module ClassMethods def empty_trash Card.delete_trashed_files Card.where(trash: true).delete_all Card::Action.delete_cardless Card::Reference.unmap_if_referee_missing Card::Reference.delete_if_referer_missing Card.delete_tmp_files_of_cached_uploads end # deletes any file not associated with a real card. def delete_trashed_files trashed_card_ids = all_trashed_card_ids file_ids = all_file_ids dir = Cardio.paths['files'].existent.first file_ids.each do |file_id| next unless trashed_card_ids.member?(file_id) if Card.exists?(file_id) # double check! raise Card::Error, 'Narrowly averted deleting current file' end FileUtils.rm_rf "#{dir}/#{file_id}", secure: true end end def all_file_ids dir = Card.paths['files'].existent.first Dir.entries(dir)[2..-1].map(&:to_i) end def all_trashed_card_ids trashed_card_sql = %( select id from cards where trash is true ) sql_results = Card.connection.select_all(trashed_card_sql) end def delete_tmp_files_of_cached_uploads actions = Card::Action.find_by_sql "SELECT * FROM card_actions INNER JOIN cards ON card_actions.card_id = WHERE cards.type_id IN (#{Card::FileID}, #{Card::ImageID}) AND card_actions.draft = true" actions.each do |action| # we don't want to delete uploads in progress if older_than_five_days?(action.created_at) && (card = action.card) # we don't want to delete uploads in progress card.delete_files_for_action action end end end def merge_list attribs, opts={} unmerged = [] attribs.each do |row| result = begin merge row['name'], row, opts end unmerged.push row unless result == true end if unmerged.empty? 'successfully merged all!' else unmerged_json = JSON.pretty_generate unmerged report_unmerged_json unmerged_json, opts[:output_file] end unmerged end def report_unmerged_json unmerged_json, output_file if output_file output_file, 'w' do |f| f.write unmerged_json end else "failed to merge:\n\n#{unmerged_json}" end end def merge name, attribs={}, opts={} puts "merging #{name}" card = fetch name, new: {} if opts[:pristine] && !card.pristine? false else card.attributes = attribs! end end def older_than_five_days? time - time > 432_000 end end def debug_type "#{type_code || ''}:#{type_id}" end def to_s "#<#{}[#{debug_type}]#{attributes['name']}>" end def inspect tags = [] tags << 'trash' if trash tags << 'new' if new_card? tags << 'frozen' if frozen? tags << 'readonly' if readonly? tags << 'virtual' if @virtual tags << 'set_mods_loaded' if @set_mods_loaded error_messages = errors.any? ? "" : '' "##{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if method.to_s =~ /^_view_(.+)$/ end.compact.join "\n" if views.present? =~ /^Card(::Set)?::(.+?)$/ #::(\w+Format) hash[Regexp.last_match(2)] = views end end accordion_group format_views end view :views_by_name do views = do |method| Regexp.last_match(1) if method.to_s =~ /^_view_(.+)$/ end.compact.sort "" end def accordion_group list, collapse_id=card.cardname.safe_key accordions = '' index = 1 list.each_pair do |title, content| accordions << accordion(title, content, "#{collapse_id}-#{index}") index += 1 end content_tag :div, accordions.html_safe, class: 'panel-group', id: "accordion-#{collapse_id}", role: 'tablist', 'aria-multiselectable' => 'true' end def accordion title, content, collapse_id=card.cardname.safe_key panel_body = case content when Hash then accordion_group accordion(content, collapse_id) when Array then content.join "\n" else content end %(
).html_safe end end