// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ (function() { var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add("empty", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: '' }) .add("with value", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: 'John Doe' }) .add("disabled - empty", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: null, isEnabled: NO }) .add("disabled - with value", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: 'John Doe', isEnabled: NO }) .add("textarea - empty", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: '', isTextArea: YES }) .add("textarea - with value", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: 'John Doe', isTextArea: YES }) .add("textarea - disabled - empty", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: '', isTextArea: YES, isEnabled: NO }) .add("textarea - disabled - with value", SC.TextFieldView, { hint: "Full Name", value: 'John Doe', isTextArea: YES, isEnabled: NO }); pane.show(); // add a test to show the test pane // .......................................................... // VERIFY STANDARD STATES // pane.verifyEmpty = function verifyEmpty(view, expectedHint) { var input = view.$('input'); var layer = view.$(); ok(!layer.hasClass('not-empty'), 'layer should not have not-empty class'); if(SC.browser.safari) equals(input.val(), '', 'input should have empty value'); else equals(input.val(), expectedHint, 'input should have empty value'); if (expectedHint) { var hint = view.$('.sc-hint'); if (hint.length===1) { hint = hint.text(); } else { hint = view.$('input'); hint = hint.attr('placeholder'); } equals(hint, expectedHint, 'hint span should have expected hint'); } }; pane.verifyNotEmpty = function verifyNotEmpty(view, expectedValue, expectedHint) { var input = view.$('input'); var layer = view.$(); ok(layer.hasClass('not-empty'), 'layer should have not-empty class'); equals(input.val(), expectedValue, 'input should have value'); if (expectedHint) { var hint = view.$('.sc-hint'); if (hint.length===1) { hint = hint.text(); } else { hint = view.$('input'); hint = hint.attr('placeholder'); } equals(hint, expectedHint, 'hint span should have expected hint'); } }; pane.verifyDisabled = function verifyDisabled(view, isDisabled) { var layer = view.$(); var input = view.$('input'); if (isDisabled) { ok(layer.hasClass('disabled'), 'layer should have disabled class'); ok(input.attr('disabled'), 'input should have disabled attr'); } else { ok(!layer.hasClass('disabled'), 'layer should not have disabled class'); ok(!input.attr('disabled'), 'input should not have disabled attr'); } }; // .......................................................... // TEST INITIAL STATES // module('SC.TextFieldView ui', pane.standardSetup()); test("empty", function() { var view = pane.view('empty'); pane.verifyEmpty(view, 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, NO); }); test("with value", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); pane.verifyNotEmpty(view, 'John Doe', 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, NO); }); test("disabled - empty", function() { var view = pane.view('disabled - empty'); pane.verifyEmpty(view, 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, YES); }); test("disabled - with value", function() { var view = pane.view('disabled - with value'); pane.verifyNotEmpty(view, 'John Doe', 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, YES); }); test("textarea - empty", function() { var view = pane.view('empty'); pane.verifyEmpty(view, 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, NO); }); test("textarea - with value", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); pane.verifyNotEmpty(view, 'John Doe', 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, NO); }); test("textarea - disabled - empty", function() { var view = pane.view('disabled - empty'); pane.verifyEmpty(view, 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, YES); }); test("textarea - disabled - with value", function() { var view = pane.view('disabled - with value'); pane.verifyNotEmpty(view, 'John Doe', 'Full Name'); pane.verifyDisabled(view, YES); }); // .......................................................... // TEST CHANGING VIEWS // test("changing value from empty -> value", function() { var view = pane.view('empty'); // test changing value updates like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', 'John Doe'); SC.RunLoop.end(); pane.verifyNotEmpty(view, 'John Doe', 'Full Name'); }); test("disabling view", function() { var view = pane.view('empty'); // test changing enabled state updates like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('isEnabled', NO); SC.RunLoop.end(); pane.verifyDisabled(view, YES); }); test("changing value to null", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test changing value updates like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.get('fieldValue'), null, 'should have empty fieldValue'); pane.verifyEmpty(view, 'Full Name'); }); test("enabling disabled view", function() { var view = pane.view('disabled - empty'); // test changing enabled state updates like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('isEnabled', YES); SC.RunLoop.end(); pane.verifyDisabled(view, NO); }); // .......................................................... // TEST SELECTION SUPPORT // test("Setting the selection to a null value should fail", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); var fieldElement = view.$input()[0]; fieldElement.size = 10; // Avoid Firefox 3.5 issue var thrownException = null; try { view.set('selection', null); } catch(e) { thrownException = e; } ok(thrownException.indexOf !== undefined, 'an exception should have been thrown'); if (thrownException.indexOf !== undefined) { ok(thrownException.indexOf('must specify an SC.TextSelection instance') !== -1, 'the exception should be about not specifying an SC.TextSelection instance'); } }); test("Setting the selection to a non-SC.TextSelection value should fail", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); var fieldElement = view.$input()[0]; fieldElement.size = 10; // Avoid Firefox 3.5 issue var thrownException = null; try { view.set('selection', {start: 0, end: 0}); } catch(e) { thrownException = e; } ok(thrownException.indexOf !== undefined, 'an exception should have been thrown'); if (thrownException.indexOf !== undefined) { ok(thrownException.indexOf('must specify an SC.TextSelection instance') !== -1, 'the exception should be about not specifying an SC.TextSelection instance'); } }); test("Setting and then getting back the selection", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); var fieldElement = view.$input()[0]; fieldElement.focus(); fieldElement.size = 10; // Avoid Firefox 3.5 issue var newSelection = SC.TextSelection.create({start:2, end:5}); view.set('selection', newSelection); var fetchedSelection = view.get('selection'); ok(fetchedSelection.get('start') === 2, 'the selection should start at index 2'); ok(fetchedSelection.get('end') === 5, 'the selection should end at index 4'); ok(fetchedSelection.get('length') === 3, 'the selection should have length 3'); }); // .......................................................... // TEST ACCESSORY VIEWS // test("Adding left accessory view", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var accessoryView = SC.View.create({ layout: { top:1, left:2, width:16, height:16 } }); view.set('leftAccessoryView', accessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('leftAccessoryView') === accessoryView, 'left accessory view should be set to ' + accessoryView.toString()); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 1, 'there should only be one child view'); ok(view.get('childViews')[0] === accessoryView, 'first child view should be set to ' + accessoryView.toString()); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'left' // values set to the accessory view's offset + width // (18 = 2 left offset + 16 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.left === '18px', 'padding element should get 18px left'); // Test removing the accessory view. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('leftAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 0, 'after removing the left accessory view there should be no child views left'); ok(!paddingElement.style.left, 'after removing the left accessory view the padding element should have no left style'); }); test("Adding left accessory view changes style -- using design()", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var accessoryView = SC.View.design({ layout: { top:1, left:2, width:16, height:16 } }); view.set('leftAccessoryView', accessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'left' // values set to the accessory view's offset + width // (18 = 2 left offset + 16 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.left === '18px', 'padding element should get 18px left'); // Test removing the accessory view. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('leftAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(!paddingElement.style.left, 'after removing the left accessory view the padding element should have no left style'); }); test("Adding right accessory view", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var accessoryView = SC.View.create({ layout: { top:1, right:3, width:17, height:16 } }); view.set('rightAccessoryView', accessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('rightAccessoryView') === accessoryView, 'right accessory view should be set to ' + accessoryView.toString()); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 1, 'there should only be one child view'); ok(view.get('childViews')[0] === accessoryView, 'first child view should be set to ' + accessoryView.toString()); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'right' // values set to the accessory view's offset + width // (20 = 3 right offset + 17 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.right === '20px', 'padding element should get 20px right'); // If a right accessory view is set with only 'left' (and not 'right') // defined in its layout, 'left' should be cleared out and 'right' should // be set to 0. SC.RunLoop.begin(); accessoryView = SC.View.create({ layout: { top:1, left:2, width:16, height:16 } }); view.set('rightAccessoryView', accessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('rightAccessoryView').get('layout').left === null, "right accessory view created with 'left' rather than 'right' in layout should have layout.left set to null"); ok(view.get('rightAccessoryView').get('layout').right === 0, "right accessory view created with 'left' rather than 'right' in layout should have layout.right set to 0"); // Test removing the accessory view. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('rightAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 0, 'after removing the right accessory view there should be no child views left'); ok(!paddingElement.style.right, 'after removing the right accessory view the padding element should have no right style'); }); test("Adding right accessory view changes style -- using design()", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var accessoryView = SC.View.design({ layout: { top:1, right:3, width:17, height:16 } }); view.set('rightAccessoryView', accessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'right' // values set to the accessory view's offset + width // (20 = 3 right offset + 17 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.right === '20px', 'padding element should get 20px right'); // Test removing the accessory view. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('rightAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(!paddingElement.style.right, 'after removing the right accessory view the padding element should have no right style'); }); test("Adding both left and right accessory views", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var leftAccessoryView = SC.View.create({ layout: { top:1, left:2, width:16, height:16 } }); view.set('leftAccessoryView', leftAccessoryView); var rightAccessoryView = SC.View.create({ layout: { top:1, right:3, width:17, height:16 } }); view.set('rightAccessoryView', rightAccessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 2, 'we should have two child views since we added both a left and a right accessory view'); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'left' and // 'right' values set to the accessory views' offset + width // * left: 18 = 2 left offset + 16 width) // * right: 20 = 3 left offset + 17 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.left === '18px', 'padding element should get 18px left'); ok(paddingElement.style.right === '20px', 'padding element should get 20px right'); // Test removing the accessory views. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('rightAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 1, 'after removing the right accessory view there should be one child view left (the left accessory view)'); ok(!paddingElement.style.right, 'after removing the right accessory view the padding element should have no right style'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('leftAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(view.get('childViews').length === 0, 'after removing both accessory views there should be no child views left'); ok(!paddingElement.style.left, 'after removing the left accessory view the padding element should have no left style'); }); test("Adding both left and right accessory views changes style -- using design()", function() { var view = pane.view('with value'); // test adding accessory view adds the view like it should SC.RunLoop.begin(); var leftAccessoryView = SC.View.design({ layout: { top:1, left:2, width:16, height:16 } }); view.set('leftAccessoryView', leftAccessoryView); var rightAccessoryView = SC.View.design({ layout: { top:1, right:3, width:17, height:16 } }); view.set('rightAccessoryView', rightAccessoryView); SC.RunLoop.end(); // The hint and padding elements should automatically have their 'left' and // 'right' values set to the accessory views' offset + width // * left: 18 = 2 left offset + 16 width) // * right: 20 = 3 left offset + 17 width) var paddingElement = view.$('.padding')[0]; ok(paddingElement.style.left === '18px', 'padding element should get 18px left'); ok(paddingElement.style.right === '20px', 'padding element should get 20px right'); // Test removing the accessory views. SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('rightAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(!paddingElement.style.right, 'after removing the right accessory view the padding element should have no right style'); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('leftAccessoryView', null); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok(!paddingElement.style.left, 'after removing the left accessory view the padding element should have no left style'); }); // .......................................................... // TEST EVENTS // test("focus and blurring text field", function() { var view = pane.view('empty'); var input = view.$('input'); // attempt to focus... SC.Event.trigger(input, 'focus'); // verify editing state changed... ok(view.get('isEditing'), 'view.isEditing should be YES'); ok(view.$().hasClass('focus'), 'view layer should have focus class'); // simulate typing a letter SC.Event.trigger(input, 'keydown'); SC.Event.trigger(input, 'keyup'); input.val('f'); SC.Event.trigger(input, 'change'); // wait a little bit to let text field propograte changes stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); equals(view.get('value'), 'f', 'view should have new value'); ok(view.$().hasClass('not-empty'), 'should have not-empty class'); // attempt to blur... SC.Event.trigger(input, 'blur'); // verify editing state changed... ok(!view.get('isEditing'), 'view.isEditing should be NO'); ok(!view.$().hasClass('focus'), 'view layer should NOT have focus class'); }, 100); }); test("editing a field should not change the cursor position", function() { var textField = pane.view('empty'); var input = textField.$('input'); input.val('John Doe'); textField.set('selection', SC.TextSelection.create({start:2, end:3})); SC.Event.trigger(input, 'change'); ok(input.val() === 'John Doe', 'input value should be \'John Doe\''); var selection = textField.get('selection'); console.log("Selection: %@".fmt(selection)); ok(selection.get('start') == 2 && selection.get('end') == 3, 'cursor position should be unchanged'); }); })();