Blast4-archive ::= { request { ident "2.2.30+", body queue-search { program "tblastn", service "plain", queries bioseq-set { seq-set { seq { id { local str "Query_1" }, descr { user { type str "CFastaReader", data { { label str "DefLine", data str ">SI2.2.0_06267 locus=Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2 quality=100.00" } } }, title "SI2.2.0_06267 locus=Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2 quality=100.00" }, inst { repr raw, mol aa, length 199, seq-data ncbieaa "MNTLWLSLWDYPGKLPLNFMVFDTKDDLQAAYWRDPYSIPLAVIFE DPQPISQRLIYEIRTNPSYTLPPPPTKLYSAPISCRKNKTGHWMDDILSIKTGESCPVNNYLHSGFLALQMITDITKI KLENSDVTIPDIKLIMFPKEPYTADWMLAFRVVIPLYMVLALSQFITYLLILIVGEKENKIKEGMKMMGLNDSVF" } }, seq { id { local str "Query_2" }, descr { user { type str "CFastaReader", data { { label str "DefLine", data str ">SI2.2.0_13722 locus=Si_gnF.scaffold06207[1925625..1928536].pep_1 quality=100.00" } } }, title "SI2.2.0_13722 locus=Si_gnF.scaffold06207[1925625..1928536].pep_1 quality=100.00" }, inst { repr raw, mol aa, length 186, seq-data ncbieaa "MSANRLNVLVTLMLAVALLVTESGNAQVDGYLQFNPKRSAVSSPQK YCGKKLSNALQIICDGVYNSMFKKSGQDFPPQNKRHIAHRINGNEEESFTTLKSNFLNWCVEVYHRHYRFVFVSEMEM ADYPLAYDISPYLPPFLSRARARGMLDGRFAGRRYRRESRGIHEECCINGCTINELTSYCGP" } } } }, subject database "../database/sample/transcripts/Solenopsis_invicta/Si nvicta2-2-3.cdna.subset.fasta", algorithm-options { { name "EvalueThreshold", value cutoff e-value { 1, 10, 1 } }, { name "DbGeneticCode", value integer 1 }, { name "UngappedMode", value boolean FALSE }, { name "LongestIntronLength", value integer 0 }, { name "MaskAtHash", value boolean FALSE }, { name "SegFilteringWindow", value integer 12 }, { name "SegFilteringLocut", value real { 22, 10, -1 } }, { name "SegFilteringHicut", value real { 25, 10, -1 } }, { name "WordThreshold", value integer 13 }, { name "WindowSize", value integer 40 }, { name "HitlistSize", value integer 500 }, { name "CompositionBasedStats", value integer 2 }, { name "SmithWatermanMode", value boolean FALSE }, { name "EffectiveSearchSpace", value big-integer 9254832 } } } }, results { alignments { { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 1046 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 991472001167032, 10, -162 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 407526988689595, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 199 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 199 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 1, 10, 2 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 0, to 198, strand unknown, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 0, to 596, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 158151944731805, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 223274127722423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 135653266331658, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06904" }, loc { int { from 31, to 56, strand unknown, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 117, to 194, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06904" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 44 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 264755365382425, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 215570136204075, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 13 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 803768844221105, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03432" }, loc { int { from 50, to 64, strand unknown, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 37, to 81, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03432" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 738402284079177, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 207866144685728, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 100477386934673, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_05280" }, loc { int { from 69, to 87, strand unknown, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 52, to 108, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05280" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 917 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 163109526812422, 10, -142 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 357836243396257, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 170 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 170 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 1, 10, 2 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13722" }, loc { int { from 0, to 185, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 0, to 557, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13722" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 70 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973505195823272, 10, -18 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 315722025942587, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 20 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 27 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 241559139784946, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { int { from 32, to 42, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 87, to 119, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { int { from 43, to 43, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { int { from 44, to 59, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 120, to 167, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { empty local str "Query_2", int { from 168, to 170, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { int { from 60, to 75, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 171, to 218, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 64 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 591430689703162, 10, -17 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 292610051387546, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 10 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 123279569892473, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_13149" }, loc { int { from 164, to 185, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 237, to 302, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_13149" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 48 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 489490109366324, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 23097811924077, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 13 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 17 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 160913978494624, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_09379" }, loc { int { from 58, to 72, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 103, to 147, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_09379" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_09379" }, loc { int { from 73, to 73, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_09379" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_09379" }, loc { int { from 74, to 86, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 64, to 102, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_09379" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 45 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 724328385986037, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 219422131963249, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 1 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 117903225806452, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_02019" }, loc { int { from 119, to 139, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 46, to 108, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_02019" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 48 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 137339689136456, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 23097811924077, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 14 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 25 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 252311827956989, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_03352" }, loc { int { from 41, to 52, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 495, to 530, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03352" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_03352" }, loc { empty local str "Query_2", int { from 531, to 551, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03352" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_03352" }, loc { int { from 53, to 86, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 552, to 653, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03352" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 44 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 3025295033467, 10, -12 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 215570136204075, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 22 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 32 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 354462365591398, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 97, to 115, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 26, to 82, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { empty local str "Query_2", int { from 83, to 130, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 116, to 125, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 131, to 160, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 126, to 138, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 139, to 148, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 161, to 190, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 149, to 154, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, empty local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05451" }, loc { int { from 155, to 161, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 191, to 211, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05451" } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 665464998703274, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 204014148926555, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 101774193548387, 10, -13 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_2", local str "SI2.2.0_05852" }, loc { int { from 141, to 158, strand unknown, id local str "Query_2" }, int { from 192, to 245, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05852" } } } } } }, masks { { locations { packed-int { { from 5, to 20, id local str "Query_2" } } }, frame notset } }, ka-blocks { { lambda { 322429245874507, 10, -15 }, k { 139801292049695, 10, -15 }, h { 436862255107731, 10, -15 }, gapped FALSE }, { lambda { 267, 10, -3 }, k { 41, 10, -3 }, h { 14, 10, -2 }, gapped TRUE } }, search-stats { "Effective search space: 9254832", "Effective search space used: 9254832", "Length adjustment: 61" } } }