format do view :list_of_changes, denial: :blank, cache: :never do action = notification_action voo.action_id relevant_fields(action).map do |type| edit_info_for(type, action) end.compact.join end view :subedits, perms: :none, cache: :never do return unless notification_act wrap_subedits do notification_act.actions_affecting(card).map do |action| next if action.card_id == action.card.format(format: @format).render_subedit_notice action_id: end end end view :subedit_notice, cache: :never do action = notification_action voo.action_id wrap_subedit_item do %(#{name_before_action action} #{action.action_type}d\n) + render_list_of_changes(action_id: end end view :followed, perms: :none, closed: true do if (set_card = followed_set_card) && (option_card = follow_option_card) option_card.description set_card else "*followed set of cards*" end end view :follower, perms: :none, closed: true do active_notice(:follower) || "follower" end view :last_action_verb, cache: :never do return unless notification_act "#{notification_act.main_action.action_type}d" end view :unfollow_url, perms: :none, closed: true, cache: :never do return "" unless (rule_name = live_follow_rule_name) card_url path(mark: "#{active_notice(:follower)}+#{Card[:follow].name}", action: :update, card: { subcards: { rule_name => Card[:never].name } }) end def relevant_fields action case action.action_type when :create then %i[cardtype content] when :update then %i[name cardtype content] when :delete then %i[content] end end def name_before_action action (action.value(:name) && action.previous_value(:name)) || end def followed_set_card (set_name = active_notice(:followed_set)) && Card.fetch(set_name) end def follow_option_card return unless (option_name = active_notice(:follow_option)) Card.fetch option_name end def active_notice key @active_notice ||= inherit :active_notice return unless @active_notice @active_notice[key] end def live_follow_rule_name return unless (set_card = followed_set_card) && (follower = active_notice(:follower)) set_card.follow_rule_name follower end def edit_info_for field, action return nil unless (value = action.value field) value = action.previous_value if action.action_type == :delete wrap_list_item " #{notification_action_label action} #{field}: #{value}" end def notification_action_label action case action.action_type when :update then "new" when :delete then "deleted" end end def wrap_subedits subedits = yield.compact.join return "" if subedits.blank? "\nThis update included the following changes:\n#{wrap_list subedits}" end def wrap_list list "\n#{list}\n" end def wrap_list_item item "#{item}\n" end def wrap_subedit_item "\n#{yield}\n" end def notification_act act=nil @notification_act ||= act || card.acts.last end def notification_action action_id action_id ? Action.fetch(action_id) : card.last_action end end