module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class FirstdataE4Gateway < Gateway self.test_url = "" self.live_url = "" TRANSACTIONS = { :sale => "00", :authorization => "01", :capture => "32", :void => "33", :credit => "34" } POST_HEADERS = { "Accepts" => "application/xml", "Content-Type" => "application/xml" } SUCCESS = "true" SENSITIVE_FIELDS = [:verification_str2, :expiry_date, :card_number] self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :jcb, :discover] self.supported_countries = ["CA", "US"] self.default_currency = "USD" self.homepage_url = "" self.display_name = "FirstData Global Gateway e4" # Create a new FirstdataE4Gateway # # The gateway requires that a valid login and password be passed # in the +options+ hash. # # ==== Options # # * <tt>:login</tt> -- The EXACT ID. Also known as the Gateway ID. # (Found in your administration terminal settings) # * <tt>:password</tt> -- The terminal password (not your account password) def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = options super end def authorize(money, credit_card, options = {}) commit(:authorization, build_sale_or_authorization_request(money, credit_card, options)) end def purchase(money, credit_card, options = {}) commit(:sale, build_sale_or_authorization_request(money, credit_card, options)) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) commit(:capture, build_capture_or_credit_request(money, authorization, options)) end def void(authorization, options = {}) commit(:void, build_capture_or_credit_request(money_from_authorization(authorization), authorization, options)) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) commit(:credit, build_capture_or_credit_request(money, authorization, options)) end private def build_request(action, body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! "Transaction" do add_credentials(xml) add_transaction_type(xml, action) xml << body end! end def build_sale_or_authorization_request(money, credit_card, options) xml = add_amount(xml, money) add_credit_card(xml, credit_card) add_customer_data(xml, options) add_invoice(xml, options)! end def build_capture_or_credit_request(money, identification, options) xml = add_identification(xml, identification) add_amount(xml, money) add_customer_data(xml, options)! end def add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! "ExactID", @options[:login] xml.tag! "Password", @options[:password] end def add_transaction_type(xml, action) xml.tag! "Transaction_Type", TRANSACTIONS[action] end def add_identification(xml, identification) authorization_num, transaction_tag, _ = identification.split(";") xml.tag! "Authorization_Num", authorization_num xml.tag! "Transaction_Tag", transaction_tag end def add_amount(xml, money) xml.tag! "DollarAmount", amount(money) end def add_credit_card(xml, credit_card) xml.tag! "Card_Number", credit_card.number xml.tag! "Expiry_Date", expdate(credit_card) xml.tag! "CardHoldersName", xml.tag! "CardType", credit_card.brand if credit_card.verification_value? xml.tag! "CVD_Presence_Ind", "1" xml.tag! "VerificationStr2", credit_card.verification_value end end def add_customer_data(xml, options) xml.tag! "Customer_Ref", options[:customer] if options[:customer] xml.tag! "Client_IP", options[:ip] if options[:ip] xml.tag! "Client_Email", options[:email] if options[:email] end def add_address(xml, options) if address = (options[:billing_address] || options[:address]) xml.tag! "ZipCode", address[:zip] end end def add_invoice(xml, options) xml.tag! "Reference_No", options[:order_id] xml.tag! "Reference_3", options[:description] if options[:description] end def expdate(credit_card) "#{format(credit_card.month, :two_digits)}#{format(credit_card.year, :two_digits)}" end def commit(action, request) url = (test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url) begin response = parse(ssl_post(url, build_request(action, request), POST_HEADERS)) rescue ResponseError => e response = parse_error(e.response) end, message_from(response), response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response), :avs_result => {:code => response[:avs]}, :cvv_result => response[:cvv2] ) end def successful?(response) response[:transaction_approved] == SUCCESS end def authorization_from(response) if response[:authorization_num] && response[:transaction_tag] [ response[:authorization_num], response[:transaction_tag], (response[:dollar_amount].to_f * 100).to_i ].join(";") else "" end end def money_from_authorization(auth) _, _, amount = auth.split(/;/, 3) amount.to_i # return the # of cents, no need to divide end def message_from(response) if(response[:faultcode] && response[:faultstring]) response[:faultstring] elsif(response[:error_number] != "0") response[:error_description] else result = (response[:exact_message] || "") result << " - #{response[:bank_message]}" if response[:bank_message].present? result end end def parse_error(error) { :transaction_approved => "false", :error_number => error.code, :error_description => error.body } end def parse(xml) response = {} xml = if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//TransactionResult") parse_elements(response, root) end response.delete_if{ |k,v| SENSITIVE_FIELDS.include?(k) } end def parse_elements(response, root) root.elements.to_a.each do |node| response[, "Exact").underscore.to_sym] = (node.text || "").strip end end end end end