module GemBench class StrictVersionRequirement attr_reader :gemfile_path, :gems, :starters, :benchers, :verbose def initialize(options = {}) @gemfile_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/Gemfile" file = # Get all lines as an array all_lines = file.readlines @gems = [] all_lines.each_with_index do |line, index| # will return nil if the line is not a gem line gem = StrictVersionGem.from_line(all_lines, line, index) @gems << gem if gem end @starters, @benchers = @gems.partition { |x| x.valid? } # Remove all the commented || blank lines @verbose = options[:verbose] self.print if verbose end def versions_present? gems.detect { |x| !x.valid? }.nil? end def list_missing_version_constraints { |x| } end def find(name) gems.detect { |x| == name } end def gem_at(index) gems.detect { |x| x.index == index } end def print using_path = benchers.count { |x| x.is_type?(:path) } puts <<~EOS #{" "} The gems that need to be improved are: #{"\n")} There are #{starters.length} gems that have valid strict version constraints. Of those: #{starters.count { |x| x.is_type?(:constraint) }} use primary constraints (e.g. '~> 1.2.3'). #{starters.count { |x| x.is_type?(:git_ref) }} use git ref constraints. #{starters.count { |x| x.is_type?(:git_tag) }} use git tag constraints. There are #{benchers.length} gems that do not have strict version constraints. Of those: #{benchers.count { |x| x.is_type?(:git_branch) }} use git branch constraints. #{benchers.count { |x| x.is_type?(:git) }} use some other form of git constraint considered not strict enough. #{benchers.count { |x| x.is_type?(:unknown) }} gems seem to not have any constraint at all. #{using_path} gems are using a local path. #{"WARNING!!!" if using_path > 0} EOS end end end