#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Path setting slight of hand $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") require 'json' require 'netaddr' require 'optparse' require 'ssh_scan' #Default options options = { :sockets => [], :policy => File.expand_path("../../policies/mozilla_modern.yml", __FILE__), :unit_test => false, :timeout => 2, :threads => 5, } target_parser = SSHScan::TargetParser.new() opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "ssh_scan v#{SSHScan::VERSION} (https://github.com/mozilla/ssh_scan)\n\n" + "Usage: ssh_scan [options]" opts.on("-t", "--target [IP/Range/Hostname]", Array, "IP/Ranges/Hostname to scan") do |ips| ips.each do |ip| options[:sockets] += target_parser.enumerateIPRange(ip) end end opts.on("-f", "--file [FilePath]", "File Path of the file containing IP/Range/Hostnames to scan") do |file| unless File.exists?(file) puts "\nReason: input file supplied is not a file" exit end File.open(file).each do |line| line.chomp.split(',').each do |socket| ip, port = socket.chomp.split(':') port = port.nil? ? 22 : port options[:sockets] += target_parser.enumerateIPRange(ip, port) end end end opts.on("-T", "--timeout [seconds]", "Timeout per connect after which ssh_scan gives up on the host") do |timeout| options[:timeout] = timeout.to_i end opts.on("-O", "--from_json [FilePath]", "File to read JSON output from") do |file| unless File.exists?(file) puts "\nReason: Invalid file" exit end file = open(file) json = file.read parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) parsed_json.each do |host| options[:sockets] += target_parser.enumerateIPRange(host['ip'], host['port']) end end opts.on("-o", "--output [FilePath]", "File to write JSON output to") do |file| $stdout.reopen(file, "w") end opts.on("-p", "--port [PORT]", "Port (Default: 22)") do |port| socket = options[:sockets].shift ip = socket.chomp.split(':').shift options[:sockets] += target_parser.enumerateIPRange(ip, port) end opts.on("-P", "--policy [FILE]", "Custom policy file (Default: Mozilla Modern)") do |policy| options[:policy] = policy end opts.on("--threads [NUMBER]", "Number of worker threads (Default: 5)") do |threads| options[:threads] = threads.to_i end opts.on("-u", "--unit-test [FILE]", "Throw appropriate exit codes based on compliance status") do options[:unit_test] = true end opts.on("-v", "--version", "Display just version info") do puts SSHScan::VERSION exit end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts puts "\nExamples:" puts "\n ssh_scan -t" puts " ssh_scan -t server.example.com" puts " ssh_scan -t ::1" puts " ssh_scan -t ::1 -T 5" puts " ssh_scan -f hosts.txt" puts " ssh_scan -o output.json" puts " ssh_scan -O output.json -o rescan_output.json" puts " ssh_scan -t -p 22222" puts " ssh_scan -t -P custom_policy.yml" puts " ssh_scan -t --unit-test -P custom_policy.yml" puts "" exit end end opt_parser.parse! if options[:sockets].nil? puts opt_parser.help puts "\nReason: no target specified" exit 1 end options[:sockets].each do |socket| ip, port = socket.chomp.split(':') unless ip.ip_addr? || ip.fqdn? puts opt_parser.help puts "\nReason: #{socket} is not a valid target" exit 1 end end options[:sockets].each do |socket| ip, port = socket.chomp.split(':') unless (0..65535).include?(port.to_i) puts opt_parser.help puts "\nReason: port supplied is not within acceptable range" exit 1 end end unless File.exists?(options[:policy]) puts opt_parser.help puts "\nReason: policy file supplied is not a file" exit 1 end options[:policy_file] = SSHScan::Policy.from_file(options[:policy]) # Perform scan and get results scan_engine = SSHScan::ScanEngine.new() results = scan_engine.scan(options) puts JSON.pretty_generate(results) if options[:unit_test] == true results.each do |result| if result["compliance"] && result["compliance"][:compliant] == false exit 1 #non-zero means a false else exit 0 #non-zero means pass end end end