@javascript Feature: Manage corporations As a user I want to edit corporations In order to track oppotunities of business Background: Given an authenticated user Scenario: New corporation When I create an new corporation And I add the corporation's informations And I fill the corporation's address And I fill the corporation capital, immatriculation, legal form And I validate the new corporation Then the corporation is created And I am on the corporation page Scenario: Delete a corporation Given an existing corporation When I go on this corporation And I delete this corporation Then the corporation is deleted And I am on the people page Scenario: Add tags Given an existing corporation When I edit this corporation And I add tags to this corporation And I submit this corporation Then tags are added Scenario: Remove tags Given an existing corporation with tags When I edit this corporation And I remove tags to this corporation And I submit this corporation Then tags are removed Scenario: Pagination corporation by 25 Given 40 existing corporations When I go on the corporate index Then he can see 25 corporate When he go on the next page Then he can see 15 corporate Scenario: New person without name When I create an new corporation And I fill the corporation's address And I validate the new corporation Then i see an error message for the missing name Scenario: Add a comment to a corporation Given an existing corporation When I go on this corporation And I add a comment Then I am on the corporation page And I see my new comment Scenario: Update comment on a corporation Given an existing corporation And an existing comment on this corporation When I go on this corporation And I update the comment Then I am on the corporation page And I see my updated comment Scenario: Delete comment on a corporation Given an existing corporation And an existing comment on this corporation When I go on this corporation And I delete the comment Then I am on the corporation page And I see do not see my comment Scenario: People activity Given an existing individual with recent comments Given an existing corporation with recent comments When I go on the people activity Then I see all these comments Scenario: People activity pagination Given an existing corporation with 150 comments When I go on the people activity Then I see these comments paginated Scenario: Context Given an existing corporation And an open task to this corporation And a closed task to this corporation And an existing individual And a link between this individual and this corporation When I go on this corporation Then I see only the open task in the context And I see the link in the context