# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helpers') describe OSGi::Version do it 'should initialize itself from a string' do version = OSGi::Version.new("1.0.0.qualifier") version.major.should eql("1") version.minor.should eql("0") version.tiny.should eql("0") version.qualifier.should eql("qualifier") end it 'should accept versions without a qualifier' do version = OSGi::Version.new("1.0.0") version.major.should eql("1") version.minor.should eql("0") version.tiny.should eql("0") version.qualifier.should be_nil end it 'should accept versions without a qualifier and a tiny digit' do version = OSGi::Version.new("1.0") version.major.should eql("1") version.minor.should eql("0") version.tiny.should be_nil version.qualifier.should be_nil end it 'should accept versions without a qualifier, a minor and a tiny digit' do version = OSGi::Version.new("1") version.major.should eql("1") version.minor.should be_nil version.tiny.should be_nil version.qualifier.should be_nil end it 'should raise an exception if no major digit is given' do lambda { OSGi::Version.new(".0.0.qualifier") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Invalid version:/) end it 'should raise an exception if no minor digit is given' do lambda { OSGi::Version.new("1..0.qualifier") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Invalid version:/) end it 'should raise an exception if no tiny digit is given' do lambda { OSGi::Version.new("1.0..qualifier") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Invalid version:/) end it 'should have a string representation' do version = OSGi::Version.new("1.0.0.qualifier") version.to_s.should eql("1.0.0.qualifier") version.major = 2 version.to_s.should eql("2.0.0.qualifier") end it 'should compare with other versions' do (OSGi::Version.new('1.0.0') < "2.0.0").should be_true (OSGi::Version.new('1.9.9') > "2.0.0").should be_false (OSGi::Version.new('1.54.112') < "2.2.0").should be_true (OSGi::Version.new('1.0.3') > "1.0.2").should be_true (OSGi::Version.new('2.3.4') == "2.3.4").should be_true (OSGi::Version.new('2.3.4') <=> "2.3.4").should eql(0) end it 'should compare with nil' do (OSGi::Version.new('1.0.0') <=> nil).should eql(1) end it 'should find if two versions are equal' do (OSGi::Version.new('') <=> "").should == 0 end it "should consider a version with no qualifier equals the same version with a qualifier" do (OSGi::Version.new('2.5.0') == "2.5.0.v200806031605").should be_true (OSGi::Version.new('2.5.0.v200806031605') == "2.5.0").should be_true end end describe OSGi::VersionRange do it 'should be able to parse version ranges' do OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0.0,2.0.0)").should be_instance_of(OSGi::VersionRange) OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0.0,2.0.0]").should be_instance_of(OSGi::VersionRange) OSGi::VersionRange.parse("(1.0.0,2.0.0)").should be_instance_of(OSGi::VersionRange) OSGi::VersionRange.parse("(1.0.0,2.0.0]").should be_instance_of(OSGi::VersionRange) OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[").should be_false OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0.0,2.0.0").should be_false OSGi::VersionRange.parse("1.0.0,2.0.0)").should be_false OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0,0,2.0.0)").should be_false end it 'should be able to tell if a version is in a range' do range = OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0.0,2.0.0)") range.in_range("").should be_true range.in_range("").should be_false range.in_range("").should be_true range.in_range("").should be_false range = OSGi::VersionRange.parse("(1.0.0,2.0.0]") range.in_range("").should be_true range.in_range("").should be_false end it 'should have a String representation' do range = OSGi::VersionRange.parse("[1.0.0,2.0.0)") range.to_s.should eql("[1.0.0,2.0.0)") r2 = OSGi::VersionRange.new r2.min = OSGi::Version.new("1.0.0") r2.max = OSGi::Version.new("2.0.0") r2.min_inclusive = true r2.to_s.should eql("[1.0.0,2.0.0)") end end