module Fluent::Plugin class AzureEventHubsOutputSplunk < Output Fluent::Plugin.register_output('azureeventhubs_splunk', self) helpers :compat_parameters, :inject DEFAULT_BUFFER_TYPE = "memory" config_param :connection_string, :string config_param :hub_name, :string config_param :include_tag, :bool, :default => false config_param :include_time, :bool, :default => false config_param :tag_time_name, :string, :default => 'time' config_param :expiry_interval, :integer, :default => 3600 # 60min config_param :type, :string, :default => 'https' # https / amqps (Not Implemented) config_param :proxy_addr, :string, :default => '' config_param :proxy_port, :integer,:default => 3128 config_param :open_timeout, :integer,:default => 60 config_param :read_timeout, :integer,:default => 60 config_param :message_properties, :hash, :default => nil config_param :max_events_per_send, :integer, :default => 100 config_section :buffer do config_set_default :@type, DEFAULT_BUFFER_TYPE config_set_default :chunk_keys, ['tag'] end def configure(conf) compat_parameters_convert(conf, :buffer, :inject) super case @type when 'amqps' raise NotImplementedError else require_relative 'azureeventhubsplunk/http' @sender =, @connection_string, @hub_name, @expiry_interval, @proxy_addr, @proxy_port, @open_timeout, @read_timeout) end raise Fluent::ConfigError, "'tag' in chunk_keys is required." if not @chunk_key_tag end def format(tag, time, record) record = inject_values_to_record(tag, time, record) [tag, time, record].to_msgpack end def formatted_to_msgpack_binary? true end def write(chunk) "Have EventHub chunk to write..." chunk.msgpack_each { |tag, time, record| records ||= [] p record.to_s if @include_tag record['tag'] = tag end if @include_time record[@tag_time_name] = time end records << record } "Processed batch of #{records.size()}. Forwarding to EventHub..." process_in_batches(records) end # This will need tuning dependent on eventhub/splunk payload limits # Also ought to have some error handling def process_in_batches(records) records.each_slice(@max_events_per_send).each { |batch| payload = { "records" => batch } "Sending batch of #{batch.size()} records to EventHub..." @sender.send_w_properties(payload, @message_properties) } end end end