/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.] * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created * by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ 2004-2006 ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights * Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Adobe AS3 Team * Andreas Gal * Asko Tontti * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public * License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the * LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this * file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting provisions * above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the * LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file * under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef avm_h___ #define avm_h___ #include #include #include #include #if defined(AVMPLUS_UNIX) #include #include #endif #include "jstypes.h" #if !defined(AVMPLUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(AVMPLUS_BIG_ENDIAN) #ifdef IS_BIG_ENDIAN #define AVMPLUS_BIG_ENDIAN #else #define AVMPLUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN #endif #endif #define FASTCALL JS_FASTCALL #if defined(JS_NO_FASTCALL) #define NJ_NO_FASTCALL #if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) #define SIMULATE_FASTCALL(lr, state_ptr, frag_ptr, func_addr) \ asm volatile( \ "call *%%esi" \ : "=a" (lr) \ : "c" (state_ptr), "d" (frag_ptr), "S" (func_addr) \ : "memory", "cc" \ ); #endif /* defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) */ #endif /* defined(JS_NO_FASTCALL) */ #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1400 #if !defined _DEBUG #define _DEBUG #endif #define NJ_VERBOSE 1 #define NJ_PROFILE 1 #include #endif #ifdef _DEBUG void NanoAssertFail(); #endif #define AvmAssert(x) assert(x) #define AvmAssertMsg(x, y) #define AvmDebugLog(x) printf x #if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) #if defined(_MSC_VER) __declspec(naked) static inline __int64 rdtsc() { __asm { rdtsc; ret; } } #elif defined(SOLARIS) static inline unsigned long long rdtsc(void) { unsigned long long int x; asm volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x)); return x; } #elif defined(__i386__) static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void) { unsigned long long int x; __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x)); return x; } #endif /* compilers */ #elif defined(__x86_64__) static __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc(void) { unsigned hi, lo; __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi)); return ( (uint64_t)lo)|( ((uint64_t)hi)<<32 ); } #elif defined(__powerpc__) typedef unsigned long long int unsigned long long; static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void) { unsigned long long int result=0; unsigned long int upper, lower,tmp; __asm__ volatile( "0: \n" "\tmftbu %0 \n" "\tmftb %1 \n" "\tmftbu %2 \n" "\tcmpw %2,%0 \n" "\tbne 0b \n" : "=r"(upper),"=r"(lower),"=r"(tmp) ); result = upper; result = result<<32; result = result|lower; return(result); } #endif /* architecture */ struct JSContext; namespace avmplus { class GC; class GCObject { public: inline void* operator new(size_t size, GC* gc) { return calloc(1, size); } static void operator delete (void *gcObject) { free(gcObject); } }; #define MMGC_SUBCLASS_DECL : public avmplus::GCObject class GCFinalizedObject : public GCObject { public: static void operator delete (void *gcObject) { free(gcObject); } }; class GCHeap { public: int32_t kNativePageSize; GCHeap() { #if defined _SC_PAGE_SIZE kNativePageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); #else kNativePageSize = 4096; // @todo: what is this? #endif } inline void* Alloc(uint32_t pages) { #ifdef XP_WIN return VirtualAlloc(NULL, pages * kNativePageSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); #elif defined AVMPLUS_UNIX /** * Don't use normal heap with mprotect+PROT_EXEC for executable code. * SELinux and friends don't allow this. */ return mmap(NULL, pages * kNativePageSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); #else return valloc(pages * kNativePageSize); #endif } inline void Free(void* p, uint32_t pages) { #ifdef XP_WIN VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #elif defined AVMPLUS_UNIX #if defined SOLARIS munmap((char*)p, pages * kNativePageSize); #else munmap(p, pages * kNativePageSize); #endif #else free(p); #endif } }; class GC { static GCHeap heap; public: /** * flags to be passed as second argument to alloc */ enum AllocFlags { kZero=1, kContainsPointers=2, kFinalize=4, kRCObject=8 }; static inline void* Alloc(uint32_t bytes, int flags=kZero) { if (flags & kZero) return calloc(1, bytes); else return malloc(bytes); } static inline void Free(void* p) { free(p); } static inline GCHeap* GetGCHeap() { return &heap; } }; #define DWB(x) x #define DRCWB(x) x #define WB(gc, container, addr, value) do { *(addr) = (value); } while(0) #define WBRC(gc, container, addr, value) do { *(addr) = (value); } while(0) #define MMGC_MEM_TYPE(x) typedef int FunctionID; class String { }; typedef class String AvmString; class StringNullTerminatedUTF8 { const char* cstr; public: StringNullTerminatedUTF8(GC* gc, String* s) { cstr = strdup((const char*)s); } ~StringNullTerminatedUTF8() { free((void*)cstr); } inline const char* c_str() { return cstr; } }; typedef String* Stringp; class Config { public: Config() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(Config)); #ifdef DEBUG verbose = getenv("TRACEMONKEY") && strstr(getenv("TRACEMONKEY"), "verbose"); verbose_addrs = 1; verbose_exits = 1; verbose_live = 1; show_stats = 1; #endif } uint32_t tree_opt:1; uint32_t quiet_opt:1; uint32_t verbose:1; uint32_t verbose_addrs:1; uint32_t verbose_live:1; uint32_t verbose_exits:1; uint32_t show_stats:1; #if defined (AVMPLUS_IA32) // Whether or not we can use SSE2 instructions and conditional moves. bool sse2; bool use_cmov; #endif #if defined (AVMPLUS_ARM) // whethergenerate VFP instructions # if defined (NJ_FORCE_SOFTFLOAT) static const bool vfp = false; # else bool vfp; # endif // whether generate ARMv6t2 instructions (MOVT/MOVW) # if defined (NJ_FORCE_NO_ARM_V6T2) static const bool v6t2 = false; # else bool v6t2; # endif #endif #if defined (NJ_FORCE_SOFTFLOAT) static const bool soft_float = true; #else bool soft_float; #endif }; static const int kstrconst_emptyString = 0; class AvmInterpreter { class Labels { public: const char* format(const void* ip) { static char buf[33]; sprintf(buf, "%p", ip); return buf; } }; Labels _labels; public: Labels* labels; AvmInterpreter() { labels = &_labels; } }; class AvmConsole { public: AvmConsole& operator<<(const char* s) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", s); return *this; } }; class AvmCore { public: AvmInterpreter interp; AvmConsole console; static Config config; static GC* gc; static String* k_str[]; #ifdef AVMPLUS_IA32 static inline bool use_sse2() { return config.sse2; } #endif static inline bool use_cmov() { #ifdef AVMPLUS_IA32 return config.use_cmov; #else return true; #endif } static inline bool quiet_opt() { return config.quiet_opt; } static inline bool verbose() { return config.verbose; } static inline GC* GetGC() { return gc; } static inline String* newString(const char* cstr) { return (String*)strdup(cstr); } static inline void freeString(String* str) { return free((char*)str); } }; class OSDep { public: static inline void getDate() { } }; /** * The List template implements a simple List, which can * be templated to support different types. * * Elements can be added to the end, modified in the middle, * but no holes are allowed. That is for set(n, v) to work * size() > n * * Note that [] operators are provided and you can violate the * set properties using these operators, if you want a real * list dont use the [] operators, if you want a general purpose * array use the [] operators. */ enum ListElementType { LIST_NonGCObjects = 0, LIST_GCObjects = 1, LIST_RCObjects = 2 }; template class List { public: enum { kInitialCapacity = 128 }; List(GC *_gc, uint32_t _capacity=kInitialCapacity) : data(NULL), len(0), capacity(0) { ensureCapacity(_capacity); } ~List() { //clear(); destroy(); // zero out in case we are part of an RCObject len = 0; } inline void destroy() { if (data) free(data); } const T *getData() const { return data; } // 'this' steals the guts of 'that' and 'that' gets reset. void FASTCALL become(List& that) { this->destroy(); this->data = that.data; this->len = that.len; this->capacity = that.capacity; that.data = 0; that.len = 0; that.capacity = 0; } uint32_t FASTCALL add(T value) { if (len >= capacity) { grow(); } wb(len++, value); return len-1; } inline bool isEmpty() const { return len == 0; } inline uint32_t size() const { return len; } inline T get(uint32_t index) const { AvmAssert(index < len); return *(T*)(data + index); } void FASTCALL set(uint32_t index, T value) { AvmAssert(index < capacity); if (index >= len) { len = index+1; } AvmAssert(len <= capacity); wb(index, value); } void add(const List& l) { ensureCapacity(len+l.size()); // FIXME: make RCObject version AvmAssert(kElementType != LIST_RCObjects); arraycopy(l.getData(), 0, data, len, l.size()); len += l.size(); } inline void clear() { zero_range(0, len); len = 0; } int FASTCALL indexOf(T value) const { for(uint32_t i=0; i=0; i--) if (get(i) == value) return i; return -1; } inline T last() const { return get(len-1); } T FASTCALL removeLast() { if(isEmpty()) return undef_list_val(); T t = get(len-1); set(len-1, undef_list_val()); len--; return t; } inline T operator[](uint32_t index) const { AvmAssert(index < capacity); return get(index); } void FASTCALL ensureCapacity(uint32_t cap) { if (cap > capacity) { if (data == NULL) { data = (T*)calloc(1, factor(cap)); } else { data = (T*)realloc(data, factor(cap)); zero_range(capacity, cap - capacity); } capacity = cap; } } void FASTCALL insert(uint32_t index, T value, uint32_t count = 1) { AvmAssert(index <= len); AvmAssert(count > 0); ensureCapacity(len+count); memmove(data + index + count, data + index, factor(len - index)); wbzm(index, index+count, value); len += count; } T FASTCALL removeAt(uint32_t index) { T old = get(index); // dec the refcount on the one we're removing wb(index, undef_list_val()); memmove(data + index, data + index + 1, factor(len - index - 1)); len--; return old; } private: void FASTCALL grow() { // growth is fast at first, then slows at larger list sizes. uint32_t newMax = 0; const uint32_t curMax = capacity; if (curMax == 0) newMax = kInitialCapacity; else if(curMax > 15) newMax = curMax * 3/2; else newMax = curMax * 2; ensureCapacity(newMax); } void arraycopy(const T* src, int srcStart, T* dst, int dstStart, int nbr) { // we have 2 cases, either closing a gap or opening it. if ((src == dst) && (srcStart > dstStart) ) { for(int i=0; i=0; i--) dst[i+dstStart] = src[i+srcStart]; } } inline void do_wb_nongc(T* slot, T value) { *slot = value; } inline void do_wb_gc(GCObject** slot, const GCObject** value) { *slot = (GCObject*)*value; } void FASTCALL wb(uint32_t index, T value) { AvmAssert(index < capacity); AvmAssert(data != NULL); T* slot = &data[index]; do_wb_nongc(slot, value); } // multiple wb call with the same value, and assumption that existing value is all zero bits, // like // for (uint32_t u = index; u < index_end; ++u) // wb(u, value); void FASTCALL wbzm(uint32_t index, uint32_t index_end, T value) { AvmAssert(index < capacity); AvmAssert(index_end <= capacity); AvmAssert(index < index_end); AvmAssert(data != NULL); T* slot = data + index; for ( ; index < index_end; ++index, ++slot) do_wb_nongc(slot, value); } inline uint32_t factor(uint32_t index) const { return index * sizeof(T); } void FASTCALL zero_range(uint32_t _first, uint32_t _count) { memset(data + _first, 0, factor(_count)); } // stuff that needs specialization based on the type static inline T undef_list_val(); private: List(const List& toCopy); // unimplemented void operator=(const List& that); // unimplemented // ------------------------ DATA SECTION BEGIN private: T* data; uint32_t len; uint32_t capacity; // ------------------------ DATA SECTION END }; // stuff that needs specialization based on the type template /* static */ inline T List::undef_list_val() { return T(0); } /** * The SortedMap template implements an object that * maps keys to values. The keys are sorted * from smallest to largest in the map. Time of operations * is as follows: * put() is O(1) if the key is higher than any existing * key; O(logN) if the key already exists, * and O(N) otherwise. * get() is an O(logN) binary search. * * no duplicates are allowed. */ template class SortedMap : public GCObject { public: enum { kInitialCapacity= 64 }; SortedMap(GC* gc, int _capacity=kInitialCapacity) : keys(gc, _capacity), values(gc, _capacity) { } bool isEmpty() const { return keys.size() == 0; } int size() const { return keys.size(); } void clear() { keys.clear(); values.clear(); } void destroy() { keys.destroy(); values.destroy(); } T put(K k, T v) { if (keys.size() == 0 || k > keys.last()) { keys.add(k); values.add(v); return (T)v; } else { int i = find(k); if (i >= 0) { T old = values[i]; keys.set(i, k); values.set(i, v); return old; } else { i = -i - 1; // recover the insertion point AvmAssert(keys.size() != (uint32_t)i); keys.insert(i, k); values.insert(i, v); return v; } } } T get(K k) const { int i = find(k); return i >= 0 ? values[i] : 0; } bool get(K k, T& v) const { int i = find(k); if (i >= 0) { v = values[i]; return true; } return false; } bool containsKey(K k) const { int i = find(k); return (i >= 0) ? true : false; } T remove(K k) { int i = find(k); return removeAt(i); } T removeAt(int i) { T old = values.removeAt(i); keys.removeAt(i); return old; } T removeFirst() { return isEmpty() ? (T)0 : removeAt(0); } T removeLast() { return isEmpty() ? (T)0 : removeAt(keys.size()-1); } T first() const { return isEmpty() ? (T)0 : values[0]; } T last() const { return isEmpty() ? (T)0 : values[keys.size()-1]; } K firstKey() const { return isEmpty() ? 0 : keys[0]; } K lastKey() const { return isEmpty() ? 0 : keys[keys.size()-1]; } // iterator T at(int i) const { return values[i]; } K keyAt(int i) const { return keys[i]; } int findNear(K k) const { int i = find(k); return i >= 0 ? i : -i-2; } protected: List keys; List values; int find(K k) const { int lo = 0; int hi = keys.size()-1; while (lo <= hi) { int i = (lo + hi)/2; K m = keys[i]; if (k > m) lo = i + 1; else if (k < m) hi = i - 1; else return i; // key found } return -(lo + 1); // key not found, low is the insertion point } }; #define GCSortedMap SortedMap /** * Bit vectors are an efficent method of keeping True/False information * on a set of items or conditions. Class BitSet provides functions * to manipulate individual bits in the vector. * * Since most vectors are rather small an array of longs is used by * default to house the value of the bits. If more bits are needed * then an array is allocated dynamically outside of this object. * * This object is not optimized for a fixed sized bit vector * it instead allows for dynamically growing the bit vector. */ class BitSet { public: enum { kUnit = 8*sizeof(long), kDefaultCapacity = 4 }; BitSet() { capacity = kDefaultCapacity; reset(); } ~BitSet() { if (capacity > kDefaultCapacity) free(bits.ptr); } void reset() { if (capacity > kDefaultCapacity) for(int i=0; i= capacity) grow(gc, index+1); if (capacity > kDefaultCapacity) bits.ptr[index] |= (1< kDefaultCapacity) bits.ptr[index] &= ~(1< kDefaultCapacity) value = ( bits.ptr[index] & (1< kDefaultCapacity) for(int i=0; i kDefaultCapacity) free(bits.ptr); bits.ptr = newBits; capacity = newCapacity; } // by default we use the array, but if the vector // size grows beyond kDefaultCapacity we allocate // space dynamically. int capacity; union { long ar[kDefaultCapacity]; long* ptr; } bits; }; } #endif