require "ox" # Known shortcomings and unimplemented Maven features: # pom.xml # cannot be taken into account (because it requires knowledge of transitive deps) # are the only thing inherited from parent poms currenly module Bibliothecary module Parsers class Maven include Bibliothecary::Analyser # e.g. "annotationProcessor - Annotation processors and their dependencies for source set 'main'." GRADLE_TYPE_REGEXP = /^(\w+)/ # e.g. "| \\--- (*)" GRADLE_DEP_REGEXP = /(\+---|\\---){1}/ # Dependencies that are on-disk projects, eg: # e.g. "\--- project :api:my-internal-project" # e.g. "+--- my-group:my-alias:1.2.3 -> project :client (*)" GRADLE_PROJECT_REGEXP = /project :(\S+)?/ # line ending legend: (c) means a dependency constraint, (n) means not resolved, or (*) means resolved previously, e.g. org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.1.0.M3 (*) # e.g. the "(n)" in "+--- my-group:my-name:1.2.3 (n)" GRADLE_LINE_ENDING_REGEXP = /(\((c|n|\*)\))$/ # Builtin methods: # Deprecated methods: GRADLE_DEPENDENCY_METHODS = %w(api compile compileClasspath compileOnly compileOnlyApi implementation runtime runtimeClasspath runtimeOnly testCompile testCompileOnly testImplementation testRuntime testRuntimeOnly) # Intentionally overly-simplified regexes to scrape deps from build.gradle (Groovy) and build.gradle.kts (Kotlin) files. # To be truly useful bibliothecary would need full Groovy / Kotlin parsers that speaks Gradle, # because the Groovy and Kotlin DSLs have many dynamic ways of declaring dependencies. GRADLE_VERSION_REGEXP = /[\w.-]+/ # e.g. '1.2.3' GRADLE_VAR_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP = /\$\w+/ # e.g. '$myVersion' GRADLE_CODE_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP = /\$\{.*\}/ # e.g. '${my-project-settings["version"]}' GRADLE_GAV_REGEXP = /([\w.-]+)\:([\w.-]+)(?:\:(#{GRADLE_VERSION_REGEXP}|#{GRADLE_VAR_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP}|#{GRADLE_CODE_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP}))?/ # e.g. "group:artifactId:1.2.3" GRADLE_GROOVY_SIMPLE_REGEXP = /(#{GRADLE_DEPENDENCY_METHODS.join('|')})\s*\(?\s*['"]#{GRADLE_GAV_REGEXP}['"]/m GRADLE_KOTLIN_SIMPLE_REGEXP = /(#{GRADLE_DEPENDENCY_METHODS.join('|')})\s*\(\s*"#{GRADLE_GAV_REGEXP}"/m MAVEN_PROPERTY_REGEXP = /\$\{(.+?)\}/ MAX_DEPTH = 5 # e.g. "[info] test:" SBT_TYPE_REGEXP = /^\[info\]\s+([-\w]+):$/ # e.g. "[info] org.typelevel:spire-util_2.12" SBT_DEP_REGEXP = /^\[info\]\s+(.+)$/ # e.g. "[info] - 1.7.5" SBT_VERSION_REGEXP = /^\[info\]\s+-\s+(.+)$/ # e.g. "[info] homepage:" SBT_FIELD_REGEXP = /^\[info\]\s+([^:]+):\s+(.+)$/ # e.g. "[info] " SBT_IGNORE_REGEXP = /^\[info\]\s*$/ # Copied from the "strings-ansi" gem, because it seems abandoned: # From: # License: MIT # The regex to match ANSI codes ANSI_MATCHER = %r{ (?>\033( \[[\[?>!]?\d*(;\d+)*[ ]?[a-zA-Z~@$^\]_\{\\] # graphics | \#?\d # cursor modes | [)(%+\-*/. ](\d|[a-zA-Z@=%]|) # character sets | O[p-xA-Z] # special keys | [a-zA-Z=><~\}|] # cursor movement | \]8;[^;]*;.*?(\033\\|\07) # hyperlink )) }x.freeze def self.mapping { match_filename("ivy.xml", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "manifest", parser: :parse_ivy_manifest, }, match_filename("pom.xml", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "manifest", parser: :parse_standalone_pom_manifest, }, match_filename("build.gradle", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "manifest", parser: :parse_gradle, }, match_filename("build.gradle.kts", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "manifest", parser: :parse_gradle_kts, }, match_extension(".xml", case_insensitive: true) => { content_matcher: :ivy_report?, kind: "lockfile", parser: :parse_ivy_report, }, match_filename("gradle-dependencies-q.txt", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "lockfile", parser: :parse_gradle_resolved, }, match_filename("maven-resolved-dependencies.txt", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "lockfile", parser: :parse_maven_resolved, }, match_filename("sbt-update-full.txt", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "lockfile", parser: :parse_sbt_update_full, }, match_filename("maven-dependency-tree.txt", case_insensitive: true) => { kind: "lockfile", parser: :parse_maven_tree, }, } end add_multi_parser(Bibliothecary::MultiParsers::CycloneDX) add_multi_parser(Bibliothecary::MultiParsers::Spdx) add_multi_parser(Bibliothecary::MultiParsers::DependenciesCSV) def self.parse_ivy_manifest(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument manifest = Ox.parse file_contents manifest.dependencies.locate("dependency").map do |dependency| attrs = dependency.attributes name: "#{attrs[:org]}:#{attrs[:name]}", requirement: attrs[:rev], type: "runtime", ) end end def self.ivy_report?(file_contents) doc = Ox.parse file_contents root = doc&.locate("ivy-report")&.first return !root.nil? rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # We rescue exception here since native libs can throw a non-StandardError # We don't want to throw errors during the matching phase, only during # parsing after we match. false end def self.parse_ivy_report(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument doc = Ox.parse file_contents root = doc.locate("ivy-report").first raise "ivy-report document does not have ivy-report at the root" if root.nil? info = doc.locate("ivy-report/info").first raise "ivy-report document lacks element" if info.nil? type = info.attributes[:conf] type = "unknown" if type.nil? modules = doc.locate("ivy-report/dependencies/module") do |mod| attrs = mod.attributes org = attrs[:organisation] name = attrs[:name] version = mod.locate("revision").first&.attributes[:name] next nil if org.nil? or name.nil? or version.nil? name: "#{org}:#{name}", requirement: version, type: type, ) end.compact end def self.parse_gradle_resolved(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument current_type = nil file_contents.split("\n").map do |line| current_type_match = GRADLE_TYPE_REGEXP.match(line) current_type = current_type_match.captures[0] if current_type_match gradle_dep_match = GRADLE_DEP_REGEXP.match(line) next unless gradle_dep_match split = gradle_dep_match.captures[0] # gradle can import on-disk projects and deps will be listed under them, e.g. `+--- project :test:integration`, # so we treat these projects as "internal" deps with requirement of "1.0.0" if (project_match = line.match(GRADLE_PROJECT_REGEXP)) # an empty project name is self-referential (i.e. a cycle), and we don't need to track the manifest's project itself, e.g. "+--- project :" next if project_match[1].nil? # project names can have colons (e.g. for gradle projects in subfolders), which breaks maven artifact naming assumptions, so just replace them with hyphens. project_name = project_match[1].gsub(/:/, "-") line = line.sub(GRADLE_PROJECT_REGEXP, "internal:#{project_name}:1.0.0") end dep = line .split(split)[1] .sub(GRADLE_LINE_ENDING_REGEXP, "") .sub(/ FAILED$/, "") # dependency could not be resolved (but still may have a version) .sub(" -> ", ":") # handle version arrow syntax .strip .split(":") # A testImplementation line can look like this so just skip those # \--- (n) next unless dep.length >= 3 if dep.count == 6 # get name from renamed package resolution "org:name:version -> renamed_org:name:version" original_name: dep[0,2].join(":"), original_requirement: dep[2], name: dep[-3..-2].join(":"), requirement: dep[-1], type: current_type, ) elsif dep.count == 5 # get name from renamed package resolution "org:name -> renamed_org:name:version" original_name: dep[0,2].join(":"), original_requirement: "*", name: dep[-3..-2].join(":"), requirement: dep[-1], type: current_type, ) else # get name from version conflict resolution ("org:name:version -> version") and no-resolution ("org:name:version") name: dep[0..1].join(":"), requirement: dep[-1], type: current_type, ) end end .compact .uniq { |item| [, item.requirement, item.type, item.original_name, item.original_requirement] } end def self.parse_maven_resolved(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument file_contents .gsub(ANSI_MATCHER, "") .split("\n") .map(&method(:parse_resolved_dep_line)) .compact .uniq end def self.parse_maven_tree(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument captures = file_contents .gsub(ANSI_MATCHER, "") .gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") .scan(/^\[INFO\](?:(?:\+-)|\||(?:\\-)|\s)+((?:[\w\.-]+:)+[\w\.\-${}]+)/) .flatten .uniq deps = do |item| parts = item.split(":") case parts.count when 4 version = parts[-1] type = parts[-2] when 5..6 version, type = parts[-2..] end name: parts[0..1].join(":"), requirement: version, type: type, ) end # First dep line will be the package itself (unless we're only analyzing a single line) package = deps[0] deps.size < 2 ? deps : deps[1..-1].reject { |d| == && d.requirement == package.requirement } end def self.parse_resolved_dep_line(line) # filter out anything that doesn't look like a # resolved dep line return unless line[/ .*:[^-]+-- /] dep_parts = line.strip.split(":") return unless dep_parts.length == 5 # org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:jar:2.0.3.RELEASE:compile -- module spring.boot.starter.web [auto] name: dep_parts[0, 2].join(":"), requirement: dep_parts[3], type: dep_parts[4].split("--").first.strip, ) end def self.parse_standalone_pom_manifest(file_contents, options: {}) parse_pom_manifest(file_contents, {}, options: options) end # parent_properties is used by Libraries: # def self.parse_pom_manifest(file_contents, parent_properties = {}, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument manifest = Ox.parse file_contents xml = manifest.respond_to?("project") ? manifest.project : manifest [].tap do |deps| # is a namespace to specify artifact configuration (e.g. version), but it doesn't # actually add dependencies to your project. Grab these and keep them for reference while parsing # Ref: # Ref: dependencyManagement = xml.locate("dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency").map do |dep| { groupId: extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "groupId", parent_properties), artifactId: extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "artifactId", parent_properties), version: extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "version", parent_properties), scope: extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "scope", parent_properties), } end # is the namespace that will add dependencies to your project. xml.locate("dependencies/dependency").each do |dep| groupId = extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "groupId", parent_properties) artifactId = extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "artifactId", parent_properties) version = extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "version", parent_properties) scope = extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "scope", parent_properties) # Use any dep configurations from as fallbacks if (depConfig = dependencyManagement.find { |d| d[:groupId] == groupId && d[:artifactId] == artifactId }) version ||= depConfig[:version] scope ||= depConfig[:scope] end dep_hash = { name: "#{groupId}:#{artifactId}", requirement: version, type: scope || "runtime", } # optional field is, itself, optional, and will be either "true" or "false" optional = extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dep, "optional", parent_properties) dep_hash[:optional] = optional == "true" unless optional.nil? deps.push(**dep_hash)) end end end def self.parse_gradle(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument file_contents .scan(GRADLE_GROOVY_SIMPLE_REGEXP) # match 'implementation "group:artifactId:version"' .reject { |(_type, group, artifactId, _version)| group.nil? || artifactId.nil? } # remove any matches with missing group/artifactId .map { |(type, group, artifactId, version)| name: [group, artifactId].join(":"), requirement: version, type: type, ) } end def self.parse_gradle_kts(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument file_contents .scan(GRADLE_KOTLIN_SIMPLE_REGEXP) # match 'implementation("group:artifactId:version")' .reject { |(_type, group, artifactId, _version)| group.nil? || artifactId.nil? } # remove any matches with missing group/artifactId .map { |(type, group, artifactId, version)| name: [group, artifactId].join(":"), requirement: version, type: type, ) } end def self.gradle_dependency_name(group, name) if group.empty? && name.include?(":") group, name = name.split(":", 2) end # Strip comments, and single/doublequotes [group, name].map do |part| part .gsub(/\s*\/\/.*$/, "") # Comments .gsub(/^["']/, "") # Beginning single/doublequotes .gsub(/["']$/, "") # Ending single/doublequotes end.join(":") end def self.extract_pom_info(xml, location, parent_properties = {}) extract_pom_dep_info(xml, xml, location, parent_properties) end # TODO: it might be worth renaming parent_properties to parent_elements # so that more can be inherited from the parent pom than just # here (see def self.extract_pom_dep_info(xml, dependency, name, parent_properties = {}) field = dependency.locate(name).first return nil if field.nil? value = field.nodes.first value = value.value if value.is_a?(Ox::CData) # whitespace in dependency tags should be ignored value = value&.strip match = value&.match(MAVEN_PROPERTY_REGEXP) if match return extract_property(xml, match[1], value, parent_properties) else return value end end def self.replace_value_with_prop(original_value, property_value, property_name) original_value.gsub("${#{property_name}}", property_value) end def self.extract_property(xml, property_name, value, parent_properties = {}, depth = 0) prop_value = property_value(xml, property_name, parent_properties) return value unless prop_value # don't resolve more than 5 levels deep to avoid potential circular references resolved_value = replace_value_with_prop(value, prop_value, property_name) # check to see if we just resolved to another property name match = resolved_value.match(MAVEN_PROPERTY_REGEXP) if match && depth < MAX_DEPTH depth += 1 return extract_property(xml, match[1], resolved_value, parent_properties, depth) else return resolved_value end end def self.property_value(xml, property_name, parent_properties) # the xml root is so lookup the non property name in the xml # this converts ${project/} -> ${group/id} non_prop_name = property_name.gsub(".", "/").gsub("project/", "") prop_field = if xml.respond_to?("properties") parent_prop = parent_properties[property_name] || # e.g. "${foo}" parent_properties[property_name.sub(/^project\./, "")] || # e.g. "${}" parent_properties[property_name.sub(/^project\.parent\./, "")] # e.g. "${}" if prop_field prop_field.nodes.first elsif parent_prop parent_prop elsif xml.locate(non_prop_name).first # see if the value to look up is a field under the project # examples are ${project.groupId} or ${project.version} xml.locate(non_prop_name).first.nodes.first elsif xml.locate("parent/#{non_prop_name}").first # see if the value to look up is a field under the project parent # examples are ${project.groupId} or ${project.version} xml.locate("parent/#{non_prop_name}").first.nodes.first end end def self.parse_sbt_update_full(file_contents, options: {}) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument all_deps = [] lines = file_contents.split("\n") while lines.any? line = lines.shift type_match = SBT_TYPE_REGEXP.match(line) next unless type_match type = type_match.captures[0] deps = parse_sbt_deps(type, lines) all_deps.concat(deps) end # strip out evicted dependencies! do |dep| dep[:fields]["evicted"] != "true" end # in the future, we could use "callers" in the fields to # decide which deps are direct root deps and which are # pulled in by another dep. The direct deps have the sbt # project name as a caller. # clean out any duplicates (I'm pretty sure sbt will have done this for # us so this is paranoia, basically) squished = all_deps.compact.uniq {|item| [item[:name], item[:requirement], item[:type]]} # get rid of the fields squished.each do |dep| dep.delete(:fields) end return { |dep_kvs|**dep_kvs) } end def self.parse_sbt_deps(type, lines) deps = [] while lines.any? and not SBT_TYPE_REGEXP.match(lines[0]) line = lines.shift next if SBT_IGNORE_REGEXP.match(line) dep_match = SBT_DEP_REGEXP.match(line) if dep_match versions = parse_sbt_versions(type, dep_match.captures[0], lines) deps.concat(versions) else lines.unshift(line) break end end deps end def self.parse_sbt_versions(type, name, lines) versions = [] while lines.any? and not SBT_TYPE_REGEXP.match(lines[0]) line = lines.shift version_match = SBT_VERSION_REGEXP.match(line) if version_match versions.push(parse_sbt_version(type, name, version_match.captures[0], lines)) else lines.unshift(line) break end end versions end def self.parse_sbt_version(type, name, version, lines) fields = {} while lines.any? and not SBT_TYPE_REGEXP.match(lines[0]) line = lines.shift field_match = SBT_FIELD_REGEXP.match(line) if field_match fields[field_match.captures[0]] = field_match.captures[1] else lines.unshift(line) break end end { name: name, requirement: version, type: type, # we post-process using some of these fields and then delete them again fields: fields, } end end end end