#include "RhodesApp.h" #include "common/RhoMutexLock.h" #include "common/IRhoClassFactory.h" #include "common/RhoConf.h" #include "common/RhoFilePath.h" #include "net/INetRequest.h" #include "net/HttpServer.h" #include "ruby/ext/rho/rhoruby.h" //#include #include "sync/ClientRegister.h" #include "sync/SyncThread.h" #include "net/AsyncHttp.h" #ifdef OS_WINCE #include #endif //#include "shttpd/src/shttpd.h" //#include "shttpd/src/std_includes.h" using rho::net::HttpHeader; using rho::net::HttpHeaderList; using rho::net::CHttpServer; extern "C" { void rho_sync_create(); void rho_sync_destroy(); void rho_sync_doSyncAllSources(int show_status_popup); void rho_map_location(char* query); void rho_appmanager_load( void* httpContext, const char* szQuery); void webview_navigate(char* url, int index); } namespace rho { namespace common{ IMPLEMENT_LOGCLASS(CRhodesApp,"RhodesApp"); CRhodesApp* CRhodesApp::m_pInstance = 0; /*static*/ CRhodesApp* CRhodesApp::Create(const String& strRootPath) { if ( m_pInstance != null) return m_pInstance; m_pInstance = new CRhodesApp(strRootPath); return m_pInstance; } /*static*/void CRhodesApp::Destroy() { if ( m_pInstance ) delete m_pInstance; m_pInstance = 0; } CRhodesApp::CRhodesApp(const String& strRootPath) : CRhoThread(createClassFactory()) { m_strRhoRootPath = strRootPath; m_bExit = false; #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) m_shttpdCtx = 0; #endif m_ptrFactory = createClassFactory(); m_NetRequest = m_ptrFactory->createNetRequest(); m_oGeoLocation.init(m_ptrFactory); #if defined( OS_WINCE ) || defined (OS_WINDOWS) //initializing winsock WSADATA WsaData; int result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&WsaData); #endif //rho_logconf_Init(m_strRhoRootPath.c_str()); initAppUrls(); //start(epNormal); getSplashScreen().init(); } void CRhodesApp::startApp() { start(epNormal); } void CRhodesApp::run() { LOG(INFO) + "Starting RhodesApp main routine..."; initHttpServer(); RhoRubyStart(); LOG(INFO) + "Starting sync engine..."; rho_sync_create(); LOG(INFO) + "RhoRubyInitApp..."; RhoRubyInitApp(); LOG(INFO) + "activate app"; rho_ruby_activateApp(); getSplashScreen().hide(); LOG(INFO) + "navigate to first start url"; navigateToUrl(getFirstStartUrl()); #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) while(!m_bExit) { shttpd_poll( m_shttpdCtx, 100000 ); //#if defined(OS_WINCE) //GPS //CGPSController::CheckTimeout(); //#endif } #else m_httpServer->run(); #endif LOG(INFO) + "RhodesApp thread shutdown"; RhoRubyStop(); rho_sync_destroy(); #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) shttpd_fini(m_shttpdCtx); #endif //#if defined(OS_WINCE) // CGPSController* pGPS = CGPSController::Instance(); // pGPS->DeleteInstance(); //#endif } CRhodesApp::~CRhodesApp(void) { stopApp(); #ifdef OS_WINCE WSACleanup(); #endif } void CRhodesApp::stopApp() { if (!m_bExit) { m_bExit = true; #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) shutdown_poll(m_shttpdCtx); #else m_httpServer->stop(); #endif //RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL stop(2000); } rho_asynchttp_cancel("*"); } class CRhoCallbackCall : public common::CRhoThread { common::CAutoPtr m_ptrFactory; String m_strCallback, m_strBody; public: CRhoCallbackCall(const String& strCallback, const String& strBody, common::IRhoClassFactory* factory) : CRhoThread(factory), m_ptrFactory(factory), m_strCallback(strCallback), m_strBody(strBody) { start(epNormal); } private: virtual void run() { common::CAutoPtr pNetRequest = m_ptrFactory->createNetRequest(); common::CAutoPtr presp = pNetRequest->pushData( m_strCallback, m_strBody, null ); delete this; } }; void CRhodesApp::runCallbackInThread(const String& strCallback, const String& strBody) { new CRhoCallbackCall(strCallback, strBody, createClassFactory() ); } static void callback_activateapp(void *arg, String const &strQuery) { rho_ruby_activateApp(); String strMsg; rho_http_sendresponse(arg, strMsg.c_str()); } void CRhodesApp::callAppActiveCallback(boolean bActive) { m_httpServer->pause(!bActive); if (bActive) { String strUrl = m_strHomeUrl + "/system/activateapp"; NetResponse(resp,getNet().pullData( strUrl, null )); if ( !resp.isOK() ) LOG(ERROR) + "activate app failed. Code: " + resp.getRespCode() + "; Error body: " + resp.getCharData(); LOG(INFO) + "navigate to first start url"; navigateToUrl(getFirstStartUrl()); } } void CRhodesApp::callCameraCallback(String strCallbackUrl, const String& strImagePath, const String& strError, boolean bCancel ) { strCallbackUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl(strCallbackUrl); String strBody; if ( bCancel || strError.length() > 0 ) { if ( bCancel ) strBody = "status=cancel&message=User canceled operation."; else strBody = "status=error&message=" + strError; }else strBody = "status=ok&image_uri=%2Fpublic%2Fdb-files%2F" + strImagePath; strBody += "&rho_callback=1"; NetRequest( getNet().pushData( strCallbackUrl, strBody, null ) ); } void CRhodesApp::callDateTimeCallback(String strCallbackUrl, long lDateTime, const char* szData, int bCancel ) { strCallbackUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl(strCallbackUrl); String strBody; if ( bCancel ) strBody = "status=cancel&message=User canceled operation."; else strBody = "status=ok&result=" + convertToStringA(lDateTime); if ( szData && *szData ) { strBody += "&opaque="; strBody += szData; } strBody += "&rho_callback=1"; NetRequest( getNet().pushData( strCallbackUrl, strBody, null ) ); } static void callback_syncdb(void *arg #if defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) , String const &/*query*/ #endif ) { rho_sync_doSyncAllSources(1); rho_http_sendresponse(arg, ""); } static void callback_redirect_to(void *arg #if defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) , String const &strQuery #endif ) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) String strQuery = shttpd_get_env((shttpd_arg *)arg,"QUERY_STRING"); #endif size_t nUrl = strQuery.find("url="); String strUrl; if ( nUrl != String::npos ) strUrl = strQuery.substr(nUrl+4); if ( strUrl.length() == 0 ) strUrl = "/app/"; rho_http_redirect(arg, strUrl.c_str()); } static void callback_map(void *arg #if defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) , String const &query #endif ) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) String query = shttpd_get_env((shttpd_arg *)arg,"QUERY_STRING"); #endif rho_map_location( const_cast(query.c_str()) ); rho_http_sendresponse(arg, ""); } static void callback_shared(void *arg #if defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) , String const &/*query*/ #endif ) { rho_http_senderror(arg, 404, "Not Found"); } static void callback_AppManager_load(void *arg #if defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) , String const &query #endif ) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) String query = shttpd_get_env((shttpd_arg *)arg,"QUERY_STRING"); #endif rho_appmanager_load( arg, query.c_str() ); } static void callback_getrhomessage(void *arg, String const &strQuery) { String strMsg; size_t nErrorPos = strQuery.find("error="); if ( nErrorPos != String::npos ) { String strError = strQuery.substr(nErrorPos+6); int nError = atoi(strError.c_str()); strMsg = rho_ruby_internal_getErrorText(nError); } rho_http_sendresponse(arg, strMsg.c_str()); } const String& CRhodesApp::getRhoMessage(int nError, const char* szName) { String strUrl = m_strHomeUrl + "/system/getrhomessage?"; if ( nError ) strUrl += "error=" + convertToStringA(nError); else if ( szName && *szName ) { strUrl = "msgid="; strUrl += szName; } NetResponse(resp,getNet().pullData( strUrl, null )); if ( !resp.isOK() ) { LOG(ERROR) + "getRhoMessage failed. Code: " + resp.getRespCode() + "; Error body: " + resp.getCharData(); m_strRhoMessage = ""; } else m_strRhoMessage = resp.getCharData(); return m_strRhoMessage; } void CRhodesApp::initHttpServer() { String strAppRootPath = getRhoRootPath() + "apps"; #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) LOG(INFO) + "Init http server"; m_shttpdCtx = shttpd_init(0,NULL); shttpd_set_option(m_shttpdCtx, "root", strAppRootPath.c_str()); shttpd_set_option(m_shttpdCtx, "ports", getFreeListeningPort()); //shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/geolocation", &CGPSController::show_geolocation, NULL); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/geolocation", callback_geolocation, this); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/syncdb", callback_syncdb, this); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/redirect_to", callback_redirect_to, this); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/map", callback_map, this); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/system/shared", callback_shared, this); shttpd_register_uri(m_shttpdCtx, "/AppManager/loader/load", callback_AppManager_load, this); #else m_httpServer = new net::CHttpServer(atoi(getFreeListeningPort()), strAppRootPath); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/geolocation", rubyext::CGeoLocation::callback_geolocation); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/syncdb", callback_syncdb); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/redirect_to", callback_redirect_to); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/map", callback_map); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/shared", callback_shared); m_httpServer->register_uri("/AppManager/loader/load", callback_AppManager_load); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/getrhomessage", callback_getrhomessage); m_httpServer->register_uri("/system/activateapp", callback_activateapp); #endif } const char* CRhodesApp::getFreeListeningPort() { if ( m_strListeningPorts.length() > 0 ) return m_strListeningPorts.c_str(); int noerrors = 1; LOG(INFO) + "Trying to get free listening port."; //get free port int sockfd = -1; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr = {0}; //struct hostent *server = {0}; //int result = -1; if ( noerrors ) { sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ( sockfd < 0 ) { LOG(WARNING) + ("Unable to open socket"); noerrors = 0; } if ( noerrors ) { //server = gethostbyname( "localhost" ); memset((void *) &serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(8080); if ( bind( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof( serv_addr ) ) ) { serv_addr.sin_port = htons(0); if ( bind( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof( serv_addr ) ) ) { LOG(WARNING) + "Unable to bind"; noerrors = 0; } } if ( noerrors ) { char buf[10] = {0}; #ifdef OS_MACOSX socklen_t #else int #endif length = sizeof( serv_addr ); getsockname( sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, &length ); sprintf(buf,"%d",ntohs(serv_addr.sin_port)); m_strListeningPorts = buf; } //Clean up #if defined(OS_ANDROID) close(sockfd); #else closesocket(sockfd); #endif } } if ( !noerrors ) m_strListeningPorts = "8080"; LOG(INFO) + "Free listening port: " + m_strListeningPorts; return m_strListeningPorts.c_str(); } void CRhodesApp::initAppUrls() { m_currentTabIndex = 0; m_strHomeUrl = "http://localhost:"; m_strHomeUrl += getFreeListeningPort(); m_strBlobsDirPath = getRhoRootPath() + "apps/public/db-files"; m_strLoadingPagePath = "file://" + getRhoRootPath() + "apps/app/loading.html"; m_strLoadingPngPath = getRhoRootPath() + "apps/app/loading.png"; } void CRhodesApp::keepLastVisitedUrl(String strUrl) { LOG(INFO) + "Current URL: " + strUrl; m_currentUrls[m_currentTabIndex] = canonicalizeRhoUrl(strUrl); if ( RHOCONF().getBool("KeepTrackOfLastVisitedPage") ) { if ( strUrl.compare( 0, m_strHomeUrl.length(), m_strHomeUrl ) == 0 ) strUrl = strUrl.substr(m_strHomeUrl.length()); size_t nFragment = strUrl.find('#'); if ( nFragment != String::npos ) strUrl = strUrl.substr(0, nFragment); RHOCONF().setString("LastVisitedPage",strUrl); RHOCONF().saveToFile(); } } const String& CRhodesApp::getStartUrl() { m_strStartUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl( RHOCONF().getString("start_path") ); return m_strStartUrl; } const String& CRhodesApp::getOptionsUrl() { m_strOptionsUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl( RHOCONF().getString("options_path") ); return m_strOptionsUrl; } const String& CRhodesApp::getCurrentUrl(int index) { return m_currentUrls[m_currentTabIndex]; } const String& CRhodesApp::getFirstStartUrl() { m_strFirstStartUrl = getStartUrl(); if ( RHOCONF().getBool("KeepTrackOfLastVisitedPage") ) { rho::String strLastPage = RHOCONF().getString("LastVisitedPage"); if (strLastPage.length() > 0) m_strFirstStartUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl(strLastPage); } return m_strFirstStartUrl; } const String& CRhodesApp::getRhobundleReloadUrl() { m_strRhobundleReloadUrl = RHOCONF().getString("rhobundle_zip_url"); return m_strRhobundleReloadUrl; } void CRhodesApp::navigateToUrl( const String& strUrl) { webview_navigate(const_cast(strUrl.c_str()), 0); } String CRhodesApp::canonicalizeRhoUrl(const String& strUrl) { if (strUrl.length() == 0 ) return m_strHomeUrl; if ( strncmp("http://", strUrl.c_str(), 7 ) == 0 || strncmp("mailto:", strUrl.c_str(), 7) == 0 || strncmp("tel:", strUrl.c_str(), 4) == 0) return strUrl; return CFilePath::join(m_strHomeUrl,strUrl); } void CRhodesApp::addViewMenuItem( const String& strLabel, const String& strLink ) { if ( strLabel.length() == 0 ) return; synchronized(m_mxViewMenuItems) { m_hashViewMenuItems.put(strLabel, strLink); if ( strcasecmp( strLabel.c_str(), "back" )==0 && strcasecmp( strLink.c_str(), "back" )!=0 ) m_strAppBackUrl = canonicalizeRhoUrl(strLink); } } extern "C" void menu_iter(const char* szLabel, const char* szLink, void* pThis) { ((CRhodesApp*)pThis)->addViewMenuItem(szLabel, szLink ); } void CRhodesApp::setViewMenu(unsigned long valMenu) { synchronized(m_mxViewMenuItems) { m_hashViewMenuItems.clear(); m_strAppBackUrl=""; } rho_ruby_enum_strhash(valMenu, menu_iter, this); } boolean CRhodesApp::sendLog() { String strDevicePin = rho::sync::CClientRegister::getInstance() ? rho::sync::CClientRegister::getInstance()->getDevicePin() : ""; String strClientID = rho::sync::CSyncThread::getSyncEngine().loadClientID(); String strLogUrl = RHOCONF().getPath("logserver"); if ( strLogUrl.length() == 0 ) strLogUrl = RHOCONF().getPath("syncserver"); String strQuery = strLogUrl + "client_log?" + "client_id=" + strClientID + "&device_pin=" + strDevicePin + "&log_name=" + RHOCONF().getString("logname"); NetResponse( resp, getNet().pushFile( strQuery, LOGCONF().getLogFilePath(), &(rho::sync::CSyncThread::getSyncEngine()), null ) ); if ( !resp.isOK() ) { LOG(ERROR) + "send_log failed : network error"; return false; } return true; } String CRhodesApp::addCallbackObject(ICallbackObject* pCallbackObject, String strName) { int nIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_arCallbackObjects.size(); i++) { if ( m_arCallbackObjects.elementAt(i) == 0 ) nIndex = i; } // rho_ruby_holdValue(valObject); if ( nIndex == -1 ) { m_arCallbackObjects.addElement(pCallbackObject); nIndex = m_arCallbackObjects.size()-1; }else m_arCallbackObjects.setElementAt(pCallbackObject,nIndex); String strRes = "__rho_object[" + strName + "]=" + convertToStringA(nIndex); return strRes; } void CRhodesApp::delCallbackObject(ICallbackObject* pCallbackObject) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_arCallbackObjects.size(); i++) { if ( m_arCallbackObjects.elementAt(i) == pCallbackObject ) { m_arCallbackObjects.setElementAt(0,i); // rho_ruby_releaseValue(valObject); } } } unsigned long CRhodesApp::getCallbackObject(int nIndex) { if ( nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_arCallbackObjects.size() ) return rho_ruby_get_NIL(); ICallbackObject* pCallbackObject = m_arCallbackObjects.elementAt(nIndex); if ( !pCallbackObject ) return rho_ruby_get_NIL(); return pCallbackObject->getObjectValue(); } } } extern "C" { unsigned long rho_rhodesapp_GetCallbackObject(int nIndex) { return RHODESAPP().getCallbackObject(nIndex); } char* rho_http_normalizeurl(const char* szUrl) { rho::String strRes = RHODESAPP().canonicalizeRhoUrl(szUrl); return strdup(strRes.c_str()); } void rho_http_free(void* data) { free(data); } void rho_http_redirect( void* httpContext, const char* szUrl) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) struct shttpd_arg *arg = (struct shttpd_arg *)httpContext; shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n"); shttpd_printf(arg, "Location: %s\r\n", szUrl ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Content-Length: 0\r\n"); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Connection: close\r\n"); //#ifndef OS_MACOSX shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Cache-Control: must-revalidate\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Cache-Control: no-store\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Expires: 0\r\n" ); //#endif shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT; #else HttpHeaderList headers; headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Location", szUrl)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Content-Length", 0)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Expires", 0)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")); CHttpServer *serv = (CHttpServer *)httpContext; serv->send_response(serv->create_response("301 Moved Permanently", headers)); #endif } void rho_http_senderror(void* httpContext, int nError, const char* szMsg) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) struct shttpd_arg *arg = (struct shttpd_arg *)httpContext; shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", nError, szMsg); arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT; #else char buf[30]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", nError); rho::String reason = buf; reason += " "; reason += szMsg; CHttpServer *serv = (CHttpServer *)httpContext; serv->send_response(serv->create_response(reason)); #endif } void rho_http_sendresponse(void* httpContext, const char* szBody) { #if !defined(RHO_HTTPD_COMMON_IMPL) struct shttpd_arg *arg = (struct shttpd_arg *)httpContext; unsigned long nBodySize = strlen(szBody); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); shttpd_printf(arg, "Content-Length: %lu\r\n", nBodySize ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Connection: close\r\n"); #ifndef OS_MACOSX shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" ); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Expires: 0\r\n" ); #else const char *fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"; char date[64], lm[64]; time_t _current_time = time(0); strftime(date, sizeof(date), fmt, localtime(&_current_time)); strftime(lm, sizeof(lm), fmt, localtime(&_current_time)); shttpd_printf(arg, "Date: %s\r\n", date); shttpd_printf(arg, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", lm); shttpd_printf(arg, "Etag: \"%lx.%lx\"\r\n", (unsigned long) _current_time, nBodySize); #endif shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4\r\n\r\n"); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", szBody ); arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT; #else size_t nBodySize = strlen(szBody); HttpHeaderList headers; headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Content-Length", nBodySize)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Expires", 0)); const char *fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"; char date[64], lm[64], etag[64]; time_t _current_time = time(0); strftime(date, sizeof(date), fmt, localtime(&_current_time)); strftime(lm, sizeof(lm), fmt, localtime(&_current_time)); snprintf(etag, sizeof(etag), "\"%lx.%lx\"", (unsigned long)_current_time, (unsigned long)nBodySize); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Date", date)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Last-Modified", lm)); headers.push_back(HttpHeader("Etag", etag)); CHttpServer *serv = (CHttpServer *)httpContext; serv->send_response(serv->create_response("200 OK", headers, szBody)); #endif } int rho_http_snprintf(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int n; if (buflen == 0) return (0); va_start(ap, fmt); n = vsnprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (n < 0 || (size_t) n >= buflen) n = buflen - 1; buf[n] = '\0'; return (n); } void rho_rhodesapp_create(const char* szRootPath) { rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(szRootPath); } void rho_rhodesapp_start() { RHODESAPP().startApp(); } void rho_rhodesapp_destroy() { rho::common::CRhodesApp::Destroy(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getfirststarturl() { return RHODESAPP().getFirstStartUrl().c_str(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getstarturl() { return RHODESAPP().getStartUrl().c_str(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_gethomeurl() { return RHODESAPP().getHomeUrl().c_str(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getoptionsurl() { return RHODESAPP().getOptionsUrl().c_str(); } void rho_rhodesapp_keeplastvisitedurl(const char* szUrl) { RHODESAPP().keepLastVisitedUrl(szUrl); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getcurrenturl(int index) { return RHODESAPP().getCurrentUrl(index).c_str(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getloadingpagepath() { return RHODESAPP().getLoadingPagePath().c_str(); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath() { return RHODESAPP().getBlobsDirPath().c_str(); } void rho_rhodesapp_callCameraCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, const char* strImagePath, const char* strError, int bCancel ) { RHODESAPP().callCameraCallback(strCallbackUrl, strImagePath, strError, bCancel != 0); } void rho_rhodesapp_callDateTimeCallback(const char* strCallbackUrl, long lDateTime, const char* szData, int bCancel ) { RHODESAPP().callDateTimeCallback(strCallbackUrl, lDateTime, szData, bCancel != 0); } void rho_rhodesapp_callAppActiveCallback(int nActive) { RHODESAPP().callAppActiveCallback(nActive!=0); } void rho_rhodesapp_setViewMenu(unsigned long valMenu) { RHODESAPP().setViewMenu(valMenu); } const char* rho_rhodesapp_getappbackurl() { return RHODESAPP().getAppBackUrl().c_str(); } const char* rho_ruby_getErrorText(int nError) { return RHODESAPP().getRhoMessage( nError, "").c_str(); } const char* rho_ruby_getMessageText(const char* szName) { return "";//RHODESAPP().getRhoMessage( 0, szName).c_str(); } int rho_rhodesapp_isrubycompiler() { return 1; } int rho_conf_send_log() { return RHODESAPP().sendLog(); } static const char table64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; int rho_base64_encode(const char *src, int srclen, char *dst) { if (srclen < 0) srclen = strlen(src); if (!dst) return (srclen/3)*4 + (srclen%3 ? 4 : 0) + 1; int out = 0; for(int in = 0; in < srclen; in += 3, out += 4) { unsigned x = 0; int actual = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { char c; if (in + i >= srclen) c = 0; else { c = src[in + i]; actual += 8; } x = (x << 8) + (unsigned char)c; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (actual <= 0) { dst[out + i] = '='; } else { dst[out + i] = table64[(x >> 18) & 0x3F]; x <<= 6; actual -= 6; } } } dst[out++] = '\0'; return out; } int rho_base64_decode(const char *src, int srclen, char *dst) { if (srclen < 0) srclen = strlen(src); // Do not decode in case if srclen can not be divided by 4 if (srclen%4) return 0; if (!dst) return srclen*3/4 + 1; char *found; int out = 0; for (int in = 0; in < srclen; in += 4, out += 3) { unsigned x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if ((found = strchr(const_cast(table64), src[in + i])) != NULL) x = (x << 6) + (unsigned int)(found - table64); else if (src[in + i] == '=') x <<= 6; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { dst[out + i] = (unsigned char)((x >> 16) & 0xFF); x <<= 8; } } dst[out++] = '\0'; return out; } }