require 'em_test_helper' class TestHttpClient2 < Test::Unit::TestCase Localhost = "" Localport = 9801 def setup end def teardown end class TestServer < EM::Connection end # #connect returns an object which has made a connection to an HTTP server # and exposes methods for making HTTP requests on that connection. # #connect can take either a pair of parameters (a host and a port), # or a single parameter which is a Hash. # def test_connect { EM.start_server Localhost, Localport, TestServer silent do EM::P::HttpClient2.connect Localhost, Localport EM::P::HttpClient2.connect( :host=>Localhost, :port=>Localport ) end EM.stop } end def test_bad_port { EM.start_server Localhost, Localport, TestServer assert_raises( ArgumentError ) { silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect Localhost, "xxx" } } EM.stop } end def test_bad_server err = nil { http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect Localhost, 9999 } d = http.get "/" d.errback { err = true; d.internal_error; EM.stop } } assert(err) end def test_get content = nil { http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect "", 80 } d = http.get "/" d.callback { content = d.content EM.stop } } assert(content) end # Not a pipelined request because we wait for one response before we request the next. # XXX this test is broken because it sends the second request to the first connection # XXX right before the connection closes def _test_get_multiple content = nil { http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect "", 80 } d = http.get "/" d.callback { e = http.get "/" e.callback { content = e.content EM.stop } } } assert(content) end def test_get_pipeline headers, headers2 = nil, nil { http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect "", 80 } d = http.get("/") d.callback { headers = d.headers } e = http.get("/") e.callback { headers2 = e.headers } EM.tick_loop { EM.stop if headers && headers2 } EM.add_timer(1) { EM.stop } } assert(headers) assert(headers2) end def test_authheader { EM.start_server Localhost, Localport, TestServer http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect Localhost, 18842 } d = http.get :url=>"/", :authorization=>"Basic xxx" d.callback {EM.stop} d.errback {EM.stop} } end def test_https_get d = nil { http = silent { EM::P::HttpClient2.connect :host => '', :port => 443, :ssl => true } d = http.get "/" d.callback { EM.stop } } assert_equal(200, d.status) end if EM.ssl? end