{:versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:sha"-0e34494c72abf0aa065e78458b9fff68e85e52db: contents"� o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[!o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"�/* CSS cubic-bezier timing functions. Timing functions courtesy of jquery.easie (github.com/jaukia/easie) * Timing functions are the same as demo'ed here: http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/effect/easing.html */:ET: @type:silent;[�: @linei: @options{�o; ;[I"/* EASE IN */; T; ;;[�;i ; @o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode: @nameI"ease-in-quad; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"cubic-bezier; T: @args[ o:Sass::Script::Number;f 0.55:@numerator_units[�:@denominator_units[�;i :@originalI" 0.55; F; @o;;f 0.085;[�;@;i ;I" 0.085; F; @o;;f 0.68;[�;@;i ;I" 0.68; F; @o;;f 0.53;[�;@;i ;I" 0.53; F; @:@keywords{�:@splat0;i ; @: @guarded0;[�;i ; @o;;I"ease-in-cubic; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.55;[�;@;i;I" 0.55; F; @o;;f 0.055;[�;@;i;I" 0.055; F; @o;;f 0.675;[�;@;i;I" 0.675; F; @o;;f 0.19;[�;@;i;I" 0.19; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-quart; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.895;[�;@;i;I" 0.895; F; @o;;f 0.03;[�;@;i;I" 0.03; F; @o;;f 0.685;[�;@;i;I" 0.685; F; @o;;f 0.22;[�;@;i;I" 0.22; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-quint; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.755;[�;@;i ;I" 0.755; F; @o;;f 0.05;[�;@;i ;I" 0.05; F; @o;;f 0.855;[�;@;i ;I" 0.855; F; @o;;f 0.06;[�;@;i ;I" 0.06; F; @;{�;0;i ; @;0;[�;i ; @o;;I"ease-in-sine; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.47;[�;@;i;I" 0.47; F; @o;;f0;[�;@;i;I"0; F; @o;;f 0.745;[�;@;i;I" 0.745; F; @o;;f 0.715;[�;@;i;I" 0.715; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-expo; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.95;[�;@;i;I" 0.95; F; @o;;f 0.05;[�;@;i;I" 0.05; F; @o;;f 0.795;[�;@;i;I" 0.795; F; @o;;f 0.035;[�;@;i;I" 0.035; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-circ; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f0.6;[�;@;i;I"0.6; F; @o;;f 0.04;[�;@;i;I" 0.04; F; @o;;f 0.98;[�;@;i;I" 0.98; F; @o;;f 0.335;[�;@;i;I" 0.335; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-back; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f0.6;[�;@;i;I"0.6; F; @o;;f -0.28;[�;@;i;I" -0.28; F; @o;;f 0.735;[�;@;i;I" 0.735; F; @o;;f 0.045;[�;@;i;I" 0.045; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o; ;[I"/* EASE OUT */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-quad; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.25;[�;@;i;I" 0.25; F; @o;;f 0.46;[�;@;i;I" 0.46; F; @o;;f 0.45;[�;@;i;I" 0.45; F; @o;;f 0.94;[�;@;i;I" 0.94; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-cubic; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.215;[�;@;i;I" 0.215; F; @o;;f 0.61;[�;@;i;I" 0.61; F; @o;;f 0.355;[�;@;i;I" 0.355; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-quart; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.165;[�;@;i;I" 0.165; F; @o;;f 0.84;[�;@;i;I" 0.84; F; @o;;f 0.44;[�;@;i;I" 0.44; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-quint; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.23;[�;@;i;I" 0.23; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @o;;f 0.32;[�;@;i;I" 0.32; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-sine; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.39;[�;@;i;I" 0.39; F; @o;;f 0.575;[�;@;i;I" 0.575; F; @o;;f 0.565;[�;@;i;I" 0.565; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-expo; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.19;[�;@;i;I" 0.19; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @o;;f 0.22;[�;@;i;I" 0.22; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-circ; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.075;[�;@;i;I" 0.075; F; @o;;f 0.82;[�;@;i;I" 0.82; F; @o;;f 0.165;[�;@;i;I" 0.165; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-out-back; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.175;[�;@;i;I" 0.175; F; @o;;f 0.885;[�;@;i;I" 0.885; F; @o;;f 0.32;[�;@;i;I" 0.32; F; @o;;f 1.275;[�;@;i;I" 1.275; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o; ;[I"/* EASE IN OUT */; T; ;;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-out-quad; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.455;[�;@;i;I" 0.455; F; @o;;f 0.03;[�;@;i;I" 0.03; F; @o;;f 0.515;[�;@;i;I" 0.515; F; @o;;f 0.955;[�;@;i;I" 0.955; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-out-cubic; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.645;[�;@;i;I" 0.645; F; @o;;f 0.045;[�;@;i;I" 0.045; F; @o;;f 0.355;[�;@;i;I" 0.355; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i; @;0;[�;i; @o;;I"ease-in-out-quart; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.77;[�;@;i ;I" 0.77; F; @o;;f0;[�;@;i ;I"0; F; @o;;f 0.175;[�;@;i ;I" 0.175; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i ;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i ; @;0;[�;i ; @o;;I"ease-in-out-quint; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.86;[�;@;i!;I" 0.86; F; @o;;f0;[�;@;i!;I"0; F; @o;;f 0.07;[�;@;i!;I" 0.07; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i!;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i!; @;0;[�;i!; @o;;I"ease-in-out-sine; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.445;[�;@;i";I" 0.445; F; @o;;f 0.05;[�;@;i";I" 0.05; F; @o;;f 0.55;[�;@;i";I" 0.55; F; @o;;f 0.95;[�;@;i";I" 0.95; F; @;{�;0;i"; @;0;[�;i"; @o;;I"ease-in-out-expo; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f1;[�;@;i#;I"1; F; @o;;f0;[�;@;i#;I"0; F; @o;;f0;[�;@;i#;I"0; F; @o;;f1;[�;@;i#;I"1; F; @;{�;0;i#; @;0;[�;i#; @o;;I"ease-in-out-circ; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.785;[�;@;i$;I" 0.785; F; @o;;f 0.135;[�;@;i$;I" 0.135; F; @o;;f 0.15;[�;@;i$;I" 0.15; F; @o;;f 0.86;[�;@;i$;I" 0.86; F; @;{�;0;i$; @;0;[�;i$; @o;;I"ease-in-out-back; T;o;;I"cubic-bezier; T;[ o;;f 0.68;[�;@;i%;I" 0.68; F; @o;;f -0.55;[�;@;i%;I" -0.55; F; @o;;f 0.265;[�;@;i%;I" 0.265; F; @o;;f 1.55;[�;@;i%;I" 1.55; F; @;{�;0;i%; @;0;[�;i%; @:@templateI"�// CSS cubic-bezier timing functions. Timing functions courtesy of jquery.easie (github.com/jaukia/easie) // Timing functions are the same as demo'ed here: http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/effect/easing.html // EASE IN $ease-in-quad: cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530); $ease-in-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190); $ease-in-quart: cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.030, 0.685, 0.220); $ease-in-quint: cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060); $ease-in-sine: cubic-bezier(0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715); $ease-in-expo: cubic-bezier(0.950, 0.050, 0.795, 0.035); $ease-in-circ: cubic-bezier(0.600, 0.040, 0.980, 0.335); $ease-in-back: cubic-bezier(0.600, -0.280, 0.735, 0.045); // EASE OUT $ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940); $ease-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000); $ease-out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000); $ease-out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.230, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000); $ease-out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000); $ease-out-expo: cubic-bezier(0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000); $ease-out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000); $ease-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); // EASE IN OUT $ease-in-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.030, 0.515, 0.955); $ease-in-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000); $ease-in-out-quart: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); $ease-in-out-quint: cubic-bezier(0.860, 0.000, 0.070, 1.000); $ease-in-out-sine: cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.050, 0.550, 0.950); $ease-in-out-expo: cubic-bezier(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000); $ease-in-out-circ: cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860); $ease-in-out-back: cubic-bezier(0.680, -0.550, 0.265, 1.550); ; T;i:@has_childrenT; @