== HABTM Example Complex forms on a HABTM association. Using code borrowed from Pat (http://patshaughnessy.net), whose view_mapper finally taught this hobbyist hacker to write forms. Hopefully this will fit snugly into someone else's gem == Installation * Install as a gem: # Add to your Gemfile gem "anaf_habtm" * or as a plugin rails plugin install git://github.com/tylergannon/anaf_habtm.git Run the generator to place the javascript in the right place: rails generate anaf_habtm Add the following to your layout: <%= javascript_include_tag 'nested_attributes.js' %> == Usage Inside your model, call anaf_habtm just as you would call has_and_belongs_to_many, except now you need to offer a code block telling rails what to do with each object. The plugin will handle deleting stuff. # Basically, your code block needs to return an object of the correct # type for your association collection, or else nil if your code # determines that the object should be rejected. class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base anaf_habtm :orders, :autosave => true, :uniq => false do |params, order| order = order ||= Order.new order.attributes = params logger.error params.inspect order end end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :customers anaf_habtm :items, :autosave => true, :uniq => false do |params, item| logger.error "ITEM::: #{params.inspect}" item ||= Item.find_or_create_by_name(params["name"]) end end == Additional info See the example app at http://github.com/tylergannon/accepts-nested-attributes-habtm-example for more details. Also check out Pat's view_mapper... it can generate the code you need inside your views. http://github.com/patshaughnessy/view_mapper