# coding: utf-8 # image_plugin_ex.rb # version 0.3 # -pv- # # 名称: # 絵日記Plugin機能追加版 # # 概要: # 日記更新画面からの画像アップロード、サムネイル作成、本文への表示 # # 使う場所: # 本文 # # 使い方: # image( number, 'altword', thumbnail ) - 画像を表示します。 # number - 画像の番号0、1、2等 # altword - imgタグの altに入れる文字列 # thumbnail - サムネイル(小さな画像)を指定する(省略可) # # image_left( number, 'altword', thumbnail ) - imageにclass=leftを追加します。 # image_right( number, 'altword', thumbnail ) - imageにclass=rightを追加します。 # # image_link( number, 'desc' ) - 画像へのリンクを生成します。 # number - 画像の番号0、1、2等 # desc - 画像の説明 # # その他: # tDiary version 1.5.4以降で動作します。 # tdiary.confで、 # 画像ファイルを保存するディレクトリ # @options['image.dir'] # 画像ファイルのURL # @options['image.url'] # 縮小画像の生成方法 # @options['image.url'] # 0 - 縮小画像を生成しない # 1 - ImageMagickのconvertで縮小画王を生成 # 2 - netpbm群で縮小画王を生成 # を設定してください。 # また、@secure = trueな環境では動作しません。 # # 詳しくは、 # http://shimoi.s26.xrea.com/hiki/hiki.xcg?TdiaryEnikkiEx # をご覧下さい。 # # ライセンスについて: # Copyright (c) 2002 Daisuke Kato # Copyright (c) 2002 Toshi Okada # Copyright (c) 2003 Yoshimi KURUMA # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2. # =begin Changelog 2003-05-16 Yoshimi KURUMA * method 'image' is extended to show a thumbnail. * new method: 'image_link'. * version 0.3 2003-05-16 Yoshimi KURUMA * modify illegal option names. * version 0.2. 2003-05-16 Yoshimi KURUMA * support manual upload of thumbnail when useresize == 0 2003-04-27 Yoshimi KURUMA * link element is removed when no thumbnail. 2003-04-25 Yoshimi KURUMA * add JavaScript for insert plugin tag into diary. * upload/delete form style changed. 2003-04-24 Yoshimi KURUMA * upload/delete form style changed. 2003-04-22 Yoshimi KURUMA * version 0.1 first form_proc version. =end @image_dir = @options && @options['image.dir'] || './images/' @image_dir.chop! if /\/$/ =~ @image_dir @image_url = @options && @options['image.url'] || './images/' @image_url.chop! if /\/$/ =~ @image_url @imageex_thumbnailsize = @options && @options['image_ex.previewsize'] || 120 @imageex_yearlydir = @options && @options['image_ex.yearlydir'] || 0 enable_js("image_ex.js") add_body_enter_proc do |date| @image_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") @image_year = date.strftime("%Y") "" end def image( id, alt = "image", id2 = nil, width = nil, place="none" ) @image_date ||= @date.strftime("%Y%m%d") @image_year ||= @date.strftime("%Y") if @imageex_yearlydir == 1 image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/#{@image_year}/] image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/#{@image_year}/] else image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/] image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/] end Dir.mkdir(image_dir) unless File.directory?(image_dir) list = imageList(@image_date, image_dir) slist = imageList(@image_date, image_dir, "s") if width width_tag = %Q[width="#{h width}"] else width_tag = "" end if id2 %Q[#{h alt}] else if slist[id.to_i] %Q[#{h alt}] else if list[id.to_i] # %Q[#{h alt}] %Q[#{h alt}] end end end end def image_left( id, alt = "image", id2 = nil, width=nil ) image( id, alt, id2, width, "left" ) end def image_right( id, alt = "image", id2 = nil, width=nil ) image( id, alt, id2, width, "right" ) end def image_link( id, str ) @image_date ||= @date.strftime("%Y%m%d") @image_year ||= @date.strftime("%Y") if @imageex_yearlydir == 1 image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/#{@image_year}/] image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/#{@image_year}/] else image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/] image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/] end list = imageList(@image_date, image_dir) %Q[#{str}] end ### def imageList(date, image_dir='@image_dir', prefix="") date = "#{prefix}"+date image_path = [] Dir.foreach(image_dir){ |file| if file =~ /(.*)\_(.*)\.(.*)/ if $1 == date image_path[$2.to_i] = file end end } image_path end add_form_proc do |date| begin # ENV['PATH'] = nil imageex_useresize = @options && @options['image_ex.useresize'] || 0 imageex_converttype = @options && @options['image_ex.converttype'] || 0 imageex_thresholdsize = @options && @options['image_ex.thresholdsize'] || 160 imageex_convertedwidth = @options && @options['image_ex.convertedwidth'] || 160 imageex_convertedheight = @options && @options['image_ex.convertedheight'] || 120 if imageex_useresize == 1 || imageex_useresize ==2 begin require 'image_size.rb' rescue LoadError imageex_useresize = 0 end end if imageex_useresize == 1 def resize_image(orig, new, width, height, imageex_convertedwidth, imageex_convertedheight, orig_type, new_type) imageex_convertpath = @options && @options['image_ex.convertpath'] || "convert" imageex_convertpath if width > height imageex_convertedsize = %Q[#{imageex_convertedwidth}x#{imageex_convertedheight}] imageex_convertedsize else imageex_convertedsize = %Q[#{imageex_convertedheight}x#{imageex_convertedwidth}] imageex_convertedsize end system(imageex_convertpath , "-auto-orient", "-geometry", imageex_convertedsize , orig, new) if FileTest::size?( new ) == 0 File::delete( new ) end end elsif imageex_useresize == 2 def resize_image(orig, new, width, height, imageex_convertedwidth, imageex_convertedheight, orig_type, new_type) pnmscale = @options && @options['image_ex.pnmscalepath'] || "pnmscale" jpegtopnm = @options && @options['image_ex.jpegtopnmpath'] || "jpegtopnm" pnmtojpeg = @options && @options['image_ex.pnmtojpegpath'] || "pnmtojpeg" pngtopnm = @options && @options['image_ex.pngtopnmpath'] || "pngtopnm" pnmtopng = @options && @options['image_ex.pnmtopngpath'] || "pnmtopng" giftopnm = @options && @options['image_ex.giftopnmpath'] || "giftopnm" tifftopnm = @options && @options['image_ex.tifftopnmpath'] || "tifftopnm" bmptopnm = @options && @options['image_ex.bmptopnmpath'] || "bmptopnm" downtype = orig_type.downcase topnm = eval("#{downtype}topnm") if new_type == "jpg" pnmto = pnmtojpeg elsif new_type == "png" pnmto = pnmtopng end if width > height imageex_convertedsize ="#{imageex_convertedwidth}" else imageex_convertedsize ="#{imageex_convertedheight}" end com_line =%Q[#{topnm} #{orig} | #{pnmscale} --width #{imageex_convertedsize} | #{pnmto} > #{new}] system( com_line ) if FileTest::size?( new ) == 0 File::delete( new ) end end end def dayimagelist( image_dir, image_date, prefix="") image_path = [] Dir.foreach(image_dir){ |file| if file=~ /(.*)\_(.*)\.(.*)/ if $1 == "#{prefix}" + image_date.to_s image_path[$2.to_i] = file end end } return image_path end if @cgi.params['plugin_image_add'][0] && @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].original_filename != '' image_dir = @cgi.params['plugin_image_dir'][0].read image_filename = '' image_extension = '' image_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") image_filename = @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].original_filename if image_filename =~ /(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)\z/i image_extension = $1 image_name = dayimagelist(image_dir, image_date) image_file = image_dir+image_date+"_"+image_name.length.to_s+image_extension.downcase File::umask( 022 ) File::open( image_file, "wb" ) {|f| f.print @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].read } end if imageex_useresize == 1 or imageex_useresize == 2 open(image_file,"rb") do |fh| img = ImageSize.new(fh.read) begin # old image_size.rb width = img.get_width height = img.get_height orig_type = img.get_type rescue NoMethodError # image_size gem width = img.width height = img.height orig_type = (img.format || "OTHER").to_s.upcase end if imageex_converttype == 0 new_type = "jpg" elsif imageex_converttype == 1 new_type = "png" end if width if width > imageex_thresholdsize or height > imageex_thresholdsize small_image_file = %Q[#{image_dir}s#{image_date}_#{image_name.length.to_s}.#{new_type}] resize_image(image_file, small_image_file, width, height, imageex_convertedwidth, imageex_convertedheight, orig_type, new_type) end end end end elsif @cgi.params['plugin_image_thumbnail'][0] && @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].original_filename != '' image_dir = @cgi.params['plugin_image_dir'][0].read image_filename = '' image_extension = '' image_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") image_filename = @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].original_filename if image_filename =~ /(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)\z/i image_extension = $1 image_name = @cgi.params['plugin_image_name'][0].read image_file=image_dir+"s"+image_name+image_extension.downcase File::umask( 022 ) File::open( image_file, "wb" ) {|f| f.print @cgi.params['plugin_image_file'][0].read } end elsif @cgi.params['plugin_image_del'][0] image_dir = @cgi.params['plugin_image_dir'][0] image_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") image_name = dayimagelist( image_dir, image_date) image_name2= dayimagelist( image_dir, image_date, "s") @cgi.params['plugin_image_id'].each do |id| if image_name[id.to_i] image_file=image_dir+image_name[id.to_i] if File::exist?(image_file) File::delete(image_file) end end if image_name2[id.to_i] image_file2=image_dir+image_name2[id.to_i] if File::exist?(image_file2) File::delete(image_file2) end end end end rescue Exception puts "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" puts "#$! (#{$!.type})" puts "" puts $@.join( "\n" ) end if @imageex_yearlydir == 1 image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/#{@date.year}/] else image_dir = %Q[#{@image_dir}/] end if @imageex_yearlydir == 1 image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/#{@date.year}/] else image_url = %Q[#{@image_url}/] end Dir.mkdir(image_dir) unless File.directory?(image_dir) n_image = imageList(@date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), image_dir).length list = imageList(@date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), image_dir) slist = imageList(@date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), image_dir, "s") pretable="" posttable="" if n_image > 0 pretable<< %Q[] posttable << %Q[
] end if @conf.respond_to?(:style) and @conf.style =~ /(Wiki|GFM)$/i image_plugin_tag1 = "{{" image_plugin_tag2 = "}}" elsif @conf.respond_to?(:style) and @conf.style =~ /RD$/i image_plugin_tag1 = "((%" image_plugin_tag2 = "%))" else image_plugin_tag1 = "<%=" image_plugin_tag2 = "%>" end r = '' r << %Q[ ] i = '' i << "" nt=0 id=0 while id < n_image do thumbnail_tag = '' if slist[id.to_i] src_tag = %Q[src="#{h image_url}#{h slist[id.to_i]}"] alt_tag = %Q[alt="#{h slist[id.to_i]}"] else src_tag = %Q[src="#{h image_url}#{h list[id.to_i]}"] alt_tag = %Q[alt="#{h list[id.to_i]}"] thumbnail_tag = %Q[
] if imageex_useresize == 0 end ptag = "#{image_plugin_tag1}image #{id}, '画像の説明'#{image_plugin_tag2}" i<< %Q[
#{image_plugin_tag1}image #{h id},'title#{h id}'#{image_plugin_tag2}
] if slist[id.to_i] || list[id.to_i] nt += 1 if slist[id.to_i] || list[id.to_i] if nt > 0 and nt%2 == 0 i<< %Q[
] end id +=1 end if n_image > 0 r << %Q[
#{pretable} #{i} #{posttable}
] end r << %Q[
] end # vim: set ts=3 sw=3 noexpandtab :