# IB/Extensions --- __Documentation: [https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/)__ __Questions, Contributions, Remarks: [Discussions are opened in ib-api](https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-api/discussions)__ --- __Helpers and Macros that ease the usage of the TWS-API of Interactive Brokers__ To activate use ``` gem 'ib-extensions' ``` in the Gemfile and require the extensions as needed ## Include all (except gateway) ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/extensions' ``` ## Verify ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/verify' ``` Verifies a given contract, for details refer to the [documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/Verify_contracts.html ) ## Market Price ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/market-price' ``` Returns the most recent market-price of a given contract ( [documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/market_price.html) ) ## Historical Data (EOD) ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/eod' puts IB::Symbols.Index.estx.eod( duration: '10 d' ) ``` Fetch historical data with just one line of code ([documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/Historical_data.html) ) ## Order Prototypes ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/order-prototypes' order = IB::Limit.order size: 100, price: 10, action: :buy order = IB::StopLimit.order size: 100, price: 10, stop_price: 9.5 ``` then transmit the order through the [place_order](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/order_placement.html) method of IB::Connection or Account-based preview, place, modify and cancel methods of [IB::Gateway](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/order_placement.html). More details in the [documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/order_prototypes.html) ## Spread Prototypes ``` require 'ib-api' require 'ib/spread-prototypes' ``` Compose most common spreads through ``` s = IB::Straddle.build from: IB::Symbols::Index.stoxx, strike: 2400, expiry: 202103 s = IB::Strangle.build from: IB::Symbols::Index.stoxx, c: 2400, p: 2200, expiry: 202103 ``` and use the speads like any other contract. ([documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/spreads.html) ## Gateway ``` require 'ib-gateway' ``` IB::Gateway is an alternative to IB::Connection. Upon initialization, it detects active accounts and stores them in a thread safe array. Details in the [documentation](https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/gateway.html) Its used in [Simple Monitor](https://github.com/ib-ruby/simple-monitor) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-extensions. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[ib-ruby/ib-extensions/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Ib::Extensions project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-extensions/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).