module PageMagic describe WaitMethods do subject do do |o| o.extend(described_class) end end let(:default_options) { { timeout_after: 0.1, retry_every: 0.05 } } it 'waits until the prescribed thing has happened' do expect { subject.wait_until(default_options) { true } }.to_not raise_exception end it 'should keep trying for a specified period' do start_time = expect { subject.wait_until(default_options) { false } }.to raise_exception TimeoutException expect( - default_options[:timeout_after]).to be > start_time end context 'timeout_after specified' do it 'throws an exception if when the prescribed action does not happen in time' do expect { subject.wait_until(default_options) { false } }.to raise_error TimeoutException end end context 'retry time specified' do it 'retries at the given interval' do count = 0 expect do subject.wait_until(timeout_after: default_options[:timeout_after] * 2, retry_every: 0.1) do count += 1 end raise_exception TimeoutException expect(count).to eq(2) end end end end