(() => { var t = { 792: () => { !(function (t, e) { t.behaviors.vlizAccordeon = { attach: function (t, n) { var i = e(".vliz-accordeon-item", ".vliz-accordeon .views-row"); i.forEach(function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", function (e) { i.forEach(function (e) { e !== t && e.classList.remove("active"); }), t.classList.contains("active") ? t.classList.remove("active") : (t.classList.add("active"), t.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest", })); }); }); }, }; })(Drupal, once); }, 180: () => { !(function (t, e) { var n = "active", i = !1; t.behaviors.vlizDoormat = { attach: function (t, a) { var o = e("doormat-triggers", "header [data-doormat-target]"), r = e("doormat-targets", "[data-doormat-id]"), s = function () { o.forEach(function (t) { t.classList.remove(n); }); }; o.forEach(function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), s(), r.forEach(function (e) { e.dataset.doormatId == t.dataset.doormatTarget ? e.classList.contains(n) ? 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(t.classList.remove("show-overlay"), document.body.classList.remove("vliz-search-overlay-open")) : ((t.style.display = "block"), setTimeout(function () { t.classList.add("show-overlay"), document.body.classList.add("vliz-search-overlay-open"); }, 20), t.querySelector(".form-search").focus()); }; t.behaviors.vlizSearch = { attach: function (t, i) { var a = e("vliz-search-submit-icons", ".vliz-search-submit"), o = e( "vliz-search-overlays", ".block-vliz-search-block" ).shift(); if ( (a.forEach(function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var n = t.closest("form"); n && n.submit(); }); }), o) ) { var r = e( "vliz-search-overlay-trigger", ".vliz-search-trigger" ).shift(), s = o.querySelector(".close-search-overlay"); document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function (t) { "Escape" == t.key && o.classList.contains("show-overlay") && n(o); }), o.addEventListener("transitionend", function () { o.classList.contains("show-overlay") || setTimeout(function () { o.style.display = "none"; }, 20); }), s.addEventListener("click", function (t) { t.preventDefault(), n(o); }), r && r.addEventListener("click", function (t) { t.preventDefault(), n(o); }); } }, }; })(Drupal, once); }, 206: (t, e) => { "use strict"; var n = window, i = n.requestAnimationFrame || n.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || n.mozRequestAnimationFrame || n.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (t) { return setTimeout(t, 16); }, a = window, o = a.cancelAnimationFrame || a.mozCancelAnimationFrame || function (t) { clearTimeout(t); }; function r() { for ( var t, e, n, i = arguments[0] || {}, a = 1, o = arguments.length; a < o; a++ ) if (null !== (t = arguments[a])) for (e in t) i !== (n = t[e]) && void 0 !== n && (i[e] = n); return i; } function s(t) { return ["true", "false"].indexOf(t) >= 0 ? JSON.parse(t) : t; } function c(t, e, n, i) { if (i) try { t.setItem(e, n); } catch (t) {} return n; } function l() { var t = document, e = t.body; return e || ((e = t.createElement("body")).fake = !0), e; } var u = document.documentElement; function f(t) { var e = ""; return ( t.fake && ((e = u.style.overflow), (t.style.background = ""), (t.style.overflow = u.style.overflow = "hidden"), u.appendChild(t)), e ); } function d(t, e) { t.fake && (t.remove(), (u.style.overflow = e), u.offsetHeight); } function v(t, e, n, i) { "insertRule" in t ? t.insertRule(e + "{" + n + "}", i) : t.addRule(e, n, i); } function p(t) { return ("insertRule" in t ? t.cssRules : t.rules).length; } function m(t, e, n) { for (var i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++) e.call(n, t[i], i); } var h = "classList" in document.createElement("_"), y = h ? function (t, e) { return t.classList.contains(e); } : function (t, e) { return t.className.indexOf(e) >= 0; }, g = h ? function (t, e) { y(t, e) || t.classList.add(e); } : function (t, e) { y(t, e) || (t.className += " " + e); }, b = h ? function (t, e) { y(t, e) && t.classList.remove(e); } : function (t, e) { y(t, e) && (t.className = t.className.replace(e, "")); }; function x(t, e) { return t.hasAttribute(e); } function w(t, e) { return t.getAttribute(e); } function L(t) { return void 0 !== t.item; } function C(t, e) { if ( ((t = L(t) || t instanceof Array ? t : [t]), "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) ) for (var n = t.length; n--; ) for (var i in e) t[n].setAttribute(i, e[i]); } function T(t, e) { t = L(t) || t instanceof Array ? t : [t]; for ( var n = (e = e instanceof Array ? e : [e]).length, i = t.length; i--; ) for (var a = n; a--; ) t[i].removeAttribute(e[a]); } function M(t) { for (var e = [], n = 0, i = t.length; n < i; n++) e.push(t[n]); return e; } function E(t, e) { "none" !== t.style.display && (t.style.display = "none"); } function k(t, e) { "none" === t.style.display && (t.style.display = ""); } function S(t) { return "none" !== window.getComputedStyle(t).display; } function D(t) { if ("string" == typeof t) { var e = [t], n = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms", "O"].forEach(function (i) { ("ms" === i && "transform" !== t) || e.push(i + n); }), (t = e); } var i = document.createElement("fakeelement"); t.length; for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { var o = t[a]; if (void 0 !== i.style[o]) return o; } return !1; } function N(t, e) { var n = !1; return ( /^Webkit/.test(t) ? (n = "webkit" + e + "End") : /^O/.test(t) ? (n = "o" + e + "End") : t && (n = e.toLowerCase() + "end"), n ); } var A = !1; try { var B = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function () { A = !0; }, }); window.addEventListener("test", null, B); } catch (t) {} var O = !!A && { passive: !0 }; function H(t, e, n) { for (var i in e) { var a = ["touchstart", "touchmove"].indexOf(i) >= 0 && !n && O; t.addEventListener(i, e[i], a); } } function z(t, e) { for (var n in e) { var i = ["touchstart", "touchmove"].indexOf(n) >= 0 && O; t.removeEventListener(n, e[n], i); } } function P() { return { topics: {}, on: function (t, e) { (this.topics[t] = this.topics[t] || []), this.topics[t].push(e); }, off: function (t, e) { if (this.topics[t]) for (var n = 0; n < this.topics[t].length; n++) if (this.topics[t][n] === e) { this.topics[t].splice(n, 1); break; } }, emit: function (t, e) { (e.type = t), this.topics[t] && this.topics[t].forEach(function (n) { n(e, t); }); }, }; } Object.keys || (Object.keys = function (t) { var e = []; for (var n in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && e.push(n); return e; }), "remove" in Element.prototype || (Element.prototype.remove = function () { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); var I = function (t) { t = r( { container: ".slider", mode: "carousel", axis: "horizontal", items: 1, gutter: 0, edgePadding: 0, fixedWidth: !1, autoWidth: !1, viewportMax: !1, slideBy: 1, center: !1, controls: !0, controlsPosition: "top", controlsText: ["prev", "next"], controlsContainer: !1, prevButton: !1, nextButton: !1, nav: !0, navPosition: "top", navContainer: !1, navAsThumbnails: !1, arrowKeys: !1, speed: 300, autoplay: !1, autoplayPosition: "top", autoplayTimeout: 5e3, autoplayDirection: "forward", autoplayText: ["start", "stop"], autoplayHoverPause: !1, autoplayButton: !1, autoplayButtonOutput: !0, autoplayResetOnVisibility: !0, animateIn: "tns-fadeIn", animateOut: "tns-fadeOut", animateNormal: "tns-normal", animateDelay: !1, loop: !0, rewind: !1, autoHeight: !1, responsive: !1, lazyload: !1, lazyloadSelector: ".tns-lazy-img", touch: !0, mouseDrag: !1, swipeAngle: 15, nested: !1, preventActionWhenRunning: !1, preventScrollOnTouch: !1, freezable: !0, onInit: !1, useLocalStorage: !0, nonce: !1, }, t || {} ); var e = document, n = window, a = { ENTER: 13, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, RIGHT: 39 }, u = {}, h = t.useLocalStorage; if (h) { var L = navigator.userAgent, A = new Date(); try { (u = n.localStorage) ? (u.setItem(A, A), (h = u.getItem(A) == A), u.removeItem(A)) : (h = !1), h || (u = {}); } catch (t) { h = !1; } h && (u.tnsApp && u.tnsApp !== L && [ "tC", "tPL", "tMQ", "tTf", "t3D", "tTDu", "tTDe", "tADu", "tADe", "tTE", "tAE", ].forEach(function (t) { u.removeItem(t); }), (localStorage.tnsApp = L)); } var B = u.tC ? s(u.tC) : c( u, "tC", (function () { var t = document, e = l(), n = f(e), i = t.createElement("div"), a = !1; e.appendChild(i); try { for ( var o, r = "(10px * 10)", s = ["calc" + r, "-moz-calc" + r, "-webkit-calc" + r], c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) if ( ((o = s[c]), (i.style.width = o), 100 === i.offsetWidth) ) { a = o.replace(r, ""); break; } } catch (t) {} return e.fake ? d(e, n) : i.remove(), a; })(), h ), O = u.tPL ? s(u.tPL) : c( u, "tPL", (function () { var t, e = document, n = l(), i = f(n), a = e.createElement("div"), o = e.createElement("div"), r = ""; (a.className = "tns-t-subp2"), (o.className = "tns-t-ct"); for (var s = 0; s < 70; s++) r += "
"; return ( (o.innerHTML = r), a.appendChild(o), n.appendChild(a), (t = Math.abs( a.getBoundingClientRect().left - o.children[67].getBoundingClientRect().left ) < 2), n.fake ? d(n, i) : a.remove(), t ); })(), h ), R = u.tMQ ? s(u.tMQ) : c( u, "tMQ", (function () { if (window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia) return !0; var t, e = document, n = l(), i = f(n), a = e.createElement("div"), o = e.createElement("style"), r = "@media all and (min-width:1px){.tns-mq-test{position:absolute}}"; return ( (o.type = "text/css"), (a.className = "tns-mq-test"), n.appendChild(o), n.appendChild(a), o.styleSheet ? (o.styleSheet.cssText = r) : o.appendChild(e.createTextNode(r)), (t = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(a).position : a.currentStyle.position), n.fake ? d(n, i) : a.remove(), "absolute" === t ); })(), h ), W = u.tTf ? s(u.tTf) : c(u, "tTf", D("transform"), h), q = u.t3D ? s(u.t3D) : c( u, "t3D", (function (t) { if (!t) return !1; if (!window.getComputedStyle) return !1; var e, n = document, i = l(), a = f(i), o = n.createElement("p"), r = t.length > 9 ? "-" + t.slice(0, -9).toLowerCase() + "-" : ""; return ( (r += "transform"), i.insertBefore(o, null), (o.style[t] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)"), (e = window.getComputedStyle(o).getPropertyValue(r)), i.fake ? d(i, a) : o.remove(), void 0 !== e && e.length > 0 && "none" !== e ); })(W), h ), F = u.tTDu ? s(u.tTDu) : c(u, "tTDu", D("transitionDuration"), h), j = u.tTDe ? s(u.tTDe) : c(u, "tTDe", D("transitionDelay"), h), V = u.tADu ? s(u.tADu) : c(u, "tADu", D("animationDuration"), h), _ = u.tADe ? s(u.tADe) : c(u, "tADe", D("animationDelay"), h), G = u.tTE ? s(u.tTE) : c(u, "tTE", N(F, "Transition"), h), Q = u.tAE ? s(u.tAE) : c(u, "tAE", N(V, "Animation"), h), X = n.console && "function" == typeof n.console.warn, Y = [ "container", "controlsContainer", "prevButton", "nextButton", "navContainer", "autoplayButton", ], K = {}; if ( (Y.forEach(function (n) { if ("string" == typeof t[n]) { var i = t[n], a = e.querySelector(i); if (((K[n] = i), !a || !a.nodeName)) return void (X && console.warn("Can't find", t[n])); t[n] = a; } }), !(t.container.children.length < 1)) ) { var J = t.responsive, U = t.nested, Z = "carousel" === t.mode; if (J) { 0 in J && ((t = r(t, J[0])), delete J[0]); var $ = {}; for (var tt in J) { var et = J[tt]; (et = "number" == typeof et ? { items: et } : et), ($[tt] = et); } (J = $), ($ = null); } if ( (Z || (function t(e) { for (var n in e) Z || ("slideBy" === n && (e[n] = "page"), "edgePadding" === n && (e[n] = !1), "autoHeight" === n && (e[n] = !1)), "responsive" === n && t(e[n]); })(t), !Z) ) { (t.axis = "horizontal"), (t.slideBy = "page"), (t.edgePadding = !1); var nt = t.animateIn, it = t.animateOut, at = t.animateDelay, ot = t.animateNormal; } var rt, st, ct = "horizontal" === t.axis, lt = e.createElement("div"), ut = e.createElement("div"), ft = t.container, dt = ft.parentNode, vt = ft.outerHTML, pt = ft.children, mt = pt.length, ht = Bn(), yt = !1; J && $n(), Z && (ft.className += " tns-vpfix"); var gt, bt, xt, wt, Lt, Ct = t.autoWidth, Tt = In("fixedWidth"), Mt = In("edgePadding"), Et = In("gutter"), kt = zn(), St = In("center"), Dt = Ct ? 1 : Math.floor(In("items")), Nt = In("slideBy"), At = t.viewportMax || t.fixedWidthViewportWidth, Bt = In("arrowKeys"), Ot = In("speed"), Ht = t.rewind, zt = !Ht && t.loop, Pt = In("autoHeight"), It = In("controls"), Rt = In("controlsText"), Wt = In("nav"), qt = In("touch"), Ft = In("mouseDrag"), jt = In("autoplay"), Vt = In("autoplayTimeout"), _t = In("autoplayText"), Gt = In("autoplayHoverPause"), Qt = In("autoplayResetOnVisibility"), Xt = (null, (wt = In("nonce")), (Lt = document.createElement("style")), wt && Lt.setAttribute("nonce", wt), document.querySelector("head").appendChild(Lt), Lt.sheet ? Lt.sheet : Lt.styleSheet), Yt = t.lazyload, Kt = t.lazyloadSelector, Jt = [], Ut = zt ? ((bt = (function () { if (Ct || (Tt && !At)) return mt - 1; var e = Tt ? "fixedWidth" : "items", n = []; if (((Tt || t[e] < mt) && n.push(t[e]), J)) for (var i in J) { var a = J[i][e]; a && (Tt || a < mt) && n.push(a); } return ( n.length || n.push(0), Math.ceil( Tt ? At / Math.min.apply(null, n) : Math.max.apply(null, n) ) ); })()), (xt = Z ? Math.ceil((5 * bt - mt) / 2) : 4 * bt - mt), (xt = Math.max(bt, xt)), Pn("edgePadding") ? xt + 1 : xt) : 0, Zt = Z ? mt + 2 * Ut : mt + Ut, $t = !((!Tt && !Ct) || zt), te = Tt ? Mi() : null, ee = !Z || !zt, ne = ct ? "left" : "top", ie = "", ae = "", oe = Tt ? function () { return St && !zt ? mt - 1 : Math.ceil(-te / (Tt + Et)); } : Ct ? function () { for (var t = 0; t < Zt; t++) if (gt[t] >= -te) return t; } : function () { return St && Z && !zt ? mt - 1 : zt || Z ? Math.max(0, Zt - Math.ceil(Dt)) : Zt - 1; }, re = Dn(In("startIndex")), se = re; Sn(); var ce, le, ue, fe = 0, de = Ct ? null : oe(), ve = t.preventActionWhenRunning, pe = t.swipeAngle, me = !pe || "?", he = !1, ye = t.onInit, ge = new P(), be = " tns-slider tns-" + t.mode, xe = ft.id || ((ue = window.tnsId), (window.tnsId = ue ? ue + 1 : 1), "tns" + window.tnsId), we = In("disable"), Le = !1, Ce = t.freezable, Te = !(!Ce || Ct) && Zn(), Me = !1, Ee = { click: Hi, keydown: function (t) { t = ji(t); var e = [a.LEFT, a.RIGHT].indexOf(t.keyCode); e >= 0 && (0 === e ? Ye.disabled || Hi(t, -1) : Ke.disabled || Hi(t, 1)); }, }, ke = { click: function (t) { if (he) { if (ve) return; Bi(); } for (var e = Vi((t = ji(t))); e !== $e && !x(e, "data-nav"); ) e = e.parentNode; if (x(e, "data-nav")) { var n = (an = Number(w(e, "data-nav"))), i = Tt || Ct ? (n * mt) / en : n * Dt; Oi(ze ? n : Math.min(Math.ceil(i), mt - 1), t), on === n && (fn && Wi(), (an = -1)); } }, keydown: function (t) { t = ji(t); var n = e.activeElement; if (x(n, "data-nav")) { var i = [a.LEFT, a.RIGHT, a.ENTER, a.SPACE].indexOf( t.keyCode ), o = Number(w(n, "data-nav")); i >= 0 && (0 === i ? o > 0 && Fi(Ze[o - 1]) : 1 === i ? o < en - 1 && Fi(Ze[o + 1]) : ((an = o), Oi(o, t))); } }, }, Se = { mouseover: function () { fn && (Pi(), (dn = !0)); }, mouseout: function () { dn && (zi(), (dn = !1)); }, }, De = { visibilitychange: function () { e.hidden ? fn && (Pi(), (pn = !0)) : pn && (zi(), (pn = !1)); }, }, Ne = { keydown: function (t) { t = ji(t); var e = [a.LEFT, a.RIGHT].indexOf(t.keyCode); e >= 0 && Hi(t, 0 === e ? -1 : 1); }, }, Ae = { touchstart: Xi, touchmove: Yi, touchend: Ji, touchcancel: Ji, }, Be = { mousedown: Xi, mousemove: Yi, mouseup: Ji, mouseleave: Ji, }, Oe = Pn("controls"), He = Pn("nav"), ze = !!Ct || t.navAsThumbnails, Pe = Pn("autoplay"), Ie = Pn("touch"), Re = Pn("mouseDrag"), We = "tns-slide-active", qe = "tns-slide-cloned", Fe = "tns-complete", je = { load: function (t) { ci(Vi(t)); }, error: function (t) { var e; (e = Vi(t)), g(e, "failed"), li(e); }, }, Ve = "force" === t.preventScrollOnTouch; if (Oe) var _e, Ge, Qe = t.controlsContainer, Xe = t.controlsContainer ? t.controlsContainer.outerHTML : "", Ye = t.prevButton, Ke = t.nextButton, Je = t.prevButton ? t.prevButton.outerHTML : "", Ue = t.nextButton ? t.nextButton.outerHTML : ""; if (He) var Ze, $e = t.navContainer, tn = t.navContainer ? t.navContainer.outerHTML : "", en = Ct ? mt : Zi(), nn = 0, an = -1, on = An(), rn = on, sn = "tns-nav-active", cn = "Carousel Page ", ln = " (Current Slide)"; if (Pe) var un, fn, dn, vn, pn, mn = "forward" === t.autoplayDirection ? 1 : -1, hn = t.autoplayButton, yn = t.autoplayButton ? t.autoplayButton.outerHTML : "", gn = [ "", " animation", ]; if (Ie || Re) var bn, xn, wn = {}, Ln = {}, Cn = !1, Tn = ct ? function (t, e) { return t.x - e.x; } : function (t, e) { return t.y - e.y; }; Ct || kn(we || Te), W && ((ne = W), (ie = "translate"), q ? ((ie += ct ? "3d(" : "3d(0px, "), (ae = ct ? ", 0px, 0px)" : ", 0px)")) : ((ie += ct ? "X(" : "Y("), (ae = ")"))), Z && (ft.className = ft.className.replace("tns-vpfix", "")), (function () { if ( (Pn("gutter"), (lt.className = "tns-outer"), (ut.className = "tns-inner"), (lt.id = xe + "-ow"), (ut.id = xe + "-iw"), "" === ft.id && (ft.id = xe), (be += O || Ct ? " tns-subpixel" : " tns-no-subpixel"), (be += B ? " tns-calc" : " tns-no-calc"), Ct && (be += " tns-autowidth"), (be += " tns-" + t.axis), (ft.className += be), Z ? (((rt = e.createElement("div")).id = xe + "-mw"), (rt.className = "tns-ovh"), lt.appendChild(rt), rt.appendChild(ut)) : lt.appendChild(ut), Pt && ((rt || ut).className += " tns-ah"), dt.insertBefore(lt, ft), ut.appendChild(ft), m(pt, function (t, e) { g(t, "tns-item"), t.id || (t.id = xe + "-item" + e), !Z && ot && g(t, ot), C(t, { "aria-hidden": "true", tabindex: "-1" }); }), Ut) ) { for ( var n = e.createDocumentFragment(), i = e.createDocumentFragment(), a = Ut; a--; ) { var o = a % mt, r = pt[o].cloneNode(!0); if ( (g(r, qe), T(r, "id"), i.insertBefore(r, i.firstChild), Z) ) { var s = pt[mt - 1 - o].cloneNode(!0); g(s, qe), T(s, "id"), n.appendChild(s); } } ft.insertBefore(n, ft.firstChild), ft.appendChild(i), (pt = ft.children); } })(), (function () { if (!Z) for (var e = re, i = re + Math.min(mt, Dt); e < i; e++) { var a = pt[e]; (a.style.left = (100 * (e - re)) / Dt + "%"), g(a, nt), b(a, ot); } if ( (ct && (O || Ct ? (v( Xt, "#" + xe + " > .tns-item", "font-size:" + n.getComputedStyle(pt[0]).fontSize + ";", p(Xt) ), v(Xt, "#" + xe, "font-size:0;", p(Xt))) : Z && m(pt, function (t, e) { t.style.marginLeft = (function (t) { return B ? B + "(" + 100 * t + "% / " + Zt + ")" : (100 * t) / Zt + "%"; })(e); })), R) ) { if (F) { var o = rt && t.autoHeight ? Vn(t.speed) : ""; v(Xt, "#" + xe + "-mw", o, p(Xt)); } (o = Rn( t.edgePadding, t.gutter, t.fixedWidth, t.speed, t.autoHeight )), v(Xt, "#" + xe + "-iw", o, p(Xt)), Z && ((o = ct && !Ct ? "width:" + Wn(t.fixedWidth, t.gutter, t.items) + ";" : ""), F && (o += Vn(Ot)), v(Xt, "#" + xe, o, p(Xt))), (o = ct && !Ct ? qn(t.fixedWidth, t.gutter, t.items) : ""), t.gutter && (o += Fn(t.gutter)), Z || (F && (o += Vn(Ot)), V && (o += _n(Ot))), o && v(Xt, "#" + xe + " > .tns-item", o, p(Xt)); } else Z && Pt && (rt.style[F] = Ot / 1e3 + "s"), (ut.style.cssText = Rn(Mt, Et, Tt, Pt)), Z && ct && !Ct && (ft.style.width = Wn(Tt, Et, Dt)), (o = ct && !Ct ? qn(Tt, Et, Dt) : ""), Et && (o += Fn(Et)), o && v(Xt, "#" + xe + " > .tns-item", o, p(Xt)); if (J && R) for (var r in J) { r = parseInt(r); var s = J[r], c = ((o = ""), ""), l = "", u = "", f = "", d = Ct ? null : In("items", r), h = In("fixedWidth", r), y = In("speed", r), x = In("edgePadding", r), w = In("autoHeight", r), L = In("gutter", r); F && rt && In("autoHeight", r) && "speed" in s && (c = "#" + xe + "-mw{" + Vn(y) + "}"), ("edgePadding" in s || "gutter" in s) && (l = "#" + xe + "-iw{" + Rn(x, L, h, y, w) + "}"), Z && ct && !Ct && ("fixedWidth" in s || "items" in s || (Tt && "gutter" in s)) && (u = "width:" + Wn(h, L, d) + ";"), F && "speed" in s && (u += Vn(y)), u && (u = "#" + xe + "{" + u + "}"), ("fixedWidth" in s || (Tt && "gutter" in s) || (!Z && "items" in s)) && (f += qn(h, L, d)), "gutter" in s && (f += Fn(L)), !Z && "speed" in s && (F && (f += Vn(y)), V && (f += _n(y))), f && (f = "#" + xe + " > .tns-item{" + f + "}"), (o = c + l + u + f) && Xt.insertRule( "@media (min-width: " + r / 16 + "em) {" + o + "}", Xt.cssRules.length ); } })(), Gn(); var Mn = zt ? Z ? function () { var t = fe, e = de; (t += Nt), (e -= Nt), Mt ? ((t += 1), (e -= 1)) : Tt && (kt + Et) % (Tt + Et) && (e -= 1), Ut && (re > e ? (re -= mt) : re < t && (re += mt)); } : function () { if (re > de) for (; re >= fe + mt; ) re -= mt; else if (re < fe) for (; re <= de - mt; ) re += mt; } : function () { re = Math.max(fe, Math.min(de, re)); }, En = Z ? function () { var t, e, n, i, a, o, r, s, c, l, u; Ci(ft, ""), F || !Ot ? (Si(), (Ot && S(ft)) || Bi()) : ((t = ft), (e = ne), (n = ie), (i = ae), (a = Ei()), (o = Ot), (r = Bi), (s = Math.min(o, 10)), (c = a.indexOf("%") >= 0 ? "%" : "px"), (a = a.replace(c, "")), (l = Number( t.style[e] .replace(n, "") .replace(i, "") .replace(c, "") )), (u = ((a - l) / o) * s), setTimeout(function a() { (o -= s), (l += u), (t.style[e] = n + l + c + i), o > 0 ? setTimeout(a, s) : r(); }, s)), ct || Ui(); } : function () { Jt = []; var t = {}; (t[G] = t[Q] = Bi), z(pt[se], t), H(pt[re], t), Di(se, nt, it, !0), Di(re, ot, nt), (G && Q && Ot && S(ft)) || Bi(); }; return { version: "2.9.4", getInfo: ta, events: ge, goTo: Oi, play: function () { jt && !fn && (Ri(), (vn = !1)); }, pause: function () { fn && (Wi(), (vn = !0)); }, isOn: yt, updateSliderHeight: mi, refresh: Gn, destroy: function () { if ( ((Xt.disabled = !0), Xt.ownerNode && Xt.ownerNode.remove(), z(n, { resize: Jn }), Bt && z(e, Ne), Qe && z(Qe, Ee), $e && z($e, ke), z(ft, Se), z(ft, De), hn && z(hn, { click: qi }), jt && clearInterval(un), Z && G) ) { var i = {}; (i[G] = Bi), z(ft, i); } qt && z(ft, Ae), Ft && z(ft, Be); var a = [vt, Xe, Je, Ue, tn, yn]; for (var o in (Y.forEach(function (e, n) { var i = "container" === e ? lt : t[e]; if ("object" == typeof i && i) { var o = !!i.previousElementSibling && i.previousElementSibling, r = i.parentNode; (i.outerHTML = a[n]), (t[e] = o ? o.nextElementSibling : r.firstElementChild); } }), (Y = nt = it = at = ot = ct = lt = ut = ft = dt = vt = pt = mt = st = ht = Ct = Tt = Mt = Et = kt = Dt = Nt = At = Bt = Ot = Ht = zt = Pt = Xt = Yt = gt = Jt = Ut = Zt = $t = te = ee = ne = ie = ae = oe = re = se = fe = de = pe = me = he = ye = ge = be = xe = we = Le = Ce = Te = Me = Ee = ke = Se = De = Ne = Ae = Be = Oe = He = ze = Pe = Ie = Re = We = Fe = je = ce = It = Rt = Qe = Xe = Ye = Ke = _e = Ge = Wt = $e = tn = Ze = en = nn = an = on = rn = sn = cn = ln = jt = Vt = mn = _t = Gt = hn = yn = Qt = gn = un = fn = dn = vn = pn = wn = Ln = bn = Cn = xn = Tn = qt = Ft = null), this)) "rebuild" !== o && (this[o] = null); yt = !1; }, rebuild: function () { return I(r(t, K)); }, }; } function kn(t) { t && (It = Wt = qt = Ft = Bt = jt = Gt = Qt = !1); } function Sn() { for (var t = Z ? re - Ut : re; t < 0; ) t += mt; return (t % mt) + 1; } function Dn(t) { return ( (t = t ? Math.max(0, Math.min(zt ? mt - 1 : mt - Dt, t)) : 0), Z ? t + Ut : t ); } function Nn(t) { for (null == t && (t = re), Z && (t -= Ut); t < 0; ) t += mt; return Math.floor(t % mt); } function An() { var t, e = Nn(); return ( (t = ze ? e : Tt || Ct ? Math.ceil(((e + 1) * en) / mt - 1) : Math.floor(e / Dt)), !zt && Z && re === de && (t = en - 1), t ); } function Bn() { return ( n.innerWidth || e.documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth ); } function On(t) { return "top" === t ? "afterbegin" : "beforeend"; } function Hn(t) { if (null != t) { var n, i, a = e.createElement("div"); return ( t.appendChild(a), (i = (n = a.getBoundingClientRect()).right - n.left), a.remove(), i || (null !== t.parentNode.parentNode ? Hn(t.parentNode) : void 0) ); } } function zn() { var t = Mt ? 2 * Mt - Et : 0; return Hn(dt) - t; } function Pn(e) { if (t[e]) return !0; if (J) for (var n in J) if (J[n][e]) return !0; return !1; } function In(e, n) { if ((null == n && (n = ht), "items" === e && Tt)) return Math.floor((kt + Et) / (Tt + Et)) || 1; var i = t[e]; if (J) for (var a in J) n >= parseInt(a) && e in J[a] && (i = J[a][e]); return ( "slideBy" === e && "page" === i && (i = In("items")), Z || ("slideBy" !== e && "items" !== e) || (i = Math.floor(i)), i ); } function Rn(t, e, n, i, a) { var o = ""; if (void 0 !== t) { var r = t; e && (r -= e), (o = ct ? "margin: 0 " + r + "px 0 " + t + "px;" : "margin: " + t + "px 0 " + r + "px 0;"); } else if (e && !n) { var s = "-" + e + "px"; o = "margin: 0 " + (ct ? s + " 0 0" : "0 " + s + " 0") + ";"; } return !Z && a && F && i && (o += Vn(i)), o; } function Wn(t, e, n) { return t ? (t + e) * Zt + "px" : B ? B + "(" + 100 * Zt + "% / " + n + ")" : (100 * Zt) / n + "%"; } function qn(t, e, n) { var i; if (t) i = t + e + "px"; else { Z || (n = Math.floor(n)); var a = Z ? Zt : n; i = B ? B + "(100% / " + a + ")" : 100 / a + "%"; } return ( (i = "width:" + i), "inner" !== U ? i + ";" : i + " !important;" ); } function Fn(t) { var e = ""; return ( !1 !== t && (e = (ct ? "padding-" : "margin-") + (ct ? "right" : "bottom") + ": " + t + "px;"), e ); } function jn(t, e) { var n = t.substring(0, t.length - e).toLowerCase(); return n && (n = "-" + n + "-"), n; } function Vn(t) { return jn(F, 18) + "transition-duration:" + t / 1e3 + "s;"; } function _n(t) { return jn(V, 17) + "animation-duration:" + t / 1e3 + "s;"; } function Gn() { if (Pn("autoHeight") || Ct || !ct) { var t = ft.querySelectorAll("img"); m(t, function (t) { var e = t.src; Yt || (e && e.indexOf("data:image") < 0 ? ((t.src = ""), H(t, je), g(t, "loading"), (t.src = e)) : ci(t)); }), i(function () { di(M(t), function () { ce = !0; }); }), Pn("autoHeight") && (t = ui(re, Math.min(re + Dt - 1, Zt - 1))), Yt ? Qn() : i(function () { di(M(t), Qn); }); } else Z && ki(), Yn(), Kn(); } function Qn() { if (Ct && mt > 1) { var t = zt ? re : mt - 1; !(function e() { var n = pt[t].getBoundingClientRect().left, i = pt[t - 1].getBoundingClientRect().right; Math.abs(n - i) <= 1 ? Xn() : setTimeout(function () { e(); }, 16); })(); } else Xn(); } function Xn() { (ct && !Ct) || (hi(), Ct ? ((te = Mi()), Ce && (Te = Zn()), (de = oe()), kn(we || Te)) : Ui()), Z && ki(), Yn(), Kn(); } function Yn() { if ( (yi(), lt.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", '
slide ' + oi() + " of " + mt + "
" ), (le = lt.querySelector(".tns-liveregion .current")), Pe) ) { var e = jt ? "stop" : "start"; hn ? C(hn, { "data-action": e }) : t.autoplayButtonOutput && (lt.insertAdjacentHTML( On(t.autoplayPosition), '" ), (hn = lt.querySelector("[data-action]"))), hn && H(hn, { click: qi }), jt && (Ri(), Gt && H(ft, Se), Qt && H(ft, De)); } if (He) { if ($e) C($e, { "aria-label": "Carousel Pagination" }), m((Ze = $e.children), function (t, e) { C(t, { "data-nav": e, tabindex: "-1", "aria-label": cn + (e + 1), "aria-controls": xe, }); }); else { for ( var n = "", i = ze ? "" : 'style="display:none"', a = 0; a < mt; a++ ) n += ''; (n = '
' + n + "
"), lt.insertAdjacentHTML(On(t.navPosition), n), ($e = lt.querySelector(".tns-nav")), (Ze = $e.children); } if (($i(), F)) { var o = F.substring(0, F.length - 18).toLowerCase(), r = "transition: all " + Ot / 1e3 + "s"; o && (r = "-" + o + "-" + r), v(Xt, "[aria-controls^=" + xe + "-item]", r, p(Xt)); } C(Ze[on], { "aria-label": cn + (on + 1) + ln }), T(Ze[on], "tabindex"), g(Ze[on], sn), H($e, ke); } Oe && (Qe || (Ye && Ke) || (lt.insertAdjacentHTML( On(t.controlsPosition), '
" ), (Qe = lt.querySelector(".tns-controls"))), (Ye && Ke) || ((Ye = Qe.children[0]), (Ke = Qe.children[1])), t.controlsContainer && C(Qe, { "aria-label": "Carousel Navigation", tabindex: "0" }), (t.controlsContainer || (t.prevButton && t.nextButton)) && C([Ye, Ke], { "aria-controls": xe, tabindex: "-1" }), (t.controlsContainer || (t.prevButton && t.nextButton)) && (C(Ye, { "data-controls": "prev" }), C(Ke, { "data-controls": "next" })), (_e = bi(Ye)), (Ge = bi(Ke)), Li(), Qe ? H(Qe, Ee) : (H(Ye, Ee), H(Ke, Ee))), ti(); } function Kn() { if (Z && G) { var i = {}; (i[G] = Bi), H(ft, i); } qt && H(ft, Ae, t.preventScrollOnTouch), Ft && H(ft, Be), Bt && H(e, Ne), "inner" === U ? ge.on("outerResized", function () { Un(), ge.emit("innerLoaded", ta()); }) : (J || Tt || Ct || Pt || !ct) && H(n, { resize: Jn }), Pt && ("outer" === U ? ge.on("innerLoaded", fi) : we || fi()), si(), we ? ii() : Te && ni(), ge.on("indexChanged", vi), "inner" === U && ge.emit("innerLoaded", ta()), "function" == typeof ye && ye(ta()), (yt = !0); } function Jn(t) { i(function () { Un(ji(t)); }); } function Un(n) { if (yt) { "outer" === U && ge.emit("outerResized", ta(n)), (ht = Bn()); var i, a = st, o = !1; J && ($n(), (i = a !== st) && ge.emit("newBreakpointStart", ta(n))); var r, s, c = Dt, l = we, u = Te, f = Bt, d = It, h = Wt, y = qt, x = Ft, w = jt, L = Gt, C = Qt, T = re; if (i) { var M = Tt, S = Pt, D = Rt, N = St, A = _t; if (!R) var B = Et, O = Mt; } if ( ((Bt = In("arrowKeys")), (It = In("controls")), (Wt = In("nav")), (qt = In("touch")), (St = In("center")), (Ft = In("mouseDrag")), (jt = In("autoplay")), (Gt = In("autoplayHoverPause")), (Qt = In("autoplayResetOnVisibility")), i && ((we = In("disable")), (Tt = In("fixedWidth")), (Ot = In("speed")), (Pt = In("autoHeight")), (Rt = In("controlsText")), (_t = In("autoplayText")), (Vt = In("autoplayTimeout")), R || ((Mt = In("edgePadding")), (Et = In("gutter")))), kn(we), (kt = zn()), (ct && !Ct) || we || (hi(), ct || (Ui(), (o = !0))), (Tt || Ct) && ((te = Mi()), (de = oe())), (i || Tt) && ((Dt = In("items")), (Nt = In("slideBy")), (s = Dt !== c) && (Tt || Ct || (de = oe()), Mn())), i && we !== l && (we ? ii() : (function () { if (Le) { if ( ((Xt.disabled = !1), (ft.className += be), ki(), zt) ) for (var t = Ut; t--; ) Z && k(pt[t]), k(pt[Zt - t - 1]); if (!Z) for (var e = re, n = re + mt; e < n; e++) { var i = pt[e], a = e < re + Dt ? nt : ot; (i.style.left = (100 * (e - re)) / Dt + "%"), g(i, a); } ei(), (Le = !1); } })()), Ce && (i || Tt || Ct) && (Te = Zn()) !== u && (Te ? (Si(Ei(Dn(0))), ni()) : ((function () { if (Me) { if ((Mt && R && (ut.style.margin = ""), Ut)) for (var t = "tns-transparent", e = Ut; e--; ) Z && b(pt[e], t), b(pt[Zt - e - 1], t); ei(), (Me = !1); } })(), (o = !0))), kn(we || Te), jt || (Gt = Qt = !1), Bt !== f && (Bt ? H(e, Ne) : z(e, Ne)), It !== d && (It ? Qe ? k(Qe) : (Ye && k(Ye), Ke && k(Ke)) : Qe ? E(Qe) : (Ye && E(Ye), Ke && E(Ke))), Wt !== h && (Wt ? (k($e), $i()) : E($e)), qt !== y && (qt ? H(ft, Ae, t.preventScrollOnTouch) : z(ft, Ae)), Ft !== x && (Ft ? H(ft, Be) : z(ft, Be)), jt !== w && (jt ? (hn && k(hn), fn || vn || Ri()) : (hn && E(hn), fn && Wi())), Gt !== L && (Gt ? H(ft, Se) : z(ft, Se)), Qt !== C && (Qt ? H(e, De) : z(e, De)), i) ) { if ( ((Tt === M && St === N) || (o = !0), Pt !== S && (Pt || (ut.style.height = "")), It && Rt !== D && ((Ye.innerHTML = Rt[0]), (Ke.innerHTML = Rt[1])), hn && _t !== A) ) { var P = jt ? 1 : 0, I = hn.innerHTML, W = I.length - A[P].length; I.substring(W) === A[P] && (hn.innerHTML = I.substring(0, W) + _t[P]); } } else St && (Tt || Ct) && (o = !0); if ( ((s || (Tt && !Ct)) && ((en = Zi()), $i()), (r = re !== T) ? (ge.emit("indexChanged", ta()), (o = !0)) : s ? r || vi() : (Tt || Ct) && (si(), yi(), ai()), s && !Z && (function () { for (var t = re + Math.min(mt, Dt), e = Zt; e--; ) { var n = pt[e]; e >= re && e < t ? (g(n, "tns-moving"), (n.style.left = (100 * (e - re)) / Dt + "%"), g(n, nt), b(n, ot)) : n.style.left && ((n.style.left = ""), g(n, ot), b(n, nt)), b(n, it); } setTimeout(function () { m(pt, function (t) { b(t, "tns-moving"); }); }, 300); })(), !we && !Te) ) { if ( i && !R && ((Mt === O && Et === B) || (ut.style.cssText = Rn(Mt, Et, Tt, Ot, Pt)), ct) ) { Z && (ft.style.width = Wn(Tt, Et, Dt)); var q = qn(Tt, Et, Dt) + Fn(Et); !(function (t, e) { "deleteRule" in t ? t.deleteRule(e) : t.removeRule(e); })(Xt, p(Xt) - 1), v(Xt, "#" + xe + " > .tns-item", q, p(Xt)); } Pt && fi(), o && (ki(), (se = re)); } i && ge.emit("newBreakpointEnd", ta(n)); } } function Zn() { if (!Tt && !Ct) return mt <= (St ? Dt - (Dt - 1) / 2 : Dt); var t = Tt ? (Tt + Et) * mt : gt[mt], e = Mt ? kt + 2 * Mt : kt + Et; return ( St && (e -= Tt ? (kt - Tt) / 2 : (kt - (gt[re + 1] - gt[re] - Et)) / 2), t <= e ); } function $n() { for (var t in ((st = 0), J)) (t = parseInt(t)), ht >= t && (st = t); } function ti() { !jt && hn && E(hn), !Wt && $e && E($e), It || (Qe ? E(Qe) : (Ye && E(Ye), Ke && E(Ke))); } function ei() { jt && hn && k(hn), Wt && $e && k($e), It && (Qe ? k(Qe) : (Ye && k(Ye), Ke && k(Ke))); } function ni() { if (!Me) { if ((Mt && (ut.style.margin = "0px"), Ut)) for (var t = "tns-transparent", e = Ut; e--; ) Z && g(pt[e], t), g(pt[Zt - e - 1], t); ti(), (Me = !0); } } function ii() { if (!Le) { if ( ((Xt.disabled = !0), (ft.className = ft.className.replace(be.substring(1), "")), T(ft, ["style"]), zt) ) for (var t = Ut; t--; ) Z && E(pt[t]), E(pt[Zt - t - 1]); if (((ct && Z) || T(ut, ["style"]), !Z)) for (var e = re, n = re + mt; e < n; e++) { var i = pt[e]; T(i, ["style"]), b(i, nt), b(i, ot); } ti(), (Le = !0); } } function ai() { var t = oi(); le.innerHTML !== t && (le.innerHTML = t); } function oi() { var t = ri(), e = t[0] + 1, n = t[1] + 1; return e === n ? e + "" : e + " to " + n; } function ri(t) { null == t && (t = Ei()); var e, n, i, a = re; if ( (St || Mt ? (Ct || Tt) && ((n = -(parseFloat(t) + Mt)), (i = n + kt + 2 * Mt)) : Ct && ((n = gt[re]), (i = n + kt)), Ct) ) gt.forEach(function (t, o) { o < Zt && ((St || Mt) && t <= n + 0.5 && (a = o), i - t >= 0.5 && (e = o)); }); else { if (Tt) { var o = Tt + Et; St || Mt ? ((a = Math.floor(n / o)), (e = Math.ceil(i / o - 1))) : (e = a + Math.ceil(kt / o) - 1); } else if (St || Mt) { var r = Dt - 1; if ( (St ? ((a -= r / 2), (e = re + r / 2)) : (e = re + r), Mt) ) { var s = (Mt * Dt) / kt; (a -= s), (e += s); } (a = Math.floor(a)), (e = Math.ceil(e)); } else e = a + Dt - 1; (a = Math.max(a, 0)), (e = Math.min(e, Zt - 1)); } return [a, e]; } function si() { if (Yt && !we) { var t = ri(); t.push(Kt), ui.apply(null, t).forEach(function (t) { if (!y(t, Fe)) { var e = {}; (e[G] = function (t) { t.stopPropagation(); }), H(t, e), H(t, je), (t.src = w(t, "data-src")); var n = w(t, "data-srcset"); n && (t.srcset = n), g(t, "loading"); } }); } } function ci(t) { g(t, "loaded"), li(t); } function li(t) { g(t, Fe), b(t, "loading"), z(t, je); } function ui(t, e, n) { var i = []; for (n || (n = "img"); t <= e; ) m(pt[t].querySelectorAll(n), function (t) { i.push(t); }), t++; return i; } function fi() { var t = ui.apply(null, ri()); i(function () { di(t, mi); }); } function di(t, e) { return ce ? e() : (t.forEach(function (e, n) { !Yt && e.complete && li(e), y(e, Fe) && t.splice(n, 1); }), t.length ? void i(function () { di(t, e); }) : e()); } function vi() { si(), yi(), ai(), Li(), (function () { if (Wt && ((on = an >= 0 ? an : An()), (an = -1), on !== rn)) { var t = Ze[rn], e = Ze[on]; C(t, { tabindex: "-1", "aria-label": cn + (rn + 1) }), b(t, sn), C(e, { "aria-label": cn + (on + 1) + ln }), T(e, "tabindex"), g(e, sn), (rn = on); } })(); } function pi(t, e) { for (var n = [], i = t, a = Math.min(t + e, Zt); i < a; i++) n.push(pt[i].offsetHeight); return Math.max.apply(null, n); } function mi() { var t = Pt ? pi(re, Dt) : pi(Ut, mt), e = rt || ut; e.style.height !== t && (e.style.height = t + "px"); } function hi() { gt = [0]; var t = ct ? "left" : "top", e = ct ? "right" : "bottom", n = pt[0].getBoundingClientRect()[t]; m(pt, function (i, a) { a && gt.push(i.getBoundingClientRect()[t] - n), a === Zt - 1 && gt.push(i.getBoundingClientRect()[e] - n); }); } function yi() { var t = ri(), e = t[0], n = t[1]; m(pt, function (t, i) { i >= e && i <= n ? x(t, "aria-hidden") && (T(t, ["aria-hidden", "tabindex"]), g(t, We)) : x(t, "aria-hidden") || (C(t, { "aria-hidden": "true", tabindex: "-1" }), b(t, We)); }); } function gi(t) { return t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } function bi(t) { return "button" === gi(t); } function xi(t) { return "true" === t.getAttribute("aria-disabled"); } function wi(t, e, n) { t ? (e.disabled = n) : e.setAttribute("aria-disabled", n.toString()); } function Li() { if (It && !Ht && !zt) { var t = _e ? Ye.disabled : xi(Ye), e = Ge ? Ke.disabled : xi(Ke), n = re <= fe, i = !Ht && re >= de; n && !t && wi(_e, Ye, !0), !n && t && wi(_e, Ye, !1), i && !e && wi(Ge, Ke, !0), !i && e && wi(Ge, Ke, !1); } } function Ci(t, e) { F && (t.style[F] = e); } function Ti(t) { return ( null == t && (t = re), Ct ? (kt - (Mt ? Et : 0) - (gt[t + 1] - gt[t] - Et)) / 2 : Tt ? (kt - Tt) / 2 : (Dt - 1) / 2 ); } function Mi() { var t = kt + (Mt ? Et : 0) - (Tt ? (Tt + Et) * Zt : gt[Zt]); return ( St && !zt && (t = Tt ? -(Tt + Et) * (Zt - 1) - Ti() : Ti(Zt - 1) - gt[Zt - 1]), t > 0 && (t = 0), t ); } function Ei(t) { var e; if ((null == t && (t = re), ct && !Ct)) if (Tt) (e = -(Tt + Et) * t), St && (e += Ti()); else { var n = W ? Zt : Dt; St && (t -= Ti()), (e = (100 * -t) / n); } else (e = -gt[t]), St && Ct && (e += Ti()); return ( $t && (e = Math.max(e, te)), e + (!ct || Ct || Tt ? "px" : "%") ); } function ki(t) { Ci(ft, "0s"), Si(t); } function Si(t) { null == t && (t = Ei()), (ft.style[ne] = ie + t + ae); } function Di(t, e, n, i) { var a = t + Dt; zt || (a = Math.min(a, Zt)); for (var o = t; o < a; o++) { var r = pt[o]; i || (r.style.left = (100 * (o - re)) / Dt + "%"), at && j && (r.style[j] = r.style[_] = (at * (o - t)) / 1e3 + "s"), b(r, e), g(r, n), i && Jt.push(r); } } function Ni(t, e) { ee && Mn(), (re !== se || e) && (ge.emit("indexChanged", ta()), ge.emit("transitionStart", ta()), Pt && fi(), fn && t && ["click", "keydown"].indexOf(t.type) >= 0 && Wi(), (he = !0), En()); } function Ai(t) { return t.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ""); } function Bi(t) { if (Z || he) { if ((ge.emit("transitionEnd", ta(t)), !Z && Jt.length > 0)) for (var e = 0; e < Jt.length; e++) { var n = Jt[e]; (n.style.left = ""), _ && j && ((n.style[_] = ""), (n.style[j] = "")), b(n, it), g(n, ot); } if ( !t || (!Z && t.target.parentNode === ft) || (t.target === ft && Ai(t.propertyName) === Ai(ne)) ) { if (!ee) { var i = re; Mn(), re !== i && (ge.emit("indexChanged", ta()), ki()); } "inner" === U && ge.emit("innerLoaded", ta()), (he = !1), (se = re); } } } function Oi(t, e) { if (!Te) if ("prev" === t) Hi(e, -1); else if ("next" === t) Hi(e, 1); else { if (he) { if (ve) return; Bi(); } var n = Nn(), i = 0; if ( ("first" === t ? (i = -n) : "last" === t ? (i = Z ? mt - Dt - n : mt - 1 - n) : ("number" != typeof t && (t = parseInt(t)), isNaN(t) || (e || (t = Math.max(0, Math.min(mt - 1, t))), (i = t - n))), !Z && i && Math.abs(i) < Dt) ) { var a = i > 0 ? 1 : -1; i += re + i - mt >= fe ? mt * a : 2 * mt * a * -1; } (re += i), Z && zt && (re < fe && (re += mt), re > de && (re -= mt)), Nn(re) !== Nn(se) && Ni(e); } } function Hi(t, e) { if (he) { if (ve) return; Bi(); } var n; if (!e) { for ( var i = Vi((t = ji(t))); i !== Qe && [Ye, Ke].indexOf(i) < 0; ) i = i.parentNode; var a = [Ye, Ke].indexOf(i); a >= 0 && ((n = !0), (e = 0 === a ? -1 : 1)); } if (Ht) { if (re === fe && -1 === e) return void Oi("last", t); if (re === de && 1 === e) return void Oi("first", t); } e && ((re += Nt * e), Ct && (re = Math.floor(re)), Ni(n || (t && "keydown" === t.type) ? t : null)); } function zi() { (un = setInterval(function () { Hi(null, mn); }, Vt)), (fn = !0); } function Pi() { clearInterval(un), (fn = !1); } function Ii(t, e) { C(hn, { "data-action": t }), (hn.innerHTML = gn[0] + t + gn[1] + e); } function Ri() { zi(), hn && Ii("stop", _t[1]); } function Wi() { Pi(), hn && Ii("start", _t[0]); } function qi() { fn ? (Wi(), (vn = !0)) : (Ri(), (vn = !1)); } function Fi(t) { t.focus(); } function ji(t) { return _i((t = t || n.event)) ? t.changedTouches[0] : t; } function Vi(t) { return t.target || n.event.srcElement; } function _i(t) { return t.type.indexOf("touch") >= 0; } function Gi(t) { t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : (t.returnValue = !1); } function Qi() { return ( (o = Ln.y - wn.y), (r = Ln.x - wn.x), (e = Math.atan2(o, r) * (180 / Math.PI)), (n = pe), (i = !1), (a = Math.abs(90 - Math.abs(e))) >= 90 - n ? (i = "horizontal") : a <= n && (i = "vertical"), i === t.axis ); var e, n, i, a, o, r; } function Xi(t) { if (he) { if (ve) return; Bi(); } jt && fn && Pi(), (Cn = !0), xn && (o(xn), (xn = null)); var e = ji(t); ge.emit(_i(t) ? "touchStart" : "dragStart", ta(t)), !_i(t) && ["img", "a"].indexOf(gi(Vi(t))) >= 0 && Gi(t), (Ln.x = wn.x = e.clientX), (Ln.y = wn.y = e.clientY), Z && ((bn = parseFloat(ft.style[ne].replace(ie, ""))), Ci(ft, "0s")); } function Yi(t) { if (Cn) { var e = ji(t); (Ln.x = e.clientX), (Ln.y = e.clientY), Z ? xn || (xn = i(function () { Ki(t); })) : ("?" === me && (me = Qi()), me && (Ve = !0)), ("boolean" != typeof t.cancelable || t.cancelable) && Ve && t.preventDefault(); } } function Ki(t) { if (me) { if ( (o(xn), Cn && (xn = i(function () { Ki(t); })), "?" === me && (me = Qi()), me) ) { !Ve && _i(t) && (Ve = !0); try { t.type && ge.emit(_i(t) ? "touchMove" : "dragMove", ta(t)); } catch (t) {} var e = bn, n = Tn(Ln, wn); !ct || Tt || Ct ? ((e += n), (e += "px")) : ((e += W ? (n * Dt * 100) / ((kt + Et) * Zt) : (100 * n) / (kt + Et)), (e += "%")), (ft.style[ne] = ie + e + ae); } } else Cn = !1; } function Ji(e) { if (Cn) { xn && (o(xn), (xn = null)), Z && Ci(ft, ""), (Cn = !1); var n = ji(e); (Ln.x = n.clientX), (Ln.y = n.clientY); var a = Tn(Ln, wn); if (Math.abs(a)) { if (!_i(e)) { var r = Vi(e); H(r, { click: function t(e) { Gi(e), z(r, { click: t }); }, }); } Z ? (xn = i(function () { if (ct && !Ct) { var t = (-a * Dt) / (kt + Et); (t = a > 0 ? Math.floor(t) : Math.ceil(t)), (re += t); } else { var n = -(bn + a); if (n <= 0) re = fe; else if (n >= gt[Zt - 1]) re = de; else for (var i = 0; i < Zt && n >= gt[i]; ) (re = i), n > gt[i] && a < 0 && (re += 1), i++; } Ni(e, a), ge.emit(_i(e) ? "touchEnd" : "dragEnd", ta(e)); })) : me && Hi(e, a > 0 ? -1 : 1); } } "auto" === t.preventScrollOnTouch && (Ve = !1), pe && (me = "?"), jt && !fn && zi(); } function Ui() { (rt || ut).style.height = gt[re + Dt] - gt[re] + "px"; } function Zi() { var t = Tt ? ((Tt + Et) * mt) / kt : mt / Dt; return Math.min(Math.ceil(t), mt); } function $i() { if (Wt && !ze && en !== nn) { var t = nn, e = en, n = k; for (nn > en && ((t = en), (e = nn), (n = E)); t < e; ) n(Ze[t]), t++; nn = en; } } function ta(t) { return { container: ft, slideItems: pt, navContainer: $e, navItems: Ze, controlsContainer: Qe, hasControls: Oe, prevButton: Ye, nextButton: Ke, items: Dt, slideBy: Nt, cloneCount: Ut, slideCount: mt, slideCountNew: Zt, index: re, indexCached: se, displayIndex: Sn(), navCurrentIndex: on, navCurrentIndexCached: rn, pages: en, pagesCached: nn, sheet: Xt, isOn: yt, event: t || {}, }; } X && console.warn("No slides found in", t.container); }; e.W = I; }, }, e = {}; function n(i) { var a = e[i]; if (void 0 !== a) return a.exports; var o = (e[i] = { exports: {} }); return t[i](o, o.exports, n), o.exports; } (() => { "use strict"; var t = n(206); !(function (e, n) { e.behaviors.paragraphTicker = { attach: function (e, i) { n("paragraph-tickers", ".paragraph--type--ticker", e).forEach( function (e) { var n = e.querySelector(".ticker-items > .field__items"), i = 2, a = !1, o = !1; e.classList.contains("ticker-autoplay") && (a = !0), e.classList.contains("ticker-nav") && (o = !0), e.classList.contains("ticker-nav") && (o = !0), e.classList.contains("ticker-count-1") && (i = 1), e.classList.contains("ticker-count-2") && (i = 2), e.classList.contains("ticker-count-3") && (i = 3), e.classList.contains("ticker-count-4") && (i = 4), e.classList.contains("ticker-count-6") && (i = 6), new t.W({ container: n, slideBy: "page", items: 1, autoplay: a, gutter: 10, autoplayButtonOutput: !1, nav: o, navPosition: "bottom", controlsText: ["", ""], controlsPosition: "bottom", preventScrollOnTouch: "auto", responsive: { 1500: { items: i }, 1e3: { items: i } }, }); } ); }, }; })(Drupal, once), (function (e, n) { e.behaviors.eventsTicker = { attach: function (e, i) { n( "events-tickers", ".view-events.view-display-id-events_upcoming_block", e ).forEach(function (e) { var n = e.querySelector(".view-content"); new t.W({ container: n, slideBy: "page", items: 1, autoplay: !1, gutter: 24, autoHeight: !0, autoplayButtonOutput: !1, nav: !0, navPosition: "bottom", controlsText: ["", ""], controlsPosition: "bottom", preventScrollOnTouch: "auto", responsive: { 1500: { items: 3 }, 1e3: { items: 2 } }, }); }); }, }; })(Drupal, once), n(180), n(904), n(792), n(709); })(); })(); /*! js-cookie v3.0.1 | MIT */ !(function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? 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") : [], o = {}, r = 0; r < t.length; r++ ) { var i = t[r].split("="), c = i.slice(1).join("="); try { var u = decodeURIComponent(i[0]); if (((o[u] = n.read(c, u)), e === u)) break; } catch (e) {} } return e ? o[e] : o; } }, remove: function (t, n) { r(t, "", e({}, n, { expires: -1 })); }, withAttributes: function (n) { return t(this.converter, e({}, this.attributes, n)); }, withConverter: function (n) { return t(e({}, this.converter, n), this.attributes); }, }, { attributes: { value: Object.freeze(o) }, converter: { value: Object.freeze(n) }, } ); })( { read: function (e) { return ( '"' === e[0] && (e = e.slice(1, -1)), e.replace(/(%[\dA-F]{2})+/gi, decodeURIComponent) ); }, write: function (e) { return encodeURIComponent(e).replace( /%(2[346BF]|3[AC-F]|40|5[BDE]|60|7[BCD])/g, decodeURIComponent ); }, }, { path: "/" } ); }); (function ($) { (function ($) { /** * Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/ * * @author Sam Sehnert * @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within * the user visible viewport of a web browser. * only accounts for vertical position, not horizontal. */ $.fn.formvisible = function (partial) { var $t = $(this), $w = $(window), viewTop = $w.scrollTop(), viewBottom = viewTop + $w.height(), _top = $t.offset().top, _bottom = _top + $t.height(), compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top, compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom; 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If you entended to create one in one of the following languages please click the prefered language

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Drupal.extlink = Drupal.extlink || {}; Drupal.extlink.attach = function (context, drupalSettings) { if ( typeof drupalSettings.data === "undefined" || !drupalSettings.data.hasOwnProperty("extlink") ) { return; } // Define the jQuery method (either 'append' or 'prepend') of placing the // icon, defaults to 'append'. var extIconPlacement = "append"; if ( drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement && drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement != "0" ) { extIconPlacement = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement; } // Strip the host name down, removing ports, subdomains, or www. var pattern = /^(([^\/:]+?\.)*)([^\.:]{1,})((\.[a-z0-9]{1,253})*)(:[0-9]{1,5})?$/; var host = window.location.host.replace(pattern, "$2$3$6"); var subdomain = window.location.host.replace(host, ""); // Determine what subdomains are considered internal. var subdomains; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extSubdomains) { subdomains = "([^/]*\\.)?"; } else if (subdomain === "www." || subdomain === "") { subdomains = "(www\\.)?"; } else { subdomains = subdomain.replace(".", "\\."); } // Whitelisted domains. var whitelistedDomains = false; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains) { whitelistedDomains = []; for ( var i = 0; i < drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains.length; i++ ) { whitelistedDomains.push( new RegExp( "^https?:\\/\\/" + drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains[i].replace( /(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "" ) + ".*$", "i" ) ); } } // Build regular expressions that define an internal link. var internal_link = new RegExp( "^https?://([^@]*@)?" + subdomains + host, "i" ); // Extra internal link matching. var extInclude = false; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extInclude) { extInclude = new RegExp( drupalSettings.data.extlink.extInclude.replace(/\\/, "\\"), "i" ); } // Extra external link matching. var extExclude = false; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extExclude) { extExclude = new RegExp( drupalSettings.data.extlink.extExclude.replace(/\\/, "\\"), "i" ); } // Extra external link CSS selector exclusion. var extCssExclude = false; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExclude) { extCssExclude = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExclude; } // Extra external link CSS selector explicit. var extCssExplicit = false; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExplicit) { extCssExplicit = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExplicit; } // Find all links which are NOT internal and begin with http as opposed // to ftp://, javascript:, etc. other kinds of links. // When operating on the 'this' variable, the host has been appended to // all links by the browser, even local ones. // In jQuery 1.1 and higher, we'd use a filter method here, but it is not // available in jQuery 1.0 (Drupal 5 default). var external_links = []; var mailto_links = []; $("a:not([data-extlink]), area:not([data-extlink])", context).each( function (el) { try { var url = ""; if (typeof this.href == "string") { url = this.href.toLowerCase(); } // Handle SVG links (xlink:href). else if (typeof this.href == "object") { url = this.href.baseVal; } if ( url.indexOf("http") === 0 && ((!internal_link.test(url) && !(extExclude && extExclude.test(url))) || (extInclude && extInclude.test(url))) && !(extCssExclude && $(this).is(extCssExclude)) && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0) && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1) ) { var match = false; if (whitelistedDomains) { for (var i = 0; i < whitelistedDomains.length; i++) { if (whitelistedDomains[i].test(url)) { match = true; break; } } } if (!match) { external_links.push(this); } } // Do not include area tags with begin with mailto: (this prohibits // icons from being added to image-maps). else if ( this.tagName !== "AREA" && url.indexOf("mailto:") === 0 && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0) && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1) ) { mailto_links.push(this); } } catch (error) { // IE7 throws errors often when dealing with irregular links, such as: // Empty tags. // example User:pass syntax. return false; } } ); if ( drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass !== "0" && drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass !== "" ) { Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan( external_links, drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass, extIconPlacement ); } if ( drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass !== "0" && drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass !== "" ) { Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan( mailto_links, drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass, extIconPlacement ); } if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extTarget) { // Apply the target attribute to all links. $(external_links) .filter(function () { // Filter out links with target set if option specified. return !( drupalSettings.data.extlink.extTargetNoOverride && $(this).is("a[target]") ); }) .attr({ target: "_blank" }); // Add noopener rel attribute to combat phishing. $(external_links).attr("rel", function (i, val) { // If no rel attribute is present, create one with the value noopener. if (val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { return "noopener"; } // Check to see if rel contains noopener. Add what doesn't exist. if (val.indexOf("noopener") > -1) { if (val.indexOf("noopener") === -1) { return val + " noopener"; } // Noopener exists. Nothing needs to be added. else { return val; } } // Else, append noopener to val. else { return val + " noopener"; } }); } if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extNofollow) { $(external_links).attr("rel", function (i, val) { // When the link does not have a rel attribute set it to 'nofollow'. if (val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { return "nofollow"; } var target = "nofollow"; // Change the target, if not overriding follow. if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extFollowNoOverride) { target = "follow"; } if (val.indexOf(target) === -1) { return val + " nofollow"; } return val; }); } if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extNoreferrer) { $(external_links).attr("rel", function (i, val) { // When the link does not have a rel attribute set it to 'noreferrer'. if (val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { return "noreferrer"; } if (val.indexOf("noreferrer") === -1) { return val + " noreferrer"; } return val; }); } Drupal.extlink = Drupal.extlink || {}; // Set up default click function for the external links popup. This should be // overridden by modules wanting to alter the popup. Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler = Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler || function () { if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extAlert) { return confirm(drupalSettings.data.extlink.extAlertText); } }; $(external_links).off("click.extlink"); $(external_links).on("click.extlink", function (e) { return Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler(e, this); }); }; /** * Apply a class and a trailing to all links not containing images. * * @param {object[]} links * An array of DOM elements representing the links. * @param {string} class_name * The class to apply to the links. * @param {string} icon_placement * 'append' or 'prepend' the icon to the link. */ Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan = function ( links, class_name, icon_placement ) { var $links_to_process; if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extImgClass) { $links_to_process = $(links); } else { var links_with_images = $(links).find("img, svg").parents("a"); $links_to_process = $(links).not(links_with_images); } if (class_name !== "0") { $links_to_process.addClass(class_name); } // Add data-extlink attribute. $links_to_process.attr("data-extlink", ""); var i; var length = $links_to_process.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { var $link = $($links_to_process[i]); if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extUseFontAwesome) { if (class_name === drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass) { $link[icon_placement]( '' ); } else { $link[icon_placement]( '' ); } } else { if (class_name === drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass) { $link[icon_placement]( '' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoLabel + '' ); } else { $link[icon_placement]( '' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extLabel + '' ); } } } }; Drupal.behaviors.extlink = Drupal.behaviors.extlink || {}; Drupal.behaviors.extlink.attach = function (context, drupalSettings) { // Backwards compatibility, for the benefit of modules overriding extlink // functionality by defining an "extlinkAttach" global function. if (typeof extlinkAttach === "function") { extlinkAttach(context); } else { Drupal.extlink.attach(context, drupalSettings); } }; })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);