module ForgeHelper def inset(&block) content_tag(:div, :class => 'inset', &block) # content_tag :div, :class => 'inset' do # [content_tag(:div, '', :class => 'inset-left'), content_tag(:div, :class => 'inset-content', &block), content_tag(:div, '', :class => 'inset-right')].join('').html_safe # end end # creates a slider control # pass in parameters like this: label, control, label, control # e.g. slider("Yes", f.radio_button(:published, true), "Not Yet", f.radio_button(:published, false)) def slider(*labels_and_controls) raise "There must be an even number of parameters" if (labels_and_controls.size % 2) != 0 # step through the parameters and create a label for the even ones and a control for the odd controls = "" 0.step(labels_and_controls.size - 1, 2).each do |i| controls += content_tag(:label, labels_and_controls[i].html_safe + labels_and_controls[i + 1].html_safe) end return inset do content_tag :span, controls.html_safe, :class => 'radio-slider' end end def big_list_item(options = {}, &block) content_tag :li, options do content_tag(:div, :class => "item-content #{options[:class] if options[:class]}", &block) end.html_safe end def asset_editor_html(asset, options = {}) if asset.is_image? style = ""; style += "float: left; margin: 3px 5px 10px 0px;" if options[:wrap] == "left" style += "float: right; margin: 3px 0px 10px 5px;" if options[:wrap] == "right" style += "width: #{options[:width]}px;" if options[:width] # disabled a default height so that images placed into Forge work with mobile by default - eimaj # style += "height: #{options[:height]}px;" if options[:height] return image_tag("http://#{}#{request.port == 80 ? "" : ":#{request.port}"}#{asset.attachment.url(:medium)}", :style => style).html_safe else return link_to(options[:title], "http://#{}#{request.port == 80 ? "" : ":#{request.port}"}#{asset.attachment.url}".html_safe) end end # Generic list item with toggles. Originally country rows with yes/no toggles for forge/country#index def toggle_li_tag(opts={}) toggle_row = content_tag(:div, "#{opts[:title]}".html_safe, :class => "item_title") opts[:actions].each do |action| toggle_row += content_tag(:div, "#{action.keys[0]}
#{action.values[0]}".html_safe, :class => "item_action") end toggle_row += content_tag(:div, "", :class => "spacer") li_content = content_tag(:div, toggle_row.html_safe, :class => "item-content") return content_tag(:li, li_content.html_safe, :class => "toggle-row #{opts[:class] unless opts[:class].blank?}", :id => opts[:id]) end # create breadcrumb trail from current controller/action (default) # default breadcrumb title can be over-ridden in controller (@controller_crumb and/or @action_crumb) # default is set in forge_controller.rb def breadcrumb_trail(controller, action) begin trail = link_to("Home", "/forge", :class => "crumb no-arrow") trail += link_to(display_controller(controller), url_for(:controller => params[:controller]), :class => "crumb") if controller != "forge/index" trail += content_tag(:span, display_action(action), :class => "crumb") if action != "index" return trail rescue return "" end end def display_controller(controller) controller = controller.split('/')[1] if controller.match("/") controller.humanize.titleize end def display_action(action) action = "edit" if action == "update" action = "new" if action == "create" action.titleize.humanize end # row class helper for .item_title on index views def row_class(obj, extra = '') rc = "" rc += " draft" if obj.respond_to?(:published) && !obj.published rc += " #{extra}" unless extra.blank? return rc end # forge icon tag helper def icon_tag(icon) image_tag("forge/icons/#{icon}.png") end # default forge action link def action_link(title, link, options = {}) klass = options[:class] unless options[:class].blank? confirmation = options[:confirm] unless options[:confirm].blank? icon_link = link_to(icon_tag(options[:icon]), link, :data => { :confirm => confirmation }) + "
".html_safe if options[:icon] title_link = content_tag(:small, link_to(title, link, :data => { :confirm => confirmation })) content = icon_link.blank? ? title_link.html_safe : icon_link.html_safe + title_link.html_safe return content_tag(:div, content.html_safe, :class => "item-action #{klass}") end # default forge edit link def edit_link(obj, icon = true, compact = false) line_break = compact ? "" : "
".html_safe icon_link = link_to(icon_tag('edit'), polymorphic_url([:forge] + Array(obj)) + "/edit", :class => "edit") if icon title_link = content_tag(:small, (link_to "Edit", polymorphic_url([:forge] + Array(obj)) + "/edit", :class => "edit")) content = icon_link.blank? ? title_link.html_safe : icon_link.html_safe + line_break + title_link.html_safe return content_tag(:div, content, :class => 'item-action') if can?(:edit, obj) end # default forge delete link def delete_link(obj, icon = true, compact = false) line_break = compact ? "" : "
".html_safe icon_link = link_to icon_tag('trash'), polymorphic_url([:forge] + Array(obj)), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure? There is no undo for this!"}, :class => "destroy" if icon title_link = content_tag(:small, (link_to "Delete", polymorphic_url([:forge] + Array(obj)), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure? There is no undo for this!"}, :class => "destroy")) content = icon_link.blank? ? title_link.html_safe : icon_link.html_safe + line_break + title_link.html_safe return content_tag(:div, content, :class => 'item-action last') if can?(:destroy, obj) end # browser detection and warning message def browser_detection(http) if http.match(/MSIE 6|MSIE 7|MSIE 8.0/) content_tag(:div, "For an optimal Forge experience, please upgrade Internet Explorer to the #{link_to 'latest version', '', :target => '_blank'} or switch to another #{link_to 'modern browser', '', :target => '_blank'}.".html_safe, :id => "flash-warning", :class => "flash-msg") end end end