require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "Virility::Facebook" do before(:each) do @url = "" end RSpec.shared_examples "no facebook results" do it "should not raise an error" do expect{ @virility.poll }.not_to raise_error end ["share_count", "comment_count", "engagement"].each do |attribute| it "should return 0 for #{attribute}" do expect(@virility.send(attribute.to_sym)).to eq(0) end end end describe "poll" do context "when there is not a valid result" do before(:each) do response = double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {"links_getStats_response"=>{"list"=>"true"}}) allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it_should_behave_like "no facebook results" end context "when there is no result" do before(:each) do response = double("HTTParty::Response") allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it_should_behave_like "no facebook results" end context "when there is a result but no response" do before(:each) do response = double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => {}) allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it_should_behave_like "no facebook results" end context "when there is a result but parsed_response is weird" do before(:each) do response = double("HTTParty::Response", :parsed_response => allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it_should_behave_like "no facebook results" end context "when there is a valid result" do let(:fb_response) { { 'share' => { 'comment_count' => '4', 'share_count' => '97173'}, 'og_object' => { 'engagement' => { 'count' => '97384', 'social_sentence' => "97K people like this."}, title: "Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)", id: "10150298925420108"}, id: ""} } before(:each) do response = double("HTTParty::Response", parsed_response: fb_response) allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it "should not raise an error" do expect{ @virility.poll }.not_to raise_error end {"share_count"=>"97173", "engagement_count"=>'97384', "comment_count"=>"4", 'social_sentence' => "97K people like this."}.each do |key, value| it "should return #{value} for #{key}" do expect(@virility.send(key.to_sym)).to eq(value) end end end context "when there is a valid result, but not all fields are present" do let(:fb_response) { { 'share' => { 'comment_count' => '4', 'share_count' => '97173'}, 'og_object' => { 'engagement' => { 'count' => '97384', 'social_sentence' => "97K people like this."}, title: "Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)", id: "10150298925420108"}, id: ""} } before(:each) do response = double('HTTParty::Response', parsed_response: fb_response) allow(Virility::Facebook).to receive(:get) { response } @virility = end it "should not raise an error" do expect{ @virility.poll }.not_to raise_error end {"share_count"=>"97173", "engagement_count"=>'97384', "comment_count"=>"4", 'social_sentence' => "97K people like this."}.each do |key, value| it "should return #{value} for #{key}" do expect(@virility.send(key.to_sym)).to eq(value) end end end end end