nl-BE: number: # Used in number_with_delimiter() # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human' format: # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5) separator: "," # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three) delimiter: "." # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00) precision: 2 # Used in number_to_currency() currency: format: # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00) format: "%u%n" unit: "€" # These three are to override number.format and are optional separator: "," delimiter: "." precision: 2 # Used in number_to_percentage() percentage: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # Used in number_to_precision() precision: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # Used in number_to_human_size() human: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" precision: 1 storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB] # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "een halve minuut" less_than_x_seconds: one: "minder dan 1 seconde" other: "minder dan {{count}} seconden" x_seconds: one: "1 seconde" other: "{{count}} seconden" less_than_x_minutes: one: "minder dan 1 minuut" other: "minder dan {{count}} minuten" x_minutes: one: "1 minuut" other: "{{count}} minuten" about_x_hours: one: "ongeveer 1 uur" other: "ongeveer {{count}} uren" x_days: one: "1 dag" other: "{{count}} dagen" about_x_months: one: "ongeveer 1 maand" other: "ongeveer {{count}} maanden" x_months: one: "1 maand" other: "{{count}} maanden" about_x_years: one: "ongeveer 1 jaar" other: "ongeveer {{count}} jaren" over_x_years: one: "meer dan 1 jaar" other: "meer dan {{count}} jaren" prompts: year: "Jaar" month: "Maand" day: "Dag" hour: "Uur" minute: "Minuut" second: "Seconde" activerecord: errors: template: header: one: "Kon dit {{model}} object niet opslaan: 1 fout." other: "Kon dit {{model}} niet opslaan: {{count}} fouten." # The variable :count is also available body: "Controleer aub de volgende velden:" # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization. messages: inclusion: "is niet in de lijst opgenomen" exclusion: "is niet beschikbaar" invalid: "is ongeldig" confirmation: "komt niet overeen met de bevestiging" accepted: "moet geaccepteerd worden" empty: "moet opgegeven worden" blank: "moet opgegeven worden" too_long: "is te lang (niet meer dan {{count}} karakters)" too_short: "is te kort (niet minder dan {{count}} karakters)" wrong_length: "heeft niet de juiste lengte (moet precies {{count}} karakters zijn)" taken: "is niet beschikbaar" not_a_number: "is geen getal" greater_than: "moet groter zijn dan {{count}}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "moet groter of gelijk zijn aan {{count}}" equal_to: "moet gelijk zijn aan {{count}}" less_than: "moet minder zijn dan {{count}}" less_than_or_equal_to: "moet minder of gelijk zijn aan {{count}}" odd: "moet oneven zijn" even: "moet even zijn" date: formats: # Use the strftime parameters for formats. # When no format has been given, it uses default. # You can provide other formats here if you like! default: "%Y-%m-%d" short: "%b %d" long: "%B %d, %Y" day_names: [Zondag, Maandag, Dinsdag, Woensdag, Donderdag, Vrijdag, Zaterdag] abbr_day_names: [Zo, Ma, Di, Wo, Do, Vr, Za] # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Maart, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Augustus, September, Oktober, November, December] abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mrt, Apr, Mei, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec] # Used in date_select and datime_select. order: [ :day, :month, :year ] time: formats: default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" short: "%d %b %H:%M" long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M" am: "am" pm: "pm" # Used in array.to_sentence. support: array: words_connector: ", " two_words_connector: " en " last_word_connector: ", en "