# # export_tasks.rake is a debugging tool to extract tasks from the # current foreman instance. # # Run "foreman-rake export_tasks" to export tasks whcih are not listed # as successful. # To export all tasks "foreman-rake export_tasks tasks=all" # to specify the number of days of tasks to gather: days=60 (defaults to 60) namespace :foreman_tasks do desc 'Export Dynflow Tasks' task :export_tasks => :environment do class TaskRender def initialize @cache = {} end def h(foo) foo end def url(foo) foo end def render_task(task) @plan = task.execution_plan erb('show') end def world ForemanTasks.dynflow.world end def template(filename) File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name("dynflow").gem_dir, 'web', 'views', "#{filename}.erb") end def erb(file, options = {}) unless @cache[file] @cache[file] = Tilt.new(template(file)) end @cache[file].render(self, options[:locals]) end def prettify_value(value) YAML.dump(value) end def prettyprint(value) value = prettyprint_references(value) if value pretty_value = prettify_value(value) <<-HTML <pre class="prettyprint lang-yaml">#{h(pretty_value)}</pre> HTML else "" end end def prettyprint_references(value) case value when Hash value.reduce({}) do |h, (key, val)| h.update(key => prettyprint_references(val)) end when Array value.map { |val| prettyprint_references(val) } when Dynflow::ExecutionPlan::OutputReference value.inspect else value end end def duration_to_s(duration) h("%0.2fs" % duration) end def load_action(step) world.persistence.load_action(step) end def step_error(step) if step.error ['<pre>', "#{h(step.error.message)} (#{h(step.error.exception_class)})\n", h(step.error.backtrace.join("\n")), '</pre>'].join end end def show_action_data(label, value) value_html = prettyprint(value) if !value_html.empty? <<-HTML <p> <b>#{h(label)}</b> #{value_html} </p> HTML else "" end end def atom_css_classes(atom) classes = ["atom"] step = @plan.steps[atom.step_id] case step.state when :success classes << "success" when :error classes << "error" when :skipped, :skipping classes << "skipped" end return classes.join(" ") end def flow_css_classes(flow, sub_flow = nil) classes = [] case flow when Dynflow::Flows::Sequence classes << "sequence" when Dynflow::Flows::Concurrence classes << "concurrence" when Dynflow::Flows::Atom classes << atom_css_classes(flow) else raise "Unknown run plan #{run_plan.inspect}" end classes << atom_css_classes(sub_flow) if sub_flow.is_a? Dynflow::Flows::Atom return classes.join(" ") end def step_css_class(step) case step.state when :success "success" when :error "important" end end def progress_width(step) if step.state == :error 100 # we want to show the red bar in full width else step.progress_done * 100 end end def step(step_id) @plan.steps[step_id] end def updated_url(new_params) url("?" + Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(params.merge(new_params.stringify_keys))) end end class PageHelper def self.pagify(template) pre = <<-HTML <html> <head> <title>Dynflow Console</title> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="application.css"> <script src="bootstrap.js"></script> <script src="run_prettify.js"></script> <script src="application.js"></script> </head> <body> #{template} <body> </html> HTML end def self.copy_assets(tmp_dir) ['vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js', 'vendor/google-code-prettify/run_prettify.js', 'vendor/jquery/jquery.js', 'vendor/jquery/jquery.js', 'javascripts/application.js', 'vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css', 'stylesheets/application.css'].each do |file| filename = File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name("dynflow").gem_dir, 'web', 'assets', file) FileUtils.copy_file(filename, File.join(tmp_dir, File.basename(file))) end end def self.generate_index(tasks) html = "<div><table class=\"table\">" tasks.order("started_at desc").all.each do |task| html << "<tr><td><a href=\"#{task.id}.html\">#{task.label}</a></td><td>#{task.started_at}</td>\ <td>#{task.state}</td><td>#{task.result}</td></tr>" end html << "</table></div>" end end if ENV['tasks'] == 'all' tasks = ForemanTasks::Task else tasks = ForemanTasks::Task.where("result != 'success'") end days = ENV['days'].try(:to_i) || 60 tasks = tasks.where('started_at > ?', days.days.ago) export_filename = ENV['export'] || "/tmp/task-export-#{DateTime.now.to_i}.tar.gz" puts _("Gathering last #{days} days of tasks.") Dir.mktmpdir('task-export') do |tmp_dir| PageHelper.copy_assets(tmp_dir) renderer = TaskRender.new count = 1 total = tasks.count tasks.all.each do |task| File.open(File.join(tmp_dir, "#{task.id}.html"), 'w') {|file| file.write(PageHelper.pagify(renderer.render_task(task)))} puts "#{count}/#{total}" count += 1 end File.open(File.join(tmp_dir, "index.html"), 'w') {|file| file.write(PageHelper.pagify(PageHelper.generate_index(tasks)))} sh("tar cvzf #{export_filename} #{tmp_dir} > /dev/null") end puts "Created #{export_filename}" end end