        text: '动态数据',
        subtext: '纯属虚构'
    tooltip : {
        trigger: 'axis'
    legend: {
        data:['上证指数', '随机数据']
    toolbox: {
        show : true,
        feature : {
            mark : {show: true},
            dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},
            restore : {show: true},
            saveAsImage : {show: true}
    dataZoom : {
        show : true,
        realtime: true,
        start : 50,
        end : 100
    xAxis : [
            type : 'category',
            boundaryGap : true,
            data : [
                "2013/1/24", "2013/1/25", "2013/1/28", "2013/1/29", "2013/1/30",
                "2013/1/31", "2013/2/1", "2013/2/4", "2013/2/5", "2013/2/6", 
                "2013/2/7", "2013/2/8", "2013/2/18", "2013/2/19", "2013/2/20", 
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                "2013/2/28", "2013/3/1", "2013/3/4", "2013/3/5", "2013/3/6", 
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                "2013/3/14", "2013/3/15", "2013/3/18", "2013/3/19", "2013/3/20", 
                "2013/3/21", "2013/3/22", "2013/3/25", "2013/3/26", "2013/3/27", 
                "2013/3/28", "2013/3/29", "2013/4/1", "2013/4/2", "2013/4/3", 
                "2013/4/8", "2013/4/9", "2013/4/10", "2013/4/11", "2013/4/12", 
                "2013/4/15", "2013/4/16", "2013/4/17", "2013/4/18", "2013/4/19", 
                "2013/4/22", "2013/4/23", "2013/4/24", "2013/4/25", "2013/4/26", 
                "2013/5/2", "2013/5/3", "2013/5/6", "2013/5/7", "2013/5/8", 
                "2013/5/9", "2013/5/10", "2013/5/13", "2013/5/14", "2013/5/15", 
                "2013/5/16", "2013/5/17", "2013/5/20", "2013/5/21", "2013/5/22", 
                "2013/5/23", "2013/5/24", "2013/5/27", "2013/5/28", "2013/5/29", 
                "2013/5/30", "2013/5/31", "2013/6/3", "2013/6/4", "2013/6/5", 
                "2013/6/6", "2013/6/7", "2013/6/13"
            type : 'value',
            scale: true
    yAxis : [
            type : 'value',
            splitNumber: 5,
            boundaryGap: [0.05, 0.05]
            type : 'value',
            splitNumber: 5,
            scale: true
    series : [
            data:[ // 开盘,收盘,最低,最高
            xAxisIndex: 1,
            yAxisIndex: 1,
            symbolSize: function (value){
                return Math.round(value[2] / 4);
            data: (function () {
                var d = [];
                var len = 100;
                while (len--) {
                        (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                        (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                        (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0
                return d;
var lastIndex = 0;
var len = option.series[0].data.length;
timeTicket = setInterval(function (){
    // 动态数据接口 addData
    lastIndex += 1;
            0,        // 系列索引
            option.series[0].data[lastIndex%len], // 新增数据
            false,     // 新增数据是否从队列头部插入
            false,     // 是否增加队列长度,false则自定删除原有数据,队头插入删队尾,队尾插入删队头
            1,        // 系列索引
                (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0,
                (Math.random()*100).toFixed(2) - 0
            ], // 新增数据
            false,    // 新增数据是否从队列头部插入
            false    // 是否增加队列长度,false则自定删除原有数据,队头插入删队尾,队尾插入删队头
}, 2000);
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