# Summary
Transform existing html into markdown in a simple way, for example if you want to import existings tags into your markdown based application.
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# Requirements
Depends on [Nokogiri](http://nokogiri.org/).
# Installation
Install the gem:
[sudo] gem install reverse_markdown
If you want to use it in Rails context, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'reverse_markdown'
# Synopsis
Given you have html content as string or Nokogiri document or element just pass it over to the module like this:
ReverseMarkdown.parse content
However, the old syntax is still supported:
ReverseMarkdown.parse_element content
ReverseMarkdown.parse_string content
You can also convert html files to markdown from the command line:
$ reverse_markdown file.html > file.markdown
$ cat file.html | reverse_markdown > file.markdown
Additionally there is a support for github-like multiline code which is indented with "`":
ReverseMarkdown.parse_string(input, github_style_code_blocks: true)
# Tag support
Only basic html tags are supported right now. However, it should not be to difficult to add some. Feel free to contribute or notify me about missing stuff.
- supported tags: `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`, `h5`, `h6`, `p`, `em`, `strong`, `i`, `b`, `blockquote`, `code`, `img`, `a`, `hr`, `li`, `ol`, `ul`, `table`, `tr`, `th`, `td`
- nested lists
- inline and block code
# See as well
- [wmd-editor](http://wmd-editor.com) - Markdown flavored text editor
- [markdown syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown) - The markdown syntax specification
- [html_massage](https://rubygems.org/gems/html_massage) - A gem by Harlan T. Wood to convert regular sites into markdown
# Thanks
..to Ben Woosley for his improvements to the first version.
..to Harlan T. Wood for his help with the newer versions.