# Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel DeLeo # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Shef module Extensions # Extensions to be included in object. These are methods that have to be # defined on object but are not part of the user interface. Methods that # are part of the user interface should have help text defined with the # +desc+ macro, and need to be defined directly on Object in ext.rb module Object def ensure_session_select_defined # irb breaks if you prematurely define IRB::JobMangager # so these methods need to be defined at the latest possible time. unless jobs.respond_to?(:select_session_by_context) def jobs.select_session_by_context(&block) @jobs.select { |job| block.call(job[1].context.main)} end end unless jobs.respond_to?(:session_select) def jobs.select_shef_session(target_context) session = if target_context.kind_of?(Class) select_session_by_context { |main| main.kind_of?(target_context) } else select_session_by_context { |main| main.equal?(target_context) } end Array(session.first)[1] end end end def find_or_create_session_for(context_obj) ensure_session_select_defined if subsession = jobs.select_shef_session(context_obj) jobs.switch(subsession) else irb(context_obj) end end def help_banner(title=nil) banner = [] banner << "" banner << title if title banner << "".ljust(80, "=") banner << "| " + "Command".ljust(25) + "| " + "Description" banner << "".ljust(80, "=") self.class.all_help_descriptions.each do |cmd, description| banner << "| " + cmd.ljust(25) + "| " + description end banner << "".ljust(80, "=") banner << "\n" banner.join("\n") end # helpfully returns +:on+ so we can have sugary syntax like `tracing on' def on :on end # returns +:off+ so you can just do `tracing off' def off :off end module ClassMethods def help_descriptions @help_descriptions ||= [] end def all_help_descriptions if sc = superclass help_descriptions + sc.help_descriptions else help_descriptions end end def desc(help_text) @desc = help_text end def subcommands(subcommand_help={}) @subcommand_help = subcommand_help end def method_added(mname) if @desc help_descriptions << [mname.to_s, @desc.to_s] @desc = nil end if @subcommand_help @subcommand_help.each do |subcommand, text| help_descriptions << ["#{mname}.#{subcommand}", text.to_s] end end @subcommand_help = {} end end end module String def on_off_to_bool case self when "on" true when "off" false else self end end end module Symbol def on_off_to_bool self.to_s.on_off_to_bool end end module TrueClass def to_on_off_str "on" end def on_off_to_bool self end end module FalseClass def to_on_off_str "off" end def on_off_to_bool self end end end end class String include Shef::Extensions::String end class Symbol include Shef::Extensions::Symbol end class TrueClass include Shef::Extensions::TrueClass end class FalseClass include Shef::Extensions::FalseClass end class Object extend Shef::Extensions::Object::ClassMethods include Shef::Extensions::Object include FileUtils desc "prints this help message" def shef_help(title="Help: Shef") #puts Shef::Extensions::Object.help_banner("Shef Help") puts help_banner(title) :ucanhaz_halp end alias :halp :shef_help desc "prints information about chef" def version puts "This is shef, the Chef shell.\n" + " Chef Version: #{::Chef::VERSION}\n" + " http://www.opscode.com/chef\n" + " http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home" :ucanhaz_automation end alias :shef :version desc "switch to recipe mode" def recipe find_or_create_session_for Shef.session.recipe :recipe end desc "switch to attributes mode" def attributes find_or_create_session_for Shef.session.node :attributes end desc "returns the current node (i.e., this host)" def node Shef.session.node end desc "pretty print the node's attributes" def ohai(key=nil) pp(key ? node.attribute[key] : node.attribute) end desc "run chef using the current recipe" def run_chef Chef::Log.level = :debug session = Shef.session session.rebuild_collection runrun = Chef::Runner.new(node, session.collection, session.definitions, session.cookbook_loader).converge Chef::Log.level = :info runrun end desc "returns an object to control a paused chef run" subcommands :resume => "resume the chef run", :step => "run only the next resource", :skip_back => "move back in the run list", :skip_forward => "move forward in the run list" def chef_run Shef.session.collection.iterator end desc "resets the current recipe" def reset Shef.session.reset! end desc "turns printout of return values on or off" def echo(on_or_off) conf.echo = on_or_off.on_off_to_bool end desc "says if echo is on or off" def echo? puts "echo is #{conf.echo.to_on_off_str}" end desc "turns on or off tracing of execution. *verbose*" def tracing(on_or_off) conf.use_tracer = on_or_off.on_off_to_bool tracing? end alias :trace :tracing desc "says if tracing is on or off" def tracing? puts "tracing is #{conf.use_tracer.to_on_off_str}" end alias :trace? :tracing? desc "simple ls style command" def ls(directory) Dir.entries(directory) end end class Chef class Recipe def shef_help super("Help: Shef/Recipe") end alias :original_resources :resources desc "list all the resources on the current recipe" def resources(*args) if args.empty? pp collection.instance_variable_get(:@resources_by_name).keys else pp resources = original_resources(*args) resources end end end end