module ForestLiana describe ResourcesGetter do let(:resource) { User } let(:pageSize) { 10 } let(:pageNumber) { 1 } let(:sort) { 'id' } let(:fields) {} let(:filters) {} let(:scopes) { {'scopes' => {}, 'team' => {'id' => '1', 'name' => 'Operations'}} } let(:rendering_id) { 13 } let(:user) { { 'id' => '1', 'rendering_id' => rendering_id } } let(:getter) {, { page: { size: pageSize, number: pageNumber }, sort: sort, fields: fields, filters: filters, }, user) } def init_scopes ForestLiana::ScopeManager.invalidate_scope_cache(rendering_id) allow(ForestLiana::ScopeManager).to receive(:fetch_scopes).and_return(scopes) end def clean_database [ Driver, Island, Location, Manufacturer, Product, Tree, User, ].each(&:destroy_all) end before(:each) do clean_database users = ['Michel', 'Robert', 'Vince', 'Sandro', 'Olesya', 'Romain', 'Valentin', 'Jason', 'Arnaud', 'Jeff', 'Steve', 'Marc', 'Xavier', 'Paul', 'Mickael', 'Mike', 'Maxime', 'Gertrude', 'Monique', 'Mia', 'Rachid', 'Edouard', 'Sacha', 'Caro', 'Amand', 'Nathan', 'NoƩmie', 'Robin', 'Gaelle', 'Isabelle'] .map { |name| User.create(name: name) } islands = [ { :name => 'Skull', :updated_at => - 1.years }, { :name => 'Muerta', :updated_at => - 5.years }, { :name => 'Treasure', :updated_at => }, { :name => 'Birds', :updated_at => - 7.years }, { :name => 'Lille', :updated_at => - 1.years } ].map { |island| Island.create(name: island[:name], updated_at: island[:updated_at]) } trees = [ { :name => 'Lemon Tree', :created_at => - 7.years, :island => islands[0], :owner => users[0], :cutter => users[0] }, { :name => 'Ginger Tree', :created_at => - 7.years, :island => islands[0], :owner => users[1], :cutter => users[0] }, { :name => 'Apple Tree', :created_at => - 5.years, :island => islands[1], :owner => users[2], :cutter => users[0] }, { :name => 'Pear Tree', :created_at => + 4.hours, :island => islands[3], :owner => users[3], :cutter => users[1] }, { :name => 'Choco Tree', :created_at =>, :island => islands[3], :owner => users[4], :cutter => users[1] } ].map { |tree| Tree.create(name: tree[:name], created_at: tree[:created_at], island: tree[:island], owner: tree[:owner], cutter: tree[:cutter]) } locations = [ { :coordinates => '12345', :island => islands[0] }, { :coordinates => '54321', :island => islands[1] }, { :coordinates => '43215', :island => islands[2] }, { :coordinates => '21543', :island => islands[3] }, { :coordinates => '32154', :island => islands[4] } ].map { |location| Location.create(coordinates: location[:coordinates], island: location[:island]) } manufacturers = ['Orange', 'Pear'].map { |name| Manufacturer.create!(name: 'name') } drivers = ['Baby driver', 'Taxi driver'].map { |firstname| Driver.create!(firstname: firstname) } products = [ { name: 'Valencia', uri: '', manufacturer: manufacturers[0], driver: drivers[0] }, { name: 'Blood', uri: '', manufacturer: manufacturers[0], driver: drivers[1] }, { name: 'Conference', uri: '', manufacturer: manufacturers[1], driver: drivers[0] }, { name: 'Concorde', uri: '', manufacturer: manufacturers[1], driver: drivers[1] } ].map {|attributes| Product.create!(attributes) } reference = Reference.create() init_scopes end describe 'records eager loading' do let(:resource) { Product } let(:fields) { { => 'id,name,manufacturer', 'manufacturer' => 'name' } } shared_context 'resource current_database' do before do connection = resource.connection def connection.current_database 'db/test.sqlite3' end end after do resource.connection.singleton_class.remove_method(:current_database) end end shared_examples 'left outer join' do it 'should perform a left outer join with the association' do expect(getter.perform.to_sql).to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN "manufacturers"/) end end shared_examples 'records' do it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 4 expect(count).to eq 4 expect( match_array(%w[Valencia Blood Conference Concorde]) end end context 'when the connections do not support current_database' do include_examples 'left outer join' include_examples 'records' end context 'when the included association uses a different database connection' do let(:fields) { { => 'id,name,driver', 'driver' => 'firstname' } } before do association_connection = resource.reflect_on_association(:driver).klass.connection def association_connection.current_database 'db/different_test.sqlite3' end end after do resource.reflect_on_association(:driver).klass.connection.singleton_class.remove_method(:current_database) end include_context 'resource current_database' include_examples 'records' it 'does not perform a left outer join with the association' do expect(getter.perform.to_sql).not_to match(/LEFT OUTER JOIN "drivers"/) end end context 'when the included association uses the same database connection' do include_context 'resource current_database' include_examples 'left outer join' include_examples 'records' end end describe 'when there are more records than the page size' do describe 'when asking for the 1st page and 15 records' do let(:pageSize) { 15 } let(:sort) { '-id' } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 15 expect(count).to eq 30 expect( eq 30 expect( eq 16 end end describe 'when asking for the 2nd page and 10 records' do let(:pageNumber) { 2 } let(:sort) { '-id' } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 10 expect(count).to eq 30 expect( eq 20 expect( eq 11 end end end describe 'when on a model having a reserved SQL word as name' do let(:resource) { Reference } it 'should get the ressource properly' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 1 expect(count).to eq 1 expect( eq 1 end end describe 'when sorting by a specific field' do let(:pageSize) { 5 } let(:sort) { '-name' } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 5 expect(count).to eq 30 expect( eq ['Xavier', 'Vince', 'Valentin', 'Steve', 'Sandro'] end end describe 'when sorting by a belongs_to association' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:sort) { '' } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 5 expect(count).to eq 5 expect( eq [1, 5, 2, 4, 3] end end describe 'when sorting by a has_one association' do let(:resource) { Island } let(:sort) { 'location.coordinates' } let(:pageSize) { 5 } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 5 expect(count).to eq 5 expect( eq [1, 4, 5, 3, 2] end end describe 'when getting instance dependent associations' do let(:resource) { Island } let(:fields) { { 'Island' => 'id,eponymous_tree', 'eponymous_tree' => 'id,name'} } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq Island.count expect(count).to eq Island.count expect( match_array(Island.pluck(:name)) end end describe 'when filtering on an ambiguous field' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:pageSize) { 5 } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { aggregator: 'and', conditions: [{ field: 'created_at', operator: 'after', value: "#{ - 6.year}", }, { field: 'cutter:name', operator: 'equal', value: 'Michel' }] }.to_json } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 1 expect(count).to eq 1 expect( eq 3 expect( eq 'Apple Tree' expect( eq 'Michel' end end describe 'when filtering on before x hours ago' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'created_at', operator: 'before_x_hours_ago', value: 3 }.to_json } it 'should filter as expected' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 3 expect(count).to eq 3 expect( eq ['Lemon Tree', 'Ginger Tree', 'Apple Tree'] end end describe 'when filtering on after x hours ago' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'created_at', operator: 'after_x_hours_ago', value: 3 }.to_json } it 'should filter as expected' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 2 expect(count).to eq 2 expect( eq ['Pear Tree', 'Choco Tree'] end end describe 'when sorting on an ambiguous field name with a filter' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:sort) { '-name' } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'cutter:name', operator: 'equal', value: 'Michel' }.to_json } it 'should get only the sorted expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 3 expect(count).to eq 3 expect( eq ['Lemon Tree', 'Ginger Tree', 'Apple Tree'] end end describe 'when filtering on an updated_at field of the main collection' do let(:resource) { Island } let(:filters) { { field: 'updated_at', operator: 'previous_year' }.to_json } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 2 expect(count).to eq 2 expect( eq ['Skull', 'Lille'] end end describe 'when filtering on an updated_at field of an associated collection' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'island:updated_at', operator: 'previous_year' }.to_json } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 2 expect(count).to eq 2 expect( eq ['Lemon Tree', 'Ginger Tree'] end end describe 'when filtering on an exact updated_at field of an associated collection' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'island:updated_at', operator: 'equal', value: 'Sat Jul 02 2016 11:52:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)', }.to_json } it 'should get only the expected records' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 0 expect(count).to eq 0 end end describe 'when filtering on a field of an associated collection that does not exist' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'leaf:id', operator: 'equal', value: 1 }.to_json } it 'should raise the right error' do expect { getter }.to raise_error(ForestLiana::Errors::HTTP422Error, "Association 'leaf' not found") end end describe 'when filtering on a field that does not exists' do let(:resource) { Tree } let(:fields) { { 'Tree' => 'id' } } let(:filters) { { field: 'content', operator: 'contains', value: 'c' }.to_json } it 'should raise the right error' do expect { getter }.to raise_error(ForestLiana::Errors::HTTP422Error, "Field 'content' not found") end end describe 'when filtering on a smart field' do let(:filters) { { field: 'cap_name', operator: 'equal', value: 'MICHEL', }.to_json } it 'should filter as expected' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 1 expect(count).to eq 1 expect( eq 1 expect( eq 'Michel' end end describe 'when filtering on a smart field with no filter method' do let(:resource) { Location } let(:filters) { { field: 'alter_coordinates', operator: 'equal', value: '12345XYZ', }.to_json } it 'should raise the right error' do expect { getter }.to raise_error( ForestLiana::Errors::NotImplementedMethodError, "method filter on smart field 'alter_coordinates' not found" ) end end describe 'when scopes are defined' do let(:resource) { Island } let(:pageSize) { 15 } let(:fields) { } let(:filters) { } let(:scopes) { { 'scopes' => { 'Island' => { 'aggregator' => 'and', 'conditions' => [{'field' => 'name', 'operator' => 'contains', 'value' => 'u'}] } }, 'team' => { 'id' => 43, 'name' => 'Operations' } } } describe 'when there are NO filters already defined' do it 'should get only the records matching the scope' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 3 expect(count).to eq 3 expect( eq 'Skull' expect( eq 'Muerta' expect( eq 'Treasure' end end describe 'when there are filters already defined' do let(:filters) { { aggregator: 'and', conditions: [{ field: 'name', operator: 'contains', value: 'a', }] }.to_json } it 'should get only the records matching the scope' do getter.perform records = getter.records count = getter.count expect(records.count).to eq 2 expect(count).to eq 2 expect( eq 'Muerta' expect( eq 'Treasure' end end end end end