# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # mongodb.rb: MongoDB IO for tDiary 3.x # # NAME mongodb # # DESCRIPTION tDiary IO class on MongoDB # Saving Diary data to MongoDB, but Referer data # # Copyright (C) 2013 TADA Tadashi # # You can distribute this under GPL. require 'tdiary/io/base' require 'tempfile' require 'mongoid' module TDiary module IO class MongoDB < Base class Conf include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in collection: "conf" field :body, type: String end class Comment include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in collection: "comments" belongs_to :diary field :name, type: String field :mail, type: String field :body, type: String field :last_modified, type: String field :visible, type: Boolean index({diary_id: 1}) end class Referer include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in collection: "referers" end class Diary include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in collection: "diaries" field :diary_id, type: String field :year, type: String field :month, type: String field :day, type: String field :title, type: String field :body, type: String field :style, type: String field :last_modified, type: Integer field :visible, type: Boolean has_many :comments, autosave: true has_many :referers, autosave: true index({diary_id: 1}, {unique: true}) index({year: 1, month: 1}) end class Plugin include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps store_in collection: "plugins" field :plugin, type: String field :key, type: String field :value, type: String index({plugin: 1, key: 1}, {unique: true}) def self.get(plugin_name, key) record = where(plugin: plugin_name, key: key).first return record ? record.value : nil end def self.set(plugin_name, key, value) record = where(plugin: plugin_name, key: key).first if record record.update_attributes(value: value) else record = self.new(plugin: plugin_name, key: key, value: value) record.save! end end def self.delete(plugin_name, key) record = where(plugin: plugin_name, key: key).first if record record.delete end end def self.keys(plugin_name) records = where(plugin: plugin_name) return records.map(&:key) rescue [] end end include Cache class << self Mongo::Logger.level = Logger::WARN def load_cgi_conf(conf) db(conf) if cgi_conf = Conf.all.first cgi_conf.body else "" end end def save_cgi_conf(conf, result) db(conf) if cgi_conf = Conf.all.first cgi_conf.body = result cgi_conf.save else Conf.create(body: result).save end end def db(conf) @@_db ||= Mongoid::Config.load_configuration( {clients:{default:{uri:(conf.database_url || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/tdiary')}}} ) end def plugin_open(conf) return nil end def plugin_close(storage) # do nothing end def plugin_transaction(storage, plugin_name) db = plugin_name.dup def db.get(key) Plugin.get(self, key) end def db.set(key, value) Plugin.set(self, key, value) end def db.delete(key) Plugin.delete(self, key) end def db.keys Plugin.keys(self) end yield db end end # # block must be return boolean which dirty diaries. # def transaction(date) diaries = {} if cache = restore_parser_cache(date) diaries.update(cache) else restore(date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), diaries) end dirty = yield(diaries) if iterator? store(diaries, dirty) store_parser_cache(date, diaries) if dirty || !cache end def calendar calendar = Hash.new{|hash, key| hash[key] = []} Diary.all.map{|d|[d.year, d.month]}.sort.uniq.each do |ym| calendar[ym[0]] << ym[1] end calendar end def cache_dir @tdiary.conf.cache_path || "#{Dir.tmpdir}/cache" end private def restore(date, diaries, month = true) query = if month && /(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)/ =~ date Diary.where(year: $1, month: $2) else Diary.where(diary_id: date) end query.each do |d| style = (d.style.nil? || d.style.empty?) ? 'wiki' : d.style.downcase diary = eval("#{style(style)}::new(d.diary_id, d.title, d.body, Time::at(d.last_modified.to_i))") diary.show(d.visible) d.comments.each do |c| comment = TDiary::Comment.new(c.name, c.mail, c.body, Time.at(c.last_modified.to_i)) comment.show = c.visible diary.add_comment(comment) end diaries[d.diary_id] = diary end end def store(diaries, dirty) if dirty diaries.each do |diary_id, diary| year, month, day = diary_id.scan(/(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)/).flatten entry = Diary.where(diary_id: diary_id).first if (dirty & TDiary::TDiaryBase::DIRTY_DIARY) != 0 if entry entry.title = diary.title entry.last_modified = diary.last_modified.to_i entry.style = diary.style entry.visible = diary.visible? entry.body = diary.to_src else entry = Diary.create( diary_id: diary_id, year: year, month: month, day: day, title: diary.title, last_modified: diary.last_modified, style: diary.style, visible: diary.visible?, body: diary.to_src ) end entry.save end if entry && ((dirty & TDiary::TDiaryBase::DIRTY_COMMENT) != 0) exist_comments = entry.comments.size no = 0 diary.each_comment(diary.count_comments(true)) do |com| if no < exist_comments entry.comments[no].name = com.name entry.comments[no].mail = com.mail entry.comments[no].body = com.body entry.comments[no].last_modified = com.date.to_i entry.comments[no].visible = com.visible? no += 1 else entry.comments.build( name: com.name, mail: com.mail, body: com.body, last_modified: com.date.to_i, visible: com.visible? ) end entry.save end end end end end def db self.class.db(@tdiary.conf) end end end end