# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength module Fastlane class Setup def run if (FastlaneFolder.setup? and not Helper.is_test?) Helper.log.info "Fastlane already set up at path #{folder}".yellow return end show_infos response = agree('Do you want to get started? This will move your Deliverfile and Snapfile (if they exist) (y/n)'.yellow, true) return unless response response = agree('Do you have everything commited in version control? If not please do so! (y/n)'.yellow, true) return unless response begin FastlaneFolder.create_folder! unless Helper.is_test? copy_existing_files generate_app_metadata detect_installed_tools # after copying the existing files ask_to_enable_other_tools FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(folder, 'actions')) generate_fastfile show_analytics Helper.log.info 'Successfully finished setting up fastlane'.green rescue Exception => ex # this will also be caused by Ctrl + C # Something went wrong with the setup, clear the folder again # and restore previous files Helper.log.fatal 'Error occured with the setup program! Reverting changes now!'.red restore_previous_state raise ex end end def show_infos Helper.log.info 'This setup will help you get up and running in no time.'.green Helper.log.info 'First, it will move the config files from `deliver` and `snapshot`'.green Helper.log.info "into the subfolder `fastlane`.\n".green Helper.log.info "fastlane will check what tools you're already using and set up".green Helper.log.info 'the tool automatically for you. Have fun! '.green end def show_analytics Helper.log.info "fastlane will send the number of errors for each action to" Helper.log.info "https://github.com/fastlane/enhancer to detect integration issues" Helper.log.info "No sensitive/private information will be uploaded" Helper.log.info("You can disable this by adding `opt_out_usage` to your Fastfile") end def files_to_copy ['Deliverfile', 'Snapfile', 'deliver', 'snapshot.js', 'snapshot-iPad.js', 'SnapshotHelper.js', 'screenshots'] end def copy_existing_files files_to_copy.each do |current| current = File.join(File.expand_path('..', FastlaneFolder.path), current) next unless File.exist?(current) file_name = File.basename(current) to_path = File.join(folder, file_name) Helper.log.info "Moving '#{current}' to '#{to_path}'".green FileUtils.mv(current, to_path) end end def generate_app_metadata Helper.log.info '------------------------------' Helper.log.info 'To not re-enter your username and app identifier every time you run one of the fastlane tools or fastlane, these will be stored from now on.'.green app_identifier = ask('App Identifier (com.krausefx.app): '.yellow) apple_id = ask('Your Apple ID (fastlane@krausefx.com): '.yellow) template = File.read("#{Helper.gem_path('fastlane')}/lib/assets/AppfileTemplate") template.gsub!('[[APP_IDENTIFIER]]', app_identifier) template.gsub!('[[APPLE_ID]]', apple_id) path = File.join(folder, 'Appfile') File.write(path, template) Helper.log.info "Created new file '#{path}'. Edit it to manage your preferred app metadata information.".green end def detect_installed_tools @tools = {} @tools[:deliver] = File.exist?(File.join(folder, 'Deliverfile')) @tools[:snapshot] = File.exist?(File.join(folder, 'Snapfile')) @tools[:xctool] = File.exist?(File.join(File.expand_path('..', folder), '.xctool-args')) @tools[:cocoapods] = File.exist?(File.join(File.expand_path('..', folder), 'Podfile')) @tools[:sigh] = false end def ask_to_enable_other_tools unless @tools[:deliver] if agree("Do you want to setup 'deliver', which is used to upload app screenshots, app metadata and app updates to the App Store or Apple TestFlight? (y/n)".yellow, true) Helper.log.info "Loading up 'deliver', this might take a few seconds" require 'deliver' Deliver::DeliverfileCreator.create(folder) @tools[:deliver] = true end else # deliver already enabled Helper.log.info '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Helper.log.info 'Since all files are moved into the `fastlane` subfolder, you have to adapt your Deliverfile'.yellow Helper.log.info 'Update your `ipa` and `beta_ipa` block of your Deliverfile to go a folder up before building'.yellow Helper.log.info "e.g. `system('cd ..; ipa build')`".yellow Helper.log.info 'Please read the above carefully and click Enter to confirm.'.green STDIN.gets unless Helper.is_test? end unless @tools[:snapshot] if agree("Do you want to setup 'snapshot', which will help you to automatically take screenshots of your iOS app in all languages/devices? (y/n)".yellow, true) Helper.log.info "Loading up 'snapshot', this might take a few seconds" require 'snapshot' # we need both requires require 'snapshot/snapfile_creator' Snapshot::SnapfileCreator.create(folder) @tools[:snapshot] = true end end @tools[:sigh] = true if agree("Do you want to use 'sigh', which will maintain and download the provisioning profile for your app? (y/n)".yellow, true) end def generate_fastfile template = File.read("#{Helper.gem_path('fastlane')}/lib/assets/FastfileTemplate") scheme = ask("Optional: The scheme name of your app. If you don't need one, just click enter: ").to_s.strip if scheme.length > 0 template.gsub!('[[SCHEME]]', "(scheme: \"#{scheme}\")") else template.gsub!('[[SCHEME]]', "") end template.gsub!('deliver', '# deliver') unless @tools[:deliver] template.gsub!('snapshot', '# snapshot') unless @tools[:snapshot] template.gsub!('sigh', '# sigh') unless @tools[:sigh] template.gsub!('xctool', '# xctool') unless @tools[:xctool] template.gsub!('cocoapods', '# cocoapods') unless @tools[:cocoapods] template.gsub!('[[FASTLANE_VERSION]]', Fastlane::VERSION) @tools.each do |key, value| Helper.log.info "'#{key}' enabled.".magenta if value Helper.log.info "'#{key}' not enabled.".yellow unless value end path = File.join(folder, 'Fastfile') File.write(path, template) Helper.log.info "Created new file '#{path}'. Edit it to manage your own deployment lanes.".green end def folder FastlaneFolder.path end def tools @tools end def restore_previous_state # Move all moved files back files_to_copy.each do |current| from_path = File.join(folder, current) to_path = File.basename(current) if File.exist?(from_path) Helper.log.info "Moving '#{from_path}' to '#{to_path}'".yellow FileUtils.mv(from_path, to_path) end end Helper.log.info "Deleting the 'fastlane' folder".yellow FileUtils.rm_rf(folder) end end end