require 'bacon' require 'pretty_bacon' require 'clintegracon' require File.expand_path('../spec_helper/xcodeproj_project_yaml', __FILE__) ROOT ='../..', __FILE__)) BIN = ROOT + 'bin' CLIntegracon.configure do |c| c.spec_path = ROOT + 'spec/integration' c.temp_path = ROOT + 'tmp/integration' c.hook_into :bacon c.ignores '.DS_Store' c.ignores '**.DS_Store' c.ignores '.gitkeep' c.ignores %r[/xcuserdata/] c.ignores %r[/DerivedData/] # Transform produced project files to YAMLs c.transform_produced "**/*.xcodeproj" do |path| # Creates a YAML representation of the Xcodeproj files # which should be used as a reference for comparison. xcodeproj ="#{path}.yaml", "w") do |file| file.write xcodeproj.to_yaml end end # So we don't need to compare them directly c.ignores %r[\.xcodeproj/] end describe_cli 'xcres' do subject do |s| s.executable = "#{BIN}/xcres" s.default_args = [ '--verbose', '--no-ansi' ] s.replace_path ROOT.to_s, 'ROOT' end describe 'Build' do describe 'with default settings' do behaves_like cli_spec('build', '', 'build Example .') end describe 'with variable INFOPLIST_PATH' do behaves_like cli_spec('build-var-infoplist', '', 'build Example .') end describe 'with resource which has a protected name' do behaves_like cli_spec('build-keyword-clash', '', 'build Example .') end describe 'with swift' do behaves_like cli_spec('build-swift', '', 'build --swift Example .') end end describe 'Install' do describe 'with default template' do behaves_like cli_spec('install', '', 'install Example') end describe 'with existing installation' do behaves_like cli_spec('install-again', '', 'install Example') end describe 'without supporting files' do behaves_like cli_spec('install-no-supporting-files', '', 'install Example') end describe 'with moved supporting files' do behaves_like cli_spec('install-moved-supporting-files', '', 'install Example') end describe 'with Swift' do behaves_like cli_spec('install-swift', '', 'install --swift Example') end end describe 'Get help' do behaves_like cli_spec('help', '--help') end describe 'Get version' do behaves_like cli_spec('version', 'version') end end