require 'tmpdir' module Pilot class BuildManager < Manager def upload(options) start(options) options[:changelog] = self.class.truncate_changelog(options[:changelog]) if options[:changelog] UI.user_error!("No ipa file given") unless config[:ipa] UI.success("Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: #{app.apple_id})...") dir = Dir.mktmpdir platform = fetch_app_platform package_path = app.apple_id, ipa_path: config[:ipa], package_path: dir, platform: platform) transporter =[:username], nil, false, options[:itc_provider]) result = transporter.upload(app.apple_id, package_path) unless result UI.user_error!("Error uploading ipa file, for more information see above") end UI.success("Successfully uploaded the new binary to iTunes Connect") if config[:skip_waiting_for_build_processing] UI.important("Skip waiting for build processing") UI.important("This means that no changelog will be set and no build will be distributed to testers") return end UI.message("If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option") uploaded_build = wait_for_processing_build(options, platform) # this might take a while distribute(options, uploaded_build) end def distribute(options, build = nil) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 and config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end if build.nil? platform = fetch_app_platform(required: false) builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform) + app.builds(platform: platform) # sort by upload_date builds.sort! { |a, b| a.upload_date <=> b.upload_date } build = builds.last if build.nil? UI.user_error!("No builds found.") return end if build.processing UI.user_error!("Build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) is still processing.") return end if build.testing_status == "External" UI.user_error!("Build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) has already been distributed.") return end type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'External' : 'Internal' UI.message("Distributing build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) from #{build.testing_status} -> #{type}") end unless config[:update_build_info_on_upload] if should_update_build_information(options) build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog], description: options[:beta_app_description], feedback_email: options[:beta_app_feedback_email]) UI.success "Successfully set the changelog and/or description for build" end end return if config[:skip_submission] distribute_build(build, options) type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'External' : 'Internal' UI.success("Successfully distributed build to #{type} testers 🚀") end def list(options) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 and config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end platform = fetch_app_platform(required: false) builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform) + app.builds(platform: platform) # sort by upload_date builds.sort! { |a, b| a.upload_date <=> b.upload_date } rows = builds.collect { |build| describe_build(build) } puts title: "#{} Builds".green, headings: ["Version #", "Build #", "Testing", "Installs", "Sessions"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ) end def self.truncate_changelog(changelog) max_changelog_length = 4000 if changelog && changelog.length > max_changelog_length original_length = changelog.length bottom_message = "..." changelog = "#{changelog[0...max_changelog_length - bottom_message.length]}#{bottom_message}" UI.important "Changelog has been truncated since it exceeds Apple's #{max_changelog_length} character limit. It currently contains #{original_length} characters." end return changelog end private def describe_build(build) row = [build.train_version, build.build_version, build.testing_status, build.install_count, build.session_count] return row end def should_update_build_information(options) options[:changelog].to_s.length > 0 or options[:beta_app_description].to_s.length > 0 or options[:beta_app_feedback_email].to_s.length > 0 end # This method will takes care of checking for the processing builds every few seconds # @return [Build] The build that we just uploaded def wait_for_processing_build(options, platform) # the upload date of the new buid # we use it to identify the build start = wait_processing_interval = config[:wait_processing_interval].to_i latest_build = nil UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to process the new build") must_update_build_info = config[:update_build_info_on_upload] loop do sleep(wait_processing_interval) # before we look for processing builds, we need to ensure that there # is a build train for this application; new applications don't # build trains right away, and if we don't do this check, we will # get break out of this loop and then generate an error later when we # have a nil build if app.build_trains(platform: platform).count == 0 UI.message("New application; waiting for build train to appear on iTunes Connect") else builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform) latest_build = builds.last unless latest_build break unless builds.include?(latest_build) if latest_build.valid and must_update_build_info # Set the changelog and/or description if necessary if should_update_build_information(options) latest_build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog], description: options[:beta_app_description], feedback_email: options[:beta_app_feedback_email]) UI.success "Successfully set the changelog and/or description for build" end must_update_build_info = false end UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (#{latest_build.train_version} - #{latest_build.build_version})") end end UI.user_error!("Error receiving the newly uploaded binary, please check iTunes Connect") if latest_build.nil? full_build = nil while full_build.nil? || full_build.processing # The build's processing state should go from true to false, and be done. But sometimes it goes true -> false -> # true -> false, where the second true is transient. This causes a spurious failure. Find build by build_version # and ensure it's not processing before proceeding - it had to have already been false before, to get out of the # previous loop. full_build = app.build_trains(platform: platform)[latest_build.train_version].builds.find do |b| b.build_version == latest_build.build_version end UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (#{latest_build.train_version} - #{latest_build.build_version})") sleep(wait_processing_interval) end if full_build && !full_build.processing && full_build.valid minutes = (( - start) / 60).round UI.success("Successfully finished processing the build") UI.message("You can now tweet: ") UI.important("iTunes Connect #iosprocessingtime #{minutes} minutes") return full_build else UI.user_error!("Error: Seems like iTunes Connect didn't properly pre-process the binary") end end def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options) UI.message("Distributing new build to testers") # Submit for review before external testflight is available if options[:distribute_external] uploaded_build.client.submit_testflight_build_for_review!( app_id: uploaded_build.build_train.application.apple_id, train: uploaded_build.build_train.version_string, build_number: uploaded_build.build_version, platform: uploaded_build.platform ) end # Submit for beta testing type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'external' : 'internal' uploaded_build.build_train.update_testing_status!(true, type, uploaded_build) return true end end end