require ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper])) describe String do describe "#/" do it "should join other strings to form a file path" do path = 'foo' / 'bar' / 'baz' path.should == ::File.join(%w[foo bar baz]) end end describe "#titlecase" do it "should not capitalize small words" do 'and on the other hand of fate we have a ring'.titlecase. should == 'And on the Other Hand of Fate We Have a Ring' end it "should not modify words that contain capital letters other than the first character" do 'the iTunes store is down'.titlecase. should == 'The iTunes Store Is Down' "what's up with the MacUpdate site".titlecase. should == "What's Up With the MacUpdate Site" end it "should skip words with line dots ( or" do 'the website is used in documentation'.titlecase. should == 'The Website Is Used in Documentation' end it "should always capitlize the first and last words of the title" do 'a little bit of'.titlecase.should == 'A Little Bit Of' 'iTunes is being released'.titlecase.should == 'iTunes Is Being Released' %q("a quoted title if").titlecase.should == %q("A Quoted Title If") %q(and if you do via?).titlecase.should == %q(And if You Do Via?) end it "should caplitalize a small word after a colon" do %q(starting sub-phrase with a small word: a trick, perhaps?).titlecase. should == %q(Starting Sub-Phrase With a Small Word: A Trick, Perhaps?) %q(sub-phrase with a small word in quotes: 'a trick, perhaps?').titlecase. should == %q(Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: 'A Trick, Perhaps?') %q(sub-phrase with a small word in quotes: "a trick, perhaps?").titlecase. should == %q(Sub-Phrase With a Small Word in Quotes: "A Trick, Perhaps?") end it "should properly handle contractions" do %q(this isn't going to work).titlecase. should == %q(This Isn't Going to Work) %q(MicroSoft won't go down that route).titlecase. should == %q(MicroSoft Won't Go Down That Route) end it "should capitalize phrases inside quotations" do %q(Q&A with steve jobs: 'that's what happens in technology').titlecase. should == %q(Q&A With Steve Jobs: 'That's What Happens in Technology') end end describe "#to_url" do it "should convert characters to words" do given = "10% Inspiration & 90% Perspiration" expected = "10-percent-inspiration-and-90-percent-perspiration" given.to_url.should == expected end it "should convert entities to words" do given = "Tea & crumpets & crêpes for me!" expected = "tea-and-crumpets-and-crepes-for-me" given.to_url.should == expected end it "should remove html tags" do given = "I Am Awesome" expected = "i-am-awesome" given.to_url.should == expected end it "should convert ellipses" do given = "The Suspense... Is... Killing Me" expected = "the-suspense-dot-dot-dot-is-dot-dot-dot-killing-me" given.to_url.should == expected end it "should convert underscores to dashes" do given = "How to use attr_accessible and attr_protected" expected = "how-to-use-attr-accessible-and-attr-protected" given.to_url.should == expected end it "should remove punctuation" do given = "I'm just making sure there's nothing wrong with things!" expected = "im-just-making-sure-theres-nothing-wrong-with-things" given.to_url.should == expected end end end # EOF